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Everything posted by justAnoob

  1. i did a site like that, took me about 9 months to do only cause i could not work on it every day. have fun
  2. cool, thanks, i looked up expanding tree menus and found a few, what im looking to do is have a tree menu and for each menu part have and a picture come up that is located on my server. but i will do some messing around and get back to you guys if i have a problem, if anyone has any info, feel free to share, thanks.
  3. > option 1 > option 2 > option 3 > option 4 ----------------------- | | | | ----------------------- > option 5 when the arrow is clicked the menu is opened up right below it, and then when is different arrow is clicked the previous option will close and the new one opened
  4. I haven't tried it yet, so sorry for asking, but from what you said, can I just use relative position with no z-index?
  5. found a good example, but still confused. http://tjkdesign.com/articles/z-index/teach_yourself_how_elements_stack.asp
  6. ok, got it to work. changed it to relative and z index of 255. Everything seems to be ok. I'm still confused. i read up on z-index and stacking order, but it still confuses me a little. I read about the stacking, but the only other thing that would be stacked there is the other pic and a background image. So by raising the z-index, i brought the link up to the top above the other image and the background???????? If that is right, should I raise the z-index of everything that I want accessible to my users?
  7. I just noticed that the link does work,, but you have to click on the picture at the very bottom left hand corner for the hand cursor to appear for the link to work. I have three picures there. All displayed the same way. Why would one just give me trouble?
  8. if i echo the links without the div and css, they work (of course the link is not placed where it should be on the page, but just to check) here it is below, i changed the names of the class. #noMessage { position:absolute; width:77px; height:20px; z-index:3; left: 821px; top: 112px; } #newMessage { position:absolute; width:77px; height:20px; z-index:3; left: 821px; top: 112px; } if(!$freak) { echo '<div id="noMessage"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; } else { echo '<div id="newMessage"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn_new.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; }
  9. I can't seem to get this right. I'm pretty sure everything is ok, except the quotes. Is there an easier to form this line? <a href="<img src='images/001dragonfly.jpg' onClick="window.open('<img src="images/001dragonfly.jpg", width=700); return false'> <img src="images/001dragonfly.jpg" alt="001dragonfly" width="100" height="132" border="3" class="simpleborder" /></a>
  10. may i ask what that theory is? I really do not want to give out the page until I know everything is secure.
  11. I'm still learning, but this is how I do updates <?php $sql = "UPDATE table_name_here SET whatever = '$var', whatever2 = '$var2' WHERE something = '$var3'"; if(mysql_query($sql)) { $url = $_SESSION['url']; header("location:" . $url); exit(); } ?>
  12. No errors at all. I can't get the link to work. I'm not getting the little finger cursor when I roll over it. Therefore no link. Here is the whole script. It shows all three buttons, two work great, and the other does nothing. (but like I mentioned, everything works fine in IE) I even commented out the if else, still the link will not work. I have session start at the top of the page also. <?php include "connection.php"; if(isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $fluke = $_SESSION['id']; $flip = ("SELECT id FROM member_messages WHERE status = 'NEW' and sendto = '" . $fluke . "'"); $flop = mysql_query($flip); $freak = mysql_num_rows($flop); if(isset($_SESSION['auth'])) { //if(!$freak) //{ echo '<div id="apDiv14"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; //} //else //{ // echo '<div id="apDiv14_a"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn_new.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; //} echo '<div id="apDiv13"><a href="postnew.php"><img src="images/postnew_btn.png" width="136" height="17" border="0"></a></div>'; echo '<div id="apDiv10"><a href="mypics.php"><img src="images/mypics_btn.png" width="91" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; } } ?> the if else works fine, i checked it out.(if user has new message, it shows a different pic) just the a href is not working which is strange cause the other 2 work just fine.
  13. <?php if(!$freak) { echo '<div id="apDiv14"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; } else { echo '<div id="apDiv14_a"><a href="messages.php"><img src="images/messages_btn_new.png" width="77" height="20" border="0"></a></div>'; } ?>
  14. if you dont' mind me asking, on the first site iamdan, the picture flows smoothly, on your example, you can control the picture up and down movement. Is there a simple fix to that? your example is still pretty cool though.
  15. ah yes, i did just find something on google. sorry. just though i would post it up. i guess i will stop with those kind of posts.
  16. crayon,,, i don't know why your so mean dude. i looked on google and couldn't find anything, sorry man. i would say thanks for the info on letting me know what to do, but then you had your little love note p.s. attatchment. sorry if you've had a bad day. and yes,, i did see that FF tells you what file it is. ,,, oh yeh ,,, ps... no need to use the profanity...
  17. I searched google long and hard and can not find a decent script to look at. I found a bunch that give the time of day, but it always seems to be off by a couple hours. (timezone difference) Isn't there a way to use javascript to retrieve the time that is displayed on the users pc? Any comments would be appreciated.
  18. so what is ac_fl_runcontent. can't find anything on google.
  19. here is the errors that it gives me AC_FL_Runcontent is not defined. it says it is non the lines below... <?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id, imgpath, item_name, description, in_return, user_id FROM abcxyz ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 4"); echo "<table border='0' CELLPADDING=5 STYLE='font-size:16px'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { echo "<tr><td align='center'>"; echo '<a href="viewitem.php?sendto='.$row['id'].'"><img src="' . $row['imgpath'] . '" width="125" border="0" alt=""></a>'; echo "</td><td align='center'>"; echo "".substr($row['item_name'],0,50),""; echo "</td><td align='center'>"; echo substr($row['description'],0,50).'<a href="viewitem.php?sendto='.$row['id'].'" class="view_item"> ...more</a>'; echo "</td><td align='center'>"; echo substr($row['in_return'],0,50).'<a href="viewitem.php?sendto='.$row['id'].'" class="view_item"> ...</a>'; echo "</td><td align='center'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo '<tr><td height="19" colspan="4">'; echo '<hr width="550">'; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; //this line ?> <?php echo '<div align="center">'; //this line also $brick = "SELECT * FROM abcxyz"; $poison = mysql_query($brick); $gas = mysql_num_rows($poison); echo "© Copyright 2008-09 - Total # of items = " . $gas; echo '</div>'; ?>
  20. yes i did mention this in another post, but if it is ok i would like to start a new post with it. when my page loads up, it seems to load up just fine. except on the bottom of my browser it says 'done, but with errors' what kind of errors does that mean? is there any way to display those errors? I have tried using error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); but nothing shows.
  21. Okay, now I'm trying something different. I'll use a SESSION which displays a message. I have done this a hundred times before, but for some reason, it will not work this time. And yes, session start is at the top of both pages, form page and the script page. also, i'm just showing what is important for each script. my session message is not showing. what is going on? Also, I keep getting the error on the bottom of my browser, "done, but errors on page." i have this at the top of the page error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); but no errors come up. script <?php if($count != 1) { $_SESSION['noresult'] = "No item found."; header("location: http://www.-------.com/-----.php"); exit(); // i know the if and else work, cause instead of the session and header i could just put an echo, and the echo works just fine. } ?> form page <?php if(isset($_SESSION['noresult'])) { echo $_SESSION['noresult']; } ?>
  22. the form where the number is inputed is on the homepage. so if the user hits the back button on their browser or if they hit the home button on any of the pages, it takes them back and the error is still there.
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