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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. nope cause i don't have any idea on how to use it
  2. I have problem when using javascript:window.print() to print the page because i find that all border created using css (border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000) not printed Can anyone help me solve this??how to have the whole page including border printed??
  3. One more question, What is the format time default?? "m-d-y" or "d-m-y"?? I wish to sort it based on time in mysql
  4. Oops forgot that function Thanks guys!!
  5. How to convert January 10, 2010 into 10-10-2010 using date() ?? Thxx
  6. Then how to let user download it?? I know how to let user downloading whatever file that has been stored inside one of my folder...But in this case, i don't have anything to be downloaded only data which is displayed on my html page. Still confused
  7. what i mean is i put all those codes in php....Can anyone help?
  8. I have retrieved records from database and display those records on my page. Let assume: | 1 | 2 | 3 | I put those records at the center of the page, and i use <table><tr><td></td></tr></table> and put this as my css to get the black border td{border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:black} There are 2 problems regarding this...when using javascript:window.print() -If i put it centered, then i don't get a good print out...therefore i have to put it at the left of the page??? -I don't get any border as a print result?? Can anyone help me solving this 2 problems Thnx
  9. I have retrieve data from mysql database and display it on my php page, what i want to do is to get those whatever data on my php page to be appeared in word document by downloading it How can i do that?? Any tutorial or maybe someone could help Thx
  10. I only wish to get some input regarding creating a website... Which do you think is the best? great design but complicated or Simple design or even poor design but easy to use?? I find some site using great design but they have less users than the one with simple design Thnx
  11. I've attached some chatroom javascript from some web page into my chatpage.php. I wish to have some progress bar so that chatpage.php wont go blank while loading the script Can i have that?
  12. what do you mean by case sensitive? once i save my JPEG image file, i will automatically have .jpg not .JPG....
  13. i have two files, first with extention .jpg and the other with .JPG how can i have image file with this JPG extention instead of jpg?? Is there any difference between those two files?? Thx
  14. okay..so i have to use auto margin n put everything inside the table <table></table>, is that what you mean haku?
  15. i try to auto margin the <div> to make it centered but i have problem. let say i have this #apDiv5 { position:absolute; left:195px; top:209px; width:397px; height:25px; z-index:5; } n i want to make it auto margin but with the same left and top position....can anyone help me? thx in advance
  16. How to make our page still centered although user zoom out the page as i always get my page on the left side while zoomed out. Thx
  17. as i am still new to javascript, i dont have any idea about json_encoded()....anyway thanks! or maybe anyone could give more inputs regarding this:D
  18. i have this <form name="form1" method="post"> <input type="text" id="textbox"> <input type="button" onclick="function()"> </form> Let say function() will validate the textbox, if textbox is empty then alert box will appear and once filled it will go to the page whatever i put inside this function window.location() I usually get the textbox value as i parse it through the url, and later i use $_GET to get the value....my question : is it possible to get the value using $_POST instead of getting it through url using $_GET THANKS
  19. i am still learning javascript as i am new to this..i try this code but no effect, hope that anyone could help. THX a lot <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function button() { var x=document.getElementById("text1") if(x =="0"){alert("you have to fill!");}else{ alert("Yeah, you got it!!");} } </script> </head> <body> <form name="form1" method="post"> <input type="text" name="text" id="text1" /> <input type="button" onclick="button()"/> </form> </body> </html> This code didn't run well as when i left the textbox empty and still alert("Yeah, You got it!")
  20. I have this css code for my menu list a.tip span{ position : absolute; display:none; left : 49px; top:0px; padding : 2px 3px; background : #dae9ed; border : 2px solid red; color : #086989; font : 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index:25; } a.tip:hover { direction:ltr; position : relative; } a.ltip:hover span{display:block; } HTML CODE <a id="a" class="tip" href="#">test<span><ul><li><a href="clicka.html">test A</a></li><li>test B</li></ul></span></a> but the problem when i wish to put a link on let say test A. In IE 6.0 browser, once i put my cursor on that link then my menu list disappear. Can anyone help me..thx a lot!
  21. okay i have this and works for both IE and FF but can i have some little pause so that when a cursor is not pointed on a text, the sub menu still appeared at least 2 seconds before disappear...is it possible Below is my CSS code a.tip span{ position : absolute; display:none; left : 49px; top:0px; padding : 2px 3px; background : #dae9ed; border : 2px solid red; color : #086989; font : 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index:25; } a.tip:hover { direction:ltr; position : relative; } a.ltip:hover span{display:block; } HTML CODE <a id="a" class="tip" href="#">test<span><ul><li>test A</li><li>test B</li></ul></span></a>
  22. if i use this code, this won't work in IE 6.0 a span {display: none;} a:hover span { position: absolute; display: block; background: #fdd; border: 1px solid red; } <a href="#">Link<span>SUBTEXT!</span></a>
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