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Posts posted by RussellReal

  1. add me to msn? or aim :D I'm building a network of coders. That way when Venus aligns with Mars and earth is cast in a swirling vortex of anti-rotation causing the earth to shift its axis dramatically, and the world has no idea what has happened, I can call upon my mass legion of coders and rule the world Muahahahaha!


    jp, add me anyway



  2. This site is the BEST site on the INTERNET for php help..


    lightning fast responses, great quality help, and most of all the people here are all pretty cool with one another.


    Welcome aboard :D

  3. Hi there,


    I need a help whereby i am wondering if SQL can perform calculation on statistics?


    i am looking an sql command to genarate all the sample space ..for an example the user key in 123..

    so the sql command muct be able to generate the sample space




    is this can be done in sql?

    kindly advice.


    however, I'm sure you can define a mysql function for this. but it is so pointless to have mysql do this in the first place, and insert and drop and create tables for each page view.. I shouldn't have said it was impossible, but thats alot more work then just doing it in php..

  4. jQuery is a library created by someone, you need to get the jQuery js file


    but you can do it without jQuery, and probably with the same amount of code :)



    Edit: Well, probably a couple lines more, but thats not the reason for my edit.. Thorpe's example (which is probably the only way to do it anyway.. minus the jquery) would set checked attribute to true, which will literally tick the checkbox you'd want to ALSO set the value of the checkbox to 0.. just a sidenote


    ily man

  5. You see, you guys miss the point..


    The layout could be very nice.. I actually like the layout..


    The thing that hurts this site the most isn't the chinese, who needs to read chinese to critique a site :)


    I see a lot of pretty BIG problems, for starters I agree with epilepsy.swf (lol) but its captivating and thats kinda a marketing tactic.


    Another problem is the contrast between the okay orange and the orange, while scrolling down the page pretty fast you kinda lose the data and you pay more attention to the colors.. thats bad..


    Another problem is it is too cluttered.. Like people say, but not entirely because of the layout, its because of the content.. you could improve the feel of the site by adding margins though, which would be solving a portion of the problem by enhancing a part which doesn't need enhancement.


    Another big downfall is TOO MUCH CONTENT after a while of too much content a user will get lost in it, you'd try to balance between too much and not enough. Also if you're planning on getting ad revenue you'd want to make the least possible information available per request. Thats good business. Outputting your whole database in 1 go is not good for your server OR your clients, so thats a definite must go.


    Anyway, kudos to you for the nice layout, but you can't blast people with bright colors and expect to keep too many users. :)

  6. Haha nope.. which brings me to another good point of advice, many people make the mistake as using links to represent your voice, it isn't. plain and simply you should for the most part have it say "Click Here" or "Login" or "Register" its the most affective way of getting someone to click it.


    if its saying like "Buy this fabulous keyring for $19.99 by clicking HERE"


    lol people actually make that whole thing a link.. instead make it like


    Buy this fabulous keyring for $19.99 by clicking "HERE"


    here being the link.. thats more effective. so you should change those links to just.. "Register" and "Log in" or Already Registered? "Click here to Log In" or "click here" to log in!


    anyway, I don't make many friends critiquing websites lol.. I've already made a very angry hippy mad at me. But what I say is the truth and I say it in hopes you consider it :) But when it comes down to the very moment where it could be a change or no change, you're the man who makes the decisions so my opinion is just that.. an opinion.



  7. You know.. as I started looking at it I noticed a few things.. #1 it looks very.. glassy you know what I'm saying? It has a real modern feel to it.. but I can't get over how FAT the logo is.. cut it in half, right down the middle.. it will STILL look sexy..


    You could also do with some slim fast on the menu buttons aswell, they look nice, but they're too fat, even in contrast to the big fat logo its sitting inside of (Get in mah belleh!)


    I also feel like there is too much padding going on.. you know? like the site just looks akward when you look at it.. and I was looking so hard at it to see why my subconscious was flaring.. and its the blue text.. where does blue text fit in to the whole green scheme? ALSO the text is just kinda floating all around in the background gray.. when EVERYTHING ELSE has some sort of container, the uniformity is bad...


    but other than the above I really dig the site.. you should just shorten the logo to half size.. don't shrink it crop it.. trust me.. cut the buttons in half give them some lipo suction! give the blue text a new race (Nobody likes them damn blues!)  and give them some kind of home.. a container.. because they look lost..

  8. there are ways to do this without regex and you should use them before regex, regex is for pattern matching.. Using regex will always be a slower alternative, so if there IS an alternative you should use it :)


    but the regex would be



  9. I agree with wooly on that, the content area is too close to the background area it looks like the content is just barely floating, darken the content area background.. I don't really like drop shadows though, to each his own! But maybe give the left and right sides of the content area the same color green border (1px) as the footer.


    I also noticed on the start now link that nice "Let Us Help You!" image is on that page aswell, I feel thats redundant to repeat if you're already getting them to "Start Now!". Also a lil flash for that "Let Us Help You!" would only improve the quality of your website. but on the Start Now! page and all the others you should be more creative with that image, maybe change the image depending on the page they're on..


    I'm not in favor of completely removing it as plain content gets boring, however, if its gonna be the same image for every page, you might aswell remove it. It loses effectiveness after the first time.

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