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Everything posted by DarkSuperHero

  1. <?php if(setcookie("pam","Pamela is great")) //you did not need a ; at the end of this line, that was causing an error { echo "The deal is done!"; } else { echo "No cookie for you!"; } ?>
  2. regular expressions are your friend.... :-) google: regular expression, javascript, email http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_enUS317US317&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=regular+expression,+javascript,+email cheers!
  3. $query = "INSERT INTO iqsmart VALUES ('NULL', '".$_POST['name']."', '".$points."');";
  4. <?php include('../includes/core.php'); layout_start(true); ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .Estilo3 {font-size: 12px} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="datetimepicker_css.js"></script> <table width="599" border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td width="567" height="28" background="../assets/images/section-bkgd_long.gif" class="SectionText">Report lionfish sighting</td> </tr> <tr> <td><p align="justify">Please fill in the form below if you would like to report a lionfish sighting and we will get back to you as soon as possible. </p> <hr size="1" noshade="noshade" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><form name="LionfishContactForm" method="post" action="sendmail.php"> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td><div align="left"> <label>Name:</label> </div></td> <td><input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="60" maxlength="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="left"> <label>Email:</label> </div></td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="60" maxlength="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Date:</label> </td> <td><input name="date" type="text" id="date" size="35"> <a href="javascript:NewCssCal('date')"> <!--change this line--> <img src="../assets/images/cal.gif" alt="Pick a date"></a> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="left"> ooops....forgot one small change...try now... :-)
  5. Maybe im missing something but does the code you posted even have anythign to do with the error your getting ? The error seems to point to a UPDATE query, yet the code you posted only has a SELECT Query.. I think no one has responded to your thread because of what i just said, and it may make people feel like its a waste of time, when it looks like you dont understand the code you are presenting....do you ? What relationship does the code u present have with the error u gave ? http://www.rojakcoder.com/wordpress/2008/12/17/mysql-error-1452/ <--possible explination ?
  6. to concatenate anything in php, you use . (dot) not a plus.... is what Michdd was saying, many languages like Javascritp and ActionScript and others use a plus, but not php... http://us3.php.net/language.operators.string
  7. heres a link to their forum, read some of the threads in there and that should give you an idea of what types of vulnarbilities might be present.... http://php-fusion.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?forum_id=58 just keep in mind the installation will be as secure as your webhost/server....and the precausions you take... cheers!
  8. i think you need to read the documentation a tad more in detail...try this... <?php include('../includes/core.php'); layout_start(true); ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .Estilo3 {font-size: 12px} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="datetimepicker_css.js"></script> <table width="599" border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td width="567" height="28" background="../assets/images/section-bkgd_long.gif" class="SectionText">Report lionfish sighting</td> </tr> <tr> <td><p align="justify">Please fill in the form below if you would like to report a lionfish sighting and we will get back to you as soon as possible. </p> <hr size="1" noshade="noshade" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><form name="LionfishContactForm" method="post" action="sendmail.php"> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td><div align="left"> <label>Name:</label> </div></td> <td><input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="60" maxlength="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="left"> <label>Email:</label> </div></td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="60" maxlength="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label>Date:</label> </td> <td><input name="date" type="text" id="date" size="35"> <a href="javascript:NewCssCal('demo1')"> <img src="../assets/images/cal.gif" alt="Pick a date"></a> </tr> looks like you are including the js file required..should all work out fine now... Cheers!
  9. Good Points! It was one of those it seemed like a good idea at the moment things...so it really does boil down to making sure your system isnt compromised...eg. ''In winter time, closing the door wont keep the warmth in if the window is open..''... :-)
  10. Yeah, I dont have much experience with setting this up, so im out of the picture... Good Luck Cheers!
  11. MAMP ? http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html
  12. by virtual host do you mean setting up a development enviornment on home computer so you can test your website on http://localhost / ? if so look up MAMP.. :-) it will make things alot easier! :-)
  13. You will probably need to serialize the array, heres a code example /* You will need to import the following import flash.net.URLLoader; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.net.URLRequestMethod; import flash.net.URLVariables; */ public function URLVariablesExample() { var url:String = "http://www.[yourDomain].com/application.php"; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); //request to send data to request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; //using POST var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); //stores your variable variables.exampleSessionId = "IDNumber" //exampleSessionId will be the key in your $_POST array variables.exampleUserLabel = "guest";//exampleUserLabel will be the key in your $_POST array //you can make up any new property you need in the variables object. request.data = variables; var loadPHPPage = new URLLoader() loadPHPPage.load(request); //probably add an even listener to know when its finished processing...or to do something upon a response from php //you can also use sentToURL() } cheers!
  14. I have to say Flex Builder is to ActionScript and MXML as Zend Studio is to PHP. Both are based on Eclipse, Flex Builder is build to make developing in code simpler, if you plan writing losts of Actionscript, Flexbuilder will be a god send. I speak from experience, it is a development tool to write code, its based on eclipse, so if you have used and eclipse editor before it will be the same, except its tailored for MXML and AS3. You can create assets in flash and export them as SWC files and use them as objects by referring to them in AS3, or you can write standalone classes that you can use in your Flash IDE, while developing your assets... :-) Theres Also FlashDevelop IDE, and other open source ones, but anyway you go you can compile SWF files with the Flex SDK. Cheers!
  15. why would you need 10k records on one page, if the first question... :-)
  16. so would it be advisable to do and md5 of the password phrase, and then maybe store an encrypted version of the password phrase, and when some one tried to login you would compare both the hashed and the encrypted version for a match, not allowing the user to know your making two comparisons? This would protect from they md5 collision problem... or would this be totally pointless?
  17. the radio would have no value, but the key is still set for the request..... so you would have $_REQUEST['radioButtonGroup'] = ""; //You probably have a $_POST or $_GET
  18. hahahahahaha, train derailed..... anyways... php.net is great, although when I started off php.net seemed so wierd and just not the friendliest to learn from so I shyed away from it for a while....it became my friend after I became more familiar with it! :-) Hooray for that... :-)
  19. Maybe post your attempt here ? Read up on fopen(), fread(), fclose(); or file()/file_get_contents() on php.net and hopefully you know the basics on arrays and variables... :-) right ?
  20. um...nice link there....I think u just broke one of the forum rules unintentionally(???)....
  21. yeah this website has some tutorials on POOP (PHP Object Oriented Programming) :-P just thought id have a little fun there... :-) I find it that always having a nice challenge to work on keeps me going...I recently picked up a book that covered some OOP, Design patterns, and the Standard PHP Library in PHP5 :-) Cheers!
  22. blank entries eh? Seems like they all loaded ok for me.... that is alot of images....thinking of pagination at some point? :-)
  23. and i dont think that there are 2391 images....i got 404 error in a few ones... would it be possible to use file() on an image and just read the data and write it to a file and just name it the same? bad idea?
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