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Everything posted by DarkSuperHero

  1. this might be due to the fact you are using single quotes in your html file.... try.... $sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM Quartets WHERE QID='" . $qid . "' ORDER BY QtName"; $res = mysql_query( $sqlstr, $db ) or die( 'Failed Quartet Query ' . mysql_errno() ); $qname = mysql_result( $res, 0, "QtName" ); $q1 = htmlentities( stripslashes( stripslashes( $qname ) ) ); $q2 = stripslashes( mysql_real_escape_string( $qname ) ); $q3 = stripslashes( $qname ); $q4 = htmlentities( stripslashes( $qname ) ); echo "Q1: " . $q1 . "<br />"; echo "<input type='Text' name='q1' value=\"" . $q1 . "\" width='40' maxlength='40' class='.textin'>"; echo "Q2: " . $q2 . "<br />"; echo "<input type='Text' name='q2' value=\"" . $q2 . "\" width='40' maxlength='40' class='.textin'>"; echo "Q3: " . $q3 . "<br />"; echo "<input type='Text' name='q3' value=\"" . $q3 . "\" width='40' maxlength='40' class='.textin'>"; echo "Q4: " . $q4 . "<br />"; echo "<input type='Text' name='q4' value=\"" . $q4 . "\" width='40' maxlength='40' class='.textin'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='qid' value=\"" . $qid . "\">"; echo "<input type='Text' name='qtet' value=\"" . htmlentities( stripslashes( $qname ) ) . "\" width='20' maxlength='40' class='.textin'>";
  2. are you trying to convert your PHP OUTPUT to a PDF ? or trying to conver your PHP source code to a PDF ? if the first one than you might want to look into .... http://www.fpdf.org/
  3. I dont know if this is right to say, but could i say that, HTML 5.0 is "coupled tighter" with JavaScript? Looks like alot more Tags that are specified were created to provide ease of use with JS..... Thoughts ?
  4. Im not much of a fan of the long stretch of content running along the right handside....Makes scrolling a have to....and well theres not enough content in the main content area to make me want to scroll...chances are I would have never made it to bottom of page.... http://minimerc.co.uk/browse <- on this page how about making the box my mouse is over change bg color ? indicating which box im hovering over? just a couple thoughts... Cheers!
  5. You would avoid it by not even thinking about it!( :-P ) Creating something to be a Singleton or a Singleton Registry is somethign very specific that you would "go out of your way" to create, it just doesn't happen. I think you would benefit greatly by google-ing some "PHP Design Patterns". Maybe a factory pattern to generate multiple connections, with an array as parameter containing connection details... If your application calls for it, maybe a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern? Here's a link to a few more Design patterns... http://www.fluffycat.com/PHP-Design-Patterns/
  6. you need to google some mysql tutorials...then you use the data that was submitted via the form to create an SQL Query which is that that last responce was....
  7. Your going to need to change...problem is you have a space between font and face...and i dont think thats a valid attribute either... ... font face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$temp\" .... those portions and use some inline CSS...looks like you might be confusing some of these attributtes for this... style=\"font-family:Arial;font-size:small;background-color:$temp\"
  8. I would say redownload a fresh copy of cake, back up your views controllers and models... make sure mod_rewrite is working....
  9. what version of Zend Framework does the book use? What version of the framework are you using? Make sure their both the same...there might be some small changes that might cause unexpected errors like such.... :-)
  10. Very well explain Nightslyr, that benefitted even me... :-) Cheers! I too am starting to become more active in the OO world of PHP....After quickly moving into the world of ActionScript 3.0 I have come to realize the true value of OOP Cheers!
  11. You have a type on your page... also, the site content area is centered on my screen but the header is shifted to the left....i have a screen width of 1680px.... Cheers!
  12. what I thought premiso was saying, was that this method you used is rather roundabout...and I agreee if it really is that simple of a class... looks good though... although you did not declare username & password as private or public or (internal?) so your username and password (class properties) might be public and available without reuiring to use your getter or setter method..... :-) just something to think about... someone correct me if im wrong...
  13. Would there be any difference in the way the exec(); function would be used on a windows machine? would it be a dos command ?? I've never used exec() and I was just curious...
  14. how about storing the different combo's in an array, making the combo the key, and the value the number of times it has been repeated.... eg. array['abc'] = 1; array['ab'] = 2; then you could just echo the keys to find the different cobo's.... ?
  15. shouldn't your max length be the length/amount of characters you have? eg... your array has [a,b,c] your combinations will be a,b,c ab,ac,aa ba,bc,bb ca,cb,cc abc,acb...so on so forth...
  16. Question #1: Yup As Deniel0 said, you really only need 1 database, which can then hold as many tables as you need. Question #2: Most hosting out there will provide what you will need. So IMO look for host which provide most space, and appears most reliable....
  17. why not push the elements into an array? <?php $myArray[] = 2345; $myArray[] = 6782; $myArray[] = 3456; $myArray[] = 7823; $myArray[] = 4567; $myArray[] = 8234; $myArray[] = 5678; then you cna use a variety or sort options..... ;-) http://us3.php.net/sort How are you storing the information... its its a database you could store it there... :-)
  18. if your not trying to do this for learning, have you tried seaching their plug-in offerings... ? http://www.oscommerce.com/community?contributions=
  19. ok, so everytime you want to bring up the image gallery you would need to pull the information...this infomation would probably the URL to the images....this would be in an array (hopefully)....You would then look through the array...heres a broken down process open your html table(<table><tr>) get array of images count the num of elements in array go through the elements of the array 1 by 1 keeping track of the count your on... echo somehting like <td><a href='big.gif'<img src='small.gif'></a></td> every 4th or 5th image echo </tr><tr> (this gives us that grid effect) keep going...and when your done close your table </tr><table> hope that kinda helps...you'll need to look into loops, 'for' or 'while'
  20. <?php $hosts = gethostbynamel('www.example.com'); print_r($hosts); ?> Returns the IPv4 address or a string containing the unmodified hostname on failure. theres also.. gethostbynamel gethostbyaddr gethostbyname http://us2.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=host
  21. is this on Windows Hosting or Linux Hosting?
  22. he probably did MAX_SIZE - 3 so that including the '...' it would not exceed the total number of desired characters... just a guess though...
  23. Im trying to get into the modeling out of my program in UML's Diagrams....although at the moment I am a bit ahead of myself.... I need to think of my project requirements first....then break down the requirement into its simplest functionalities, so that i may have more reusable code..... would something like this be on the right track ? guys?
  24. somewhat found a solution to my issue here.... http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=625&sid=7ee0d3d0553c762e971610f83e5a400c cheers!
  25. doesnt that return the servers COMPUTERNAME and PROCESSOR_REVISION ? http://tw2.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.environment.php (ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ?)
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