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Everything posted by justAnoob

  1. i have window.open open a window letting the user know that something is going on when the submit button is clicked. The script takes about 10 seconds to run. I am having problems getting the window to close after the PHP script is finished. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. i have tried everythign and looked everywhere. i have a submit button used for an upload. during the upload, a window is popped up for the user letting them know that the upload is going. When the script finishes(PHP), how do i close that window? This has to be js right?
  3. I have this function that is ran when the submit button is clicked. As you can see, it will display the div that is hidden. Inside that div is an animated gif. The animation only runs in FF but not IE. Is there any way around this problem? function do_submit() { document.getElementById("wait_msg").style.display = "block"; return true; } <div id="wait_msg" style="display: none;"><img src="images/progress_indicator.gif" /></div>
  4. Actually, I came up with another idea, but right now it is only working in FF and not IE. I'm using an animated gif, havig it display when the submit button is clicked, the animation works great in FF, but in IE it just shows the first frame of the animation, not the whole clip? I hate IE.(sometimes) Any ideas why it won't work in IE. sorry to get off subject in the PHP section.
  5. Lets say I have a button on a page. That button runs a script which takes about 5 seconds to complete. At the end of the script, the user is still on that same page after a refresh of the browser. Lets say this is my session var below $_SESSION['waiting'] = "Please be patient"; Is there a way echo that session on the page while the script is running, using PHP?
  6. the only div that I would like to have closed on page load is <div id="' . $row['item_name'] . '"> Wouldn't that hide every div on the page?
  7. actually looking for something to work in conjuction with this function, function clicked(element) { var div=document.getElementById(element) if(div.style.display=='none') div.style.display='block'; else div.style.display='none'; return; } This is the click function for my divs, right now the divs are open when the page is loaded. Looking to have them closed when the page is loaded and still be able to use the function above for the clicking.
  8. looking to close the div on page load <div id="' . $row['item_name'] . '"> function closeall() { var divs=document.getElementById(' . $row['item_name'] . ') if(divs.style.display=='block') divs.style.display='none'; }
  9. wow,, my mistake, had another div overlapping this one. i was so stuck on looking at the code, i should of switched back to design view to see what was up. All better now, thanks.
  10. This is everything right here, <div align="center"> <img src="images/register.jpg" width="117" height="30"> <a href="http://www.mysite.com/registration.php"> <img src="images/registernow.jpg" width="166" height="30" border="0" /> </a> <img src="images/registernow1.jpg" width="667" height="30"> </div>
  11. in ie i get the hand pointer cursor and i can click the image and be redirected. with ff i get no cursor, just the standard arrow and when i click on the image, no redirection.
  12. I'm sorry, didn't mention what was wrong. my href isn't working if FF.
  13. Why would something this simple not work in FF? <a href="http://www.mysite.com/registration.php"><img src="images/registerjpg" width="166" height="30" border="0"></a>
  14. thank you, just escaped them, I'm still new to PHP, and I keep forgetting about that. Thanks again.
  15. i'm stumped. <?php echo ' <input type="text" name="username" value="Username" class="grey" size="15" onFocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) {this.value=''; this.className='black';}" onBlur="if(this.value=='') {this.value = this.defaultValue; this.className='grey';}" /> <input type="text" name="ptext" value="Password" size="15" class="grey" onClick="hidepass(this);"><input type="password" name="password" value="" size="15" class="black" style="display:none" onFocus="setEnd(this);" onBlur="if (this.value=='') {showpass(this);}"> '; ?>
  16. kinda like keywords then. so then I would just search the keyword column of the database. I was hoping not to go that route but I guess it would be the easiest. Thanks for all your help guys.
  17. I won't keep going on about this subject, just one last thing to mention. Here is an example of a name and description in the database Name: 1965 Gibson SG Electric Guitar Description: rare 1965 gibson sg electric guitar. original owner. frets have pearl inlays. in very good condition with only minor scratches. plays great with no string buzz. Now when I type in "guitar" in the search box, 65 Gibson is given to me as a result. (Nice!) If I were to type in "guitars" in the search, i get no results (bad) Also, if I were to type in "guita", the 65 Gibson is a result (still nice)
  18. ooppss, double reply. do you mean something like this. <?php $query = "select * from MYTABLE where SOMETHING like \"$trimmed%\" or SOMETHING like \"$trimmed%\" order by ID"; ?> Just take out the first % ? That only allows me to retrieve the exact word if it is the first word.
  19. I was searching 2 different columns in the database, name and description columns, something and something were just rough examples.
  20. I wanted to search 2 different columns in the database, an name and description . I just put something and something in there as an example.
  21. "SOMETHING" is the column in my database where I want my search to look for matches with my $trimmed var.
  22. So my query, <?php $var = @$_GET['whatever'] ; $trimmed = trim($var); $query = "select * from MYTABLE where SOMETHING like \"%$trimmed%\" or SOMETHING like \"%$trimmed%\" order by ID"; ?> lets say I have the word "guitar" in my database, with this code, it will not return a result when i enter in "guitars" only if i enter "guitar". Didn't you say that it should return a result or is the query still wrong?
  23. Now I'm confused. Someone told me(this person says they have been coding for a long time) when I use LIKE, that I shouldn't use the "=". How would you have it. Any other opinions would be great.
  24. just by having a cookie established, doesn't mean you have to have the user automatically logged backed in. The browser would just recoginize that this user has been here before and then from there, you could do whatever you want. Such as saying Welcome back for the 25th time, or 26th time, etc.
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