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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. okay so anything that deals with string, !== must be used instead of != which should be used for numeric (integer)
  2. what do u mean identical and equal, i really confused this is not about mysql but javascript function and php could u please explain a bit.....equal means everything that cope with number and identical for character??
  3. which one is correct if(blablabla !=="") or (blablabla !="") both in php and javascript thx
  4. <?php if($text=="aaa"){echo "<a href=# onmouseover=changepic() onmouseout=changepic2()>";}else{};?><?php if($text=="aaa"){echo "<img src=bar/column.gif border=0 id=column/><img src=bar/column1.gif border=0 id=column1 style='display:none'/>";}else{echo "<img src=bar/column1.gif border=0 id=column1/>";}?><?php if($text=="aaa"){echo "</a>";}?> and javascript code <script type="text/javascript"> function changepic(){ document.getElementById('column').style.display="none" document.getElementById('column1').style.display="" } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function changepic2(){ document.getElementById('column1').style.display="none" document.getElementById('column').style.display="" } </script> why wont the image hover????can anyone help me Thx
  5. yeah you're right, but user is the king and i have to serve them by providing all tools that simplify the usage of the site
  6. how can i create bookmark button and try it in localhost
  7. okay...this problem solve but what if i create a dynamic query for example $a=$_GET['a']; if(!empty($a)){ $a="AND name LIKE'%".$a."%'";} and i wish this query to be execute using mysql_real_escape_string() SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1='record1' $a so that when $a not empty i will have this query SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1='record1' AND name LIKE '%a%' else SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1='record1'
  8. cause i have "apple,orange,grapes" and i want to match whether i have apple or not in that record therefore i use LIKE % % but i am confused when combining it with mysql_real_escape_string()
  9. How to create a query using LIKE clause assume mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '% %'", mysql_real_escape_string($username) Where should i put '%s' thx
  10. a href=javascript:void(0) not working in IE 6.0, so what should i do so that i can get the same result as when using javascript:void(0)
  11. i try to avoid whitespace once being decode
  12. okay i think i've found what cause the problem if($find>0){ $_SESSION['basket'][$x]=base64_encode(urlencode($explode[$i]));}} it should be equal to zero not greater
  13. I try to create add to carts, but i face this problem..below i attach the code assume checkvalue= 6;8...then i explode the value using ";" as the separator and then i loop the value and check whether there is an old SESSION already...if not then i set the new one or else adding (+1) the new session array. besides i don't want the same record to be stored in $_SESSION array so i check it first 2 problems occured: * When $_SESSION['basket'][0] not yet exist, i fail to create the new one * i still can store the same record again and again although i have the old one $checkvalue=$_GET['checkvalue']; $explode=explode(";",$checkvalue); $count=count($explode); $countbasket=count($_SESSION['basket']); for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ if(!isset($_SESSION['basket'][0])){ $x=0;}else{ $total=count($_SESSION['basket']); $x=$total+1;} $find=0; for($a=0;$a<$countbasket;$a++){ if(base64_encode(urlencode($explode[$i]))==$_SESSION['basket'][$a]){ $find++;}} if($find>0){ $_SESSION['basket'][$x]=base64_encode(urlencode($explode[$i]));}} thanks for any helps
  14. Yeah dg.* solve everything.....THX A LOT!!!
  15. I got some clue now.......i have to state one by one records that i want to SELECT, so instead of using *, i have to state dg.id
  16. Just for info, there is no problem in retrieving other records except id
  17. this is just some code $selectquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM detail dg JOIN userlist dp ON dg.username=dp.username WHERE dg.province='Austin' LIMIT 0, 5"); while($selectarray=mysql_fetch_array($selectquery)){ $selectid=$selectarray['id']; echo $selectid."<br>"; }
  18. I have tried to retrieve the record ['id'] which is an autoincrement number from database using mysql_fetch_array but then instead of getting the same result as what stored in database, i get this : 1 database: 25, 3, 7 mysql_fetch_array: 1, 1, 1 what is actually cause the problem, can anyone help me? thx
  19. The problem is that if there is more than 1 checked checkbox, then how can i get both values
  20. I have dynamic checkboxes, so that number of checkboxes appeared depends on users then how can i get the value from checked checkbox let say i have this $id is the data that i retrieve from database <input type="checkboxes" value=<?php echo $id;?>><a href=javascript:void(0) onclick="getvalue()"> thx
  21. stupid me.....i use <span>......anyway i found the hover effect works well in both browsers! THANKS NANO....!!!!!
  22. nano..it works well only in FF browser but not IE 6.0
  23. still confused.....i am really new to css..so could u please be more specific I add <a href="aaa.php" onmouseover="effect()" id="hyperlink"> javascript: function effect{ document.getElementById("hyperlink").style.bgcolor = "#990000";} nothing was happen
  24. I have this <a href="aaa.php" class="pagination">a</a> .pagination{border:1px solid #CCCCCC; display:block;float:left; margin-left:2px;padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;} how to create the hover effect so that once the cursor touch the text, then the box background will turn from #CCCCCC into #990000 I have the problem with the padding as it prevents me from getting the hover effect perfectly
  25. I just want to know how they create a tab and open after mouse over it in let say 2 seconds i usually use this onmouseover this.showPanel(tab);
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