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Everything posted by Monkuar

  1. WOW ROFL!!! all i had to do was add this $counter = $counter + 1; then put $counter before the link so it goes 1 2 3 4 5 for each limit i do on mysql ROFL EPIC WIN I LOVE PHP LULZ <3333333333333
  2. look: $result = mysql_query("SELECT donorlevel, id, name, desktop FROM ibf_members ORDER BY donorlevel DESC LIMIT 5;") and my html code is: $id = "<a href='forums/index.php?showuser={$row['id']}'>{$row['name']}$lol</a>"; ok so i need a php code that does 1) 2) 3) 4) for each LIMIT XX I DO, and put's it next to the $id, thx
  3. like i know the +1 and -1 but how can i simplify it so it's better because only it works add the +1 and when i do the delete one it sometimes does the -1... weird man im french sorry for english.. omg
  4. "UPDATE ibf_members SET friendcount=friendcount -1 WHERE id = '" . $this->member['id'] . "'" Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't Can somone give me the same qeury but different so it add's +1 to the variable friendcount each time it is runned, thanks!
  5. ty sir
  6. Give me and example on how to use that>
  7. so then 1+1 = 2 > 1 ? then it uses $buddylist .="<br>"; if the $counter is greater with + + the 1
  8. Please explain to me in dummy proof sentances because im french and also noob, but i am smart if($counter++ >1) { $buddylist .="<br> "; $counter=1; } else {$buddylist .= "";} what's the if $counter++ ?? WTF IS THE TWO Pluces represent? lol and > is greater then 1 then do $buddylist? Thanks for your help PHPFREAKS! <3
  9. bump mlk
  10. no sir i jsut want to do a preg(replace if a user does anything that doesnt have a image extension at the end, i got the variables to fit it in i jsut need th ecode, thanks sir love u!
  11. Ok, i need a php script that only accept's a user that input's .jpg/.gif .png url's. and if user is trying to post a different url then it echo's a error thanks guys PLZ!
  12. ty sir
  13. ternary operator? omg im lost, wow
  14. $ibforums->input['allow_msg'] = $ibforums->input['allow_msg'] == 'yes' ? 1 : 0; Forgot the $ibforums but what is the == 'yes' ? 1: 0 ; can some smart php person tell me in real life on what exactly does it do? lol thx
  15. Ok, I am software engineer out of france I'm not good at english, but I know what's up I use ipb 1.3 (I love this forum software trust me I like it) But my question is, I want users to have top XX Friends display on there profile, this is the code, $DB->query("SELECT contact_id,contact_name,contact_desc FROM ibf_contacts WHERE allow_msg=1 and member_id='".$member['id']."' LIMIT 6"); And then I display it on my profile but I want it show the top 6 Friends a USER chooses from there USERCP (I alrdy have it so users can add people to there list I just need to code it so they can choose who's on there top friends and put them in top 6 order from there liking) I know anything is possible with php but I dont know this language and would like somone to help me, I have msn or aim and I use this forum! PLease, Thanks!
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