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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. i really confuse with this, i have attached the code below * { margin:0; padding:0; } #demo { border:solid; width:300px; font-family:Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif; font-size:12px; } #demo a { text-decoration:none; } #demo img { border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; } .news { width:200px; } .news ul li{ list-style:none;} .news .thumbnail { float:left; width:110px; } .news .info span.cat { display: block; padding-top:0px; margin-top:0px; font-size:10px; color:#808080; } .clear { clear: both; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px;} Below is my html code: <table><tr><td> <div id="demo"> <div class="news"> <ul> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test1.html">Test1</a> <span class="cat">Category: test1</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test2.htm">test2</a> <span class="cat">Category: test2</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test3.htm">Test3</a> <span class="cat">Category: test3</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div></td><td> <div id="demo"><div class="news"> <ul> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test1.html">Test1</a> <span class="cat">Category: test1</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test2.htm">test2</a> <span class="cat">Category: test2</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> <li> <div class="info"> <a href="test3.htm">Test3</a> <span class="cat">Category: test3</span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div></td></tr><table> I create two columns with the same css style and text but the problem is that when i run it on my IE browser, all the text in the first column goes down and not located exactly next to the second column.... Thx
  2. i wish to reload the page after executing the query, how to do it?? i use self.location() but i dont think its a good solution as i have to call back all the value that passed through url.window.reload() also not working well The page has to be reloaded as i put some function body onload=function() Thx for any helps and inputs
  3. instead of having the another form, i use body onload=function() ....it works but i think i have to reload the page once form submitted to have the function work
  4. okay i've change it, but the problem is not yet solved..... :'(
  5. i dont really get...could u please be specific :-\
  6. I have dynamic combobox below is the html code and javascript function show(){ if (document.form1.country.value == "Brazil"){document.getElementById('city').innerHTML = "<select name='mycity' id='mycity'><option value='ABC' id='ABC'>ABC</option></select>"} <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> <select name="country"><option value="brazil" id="brazil" onchange= onchange="show()">Brazil</option> <div id="city"></div> <input type="submit" value="submit> </form> now the problem is when i retrieve the data from mysql database, let say i have ABC already stored in the table (column 'city') then i wish to have it straight away once login...how can i do that as i have used onchange event and that will hide the 2nd combobox if 1st combobox not yet chosen
  7. thx Nightslyr, selectedindex.value really solve everything!!!
  8. I have dynamic combobox below is the html code and javascript function show(){ if (document.form1.country.value == "Brazil"){document.getElementById('city').innerHTML = "<select name='mycity' id='mycity'><option value='ABC' id='ABC'>ABC</option></select>"} <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> <select name="country"><option value="brazil" id="brazil" onchange= onchange="show()">Brazil</option> <div id="city"></div> <input type="submit" value="submit> </form> The problem is with the php code $country=$_POST['country']; $city=$_POST['mycity']; <--------------- no value how to solve this??thanks in advance!
  9. still unsolved, mind if you attach the sample of the code
  10. I have dynamic combobox below is the html code and javascript function show(){ if (document.form1.country.value == "Brazil"){document.getElementById('city').innerHTML = "<select name='mycity' id='mycity'><option value='ABC' id='ABC'>ABC</option></select>"} <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> <select name="country"><option value="brazil" id="brazil" onchange= onchange="show()">Brazil</option> <div id="city"></div> </form> The problem is with the php code $country=$_POST['country']; $city=$_POST['mycity']; <--------------- no value how to solve this??thx in advance!
  11. ;D ;D got it...i must return the value first......YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  12. I have 3 combobox, 1 combobox has been set first but the other 2nd combobox will depend on the 1st while the 3rd will depend on the 2nd combobox here is the javascript code: function showcity() { if (document.form1.country.value == "USA"){document.getElementById('mycity').innerHTML = "<select name='city' onchange='showaddress()'><option value='nocity' id='nocity'>Please choose city</option><option value='LA' id='LA'>Los Angeles</option>"} if (document.form1.country.value == "none"){document.getElementById('mycity').innerHTML = ""} if (document.form1.country.value == "none"){document.getElementById('myaddress').innerHTML = ""} } function showaddress() { if (document.getElementById("LA")){document.getElementById('myaddress').innerHTML = "<select name='address'><option value="noaddress">Please choose address</option><option value='rose'>Rose street</option></select>"} if(document.getElementById("nocity")){document.getElementById('myaddress').innerHTML = ""} } html code: <form name="form1"> <select name="country" onchange="showcity()"> <option value="none">Please choose at least one</option> <option value="USA">USA</option> <div id="mycity"></div> <div id="myaddress"></div> </form> The problem is when i choose "nocity", the 3rd combobox should disappear but it is not....may be there is something missing with the bold one?? thanks
  13. are there anyone who can help me out, about making dynamic combo box there are two combo box. value on the second is depend from first combo box Thx
  14. Should i use urldecode when trying to get the value from url using $_GET where the value itself that passed through url has been encoded using escape() javascript thx
  15. Again another problem with an array without value. I have this code: All array will automatically created from 1 to 100 even if no value in it. Yet i use "undefined" to check the array and wish to replace the "undefined" with "nodata" ....i have tried but still the code not working :'( function check() { var a=0; var myarray=new Array(); for(i=1;i<100;i++){ if(document.getElementById(i)!==null){ if(document.getElementById(i).checked==true){ myarray[a]=i; a++; } } } if(a>0){ var okay= confirm("are you sure to erase all?"); if (okay== true){ if(myarray[0]!=="undefined"){ var data1=myarray[0]+",";}else{ var data1="nodata";} if(myarray[1]!=="undefined"){ var data2=myarray[1]+",";}else{ var data2="nodata";} var combine=data1+data2; var combine2=combine.substring(0,combine.length-1); } alert('combine2'); } thanks for your helps
  16. I have this, assume that var input is dynamic where i can change at anytime i want var input="my name is james from canada x"; i really wish to remove the x from the var input.....in php i can use substr($mystring,"",-1) and i will get my name is james from canada how can i do this in javascript...
  17. function check() { var a=0; for(i=1;i<3;i++){ if(document.getElementById(i)!==null){ if(document.getElementById(i).checked==true){ a++; } } } if(a>0){ alert('You have chosen !');}else{ alert('Please choose one');} } This is the correct one!! got it!!
  18. i also tried this but not working function check() { var a=0; for(i==1;i<3;i++){ if(document.getElementbyId(i)!==null){ if(document.getElementbyId(i).checked==false){ a++;}}} if(a==0){ alert('Please choose at least one');}else{ alert('thx for choosing');} }
  19. again problem with checkbox...i am really newbie at javascript so hope that anyone could help i have this function function check() { if((document.getElementById('id1').checked==false)&&(document.getElementById('id2').checked==false)){ alert('please check at least one checkbox');}else{ alert('Are you sure?');} if there are 2 records with id=id1 and id=id2 then no problem will occur, what if let assume no record for id1 or in other words Null?? i have tried the above code but not working Thx for your help! }
  20. thx mjdamoto..you're right about the closing bracket! Thank you so much! I didn't notice about that...
  21. sorry, i think the problem is that i have 2 form the first one is where the checkbox is and the other where the button is...but then how can i get the id of that checkbox document.form["form1"].getElementbyId("id1").checked==1 ??
  22. How come that this code is not working? <script type="text/javascript"> function check() { if(document.getElementById('id1').checked == true) { alert("number 1 checked"); }else{ alert("number 1 not checked");} </script> and here is my html code <form name=form1> <input type ="checkbox" name="checkbox1" id="id1">Checkbox 1 <input type="button" name="button1" onclick="check()"> </form>
  23. I have problem when creating Check All to tick all the checkbox.. Let say i have 2 records from 3 available space that can be used to store the record, assume patient record patient A, patient C with all specific detail including name, address and everything and i put this when there is a record <input type=checkbox id=1>Delete ----------> for record A <input type=checkbox id=2>Delete ----------> for record B <input type=checkbox id=3>Delete ----------> for record C if there is no record, no checkbox will be appeared but <a href=insert_data.php>Insert Data</a> i have this : <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick=" document.getElementById(1).checked=true; document.getElementById(2).checked=true; document.getElementById(3).checked=true;>check all</a> There is no problem when those 3 records are there, but if only A and C which means that the 2nd record is empty, then the checkall link will not do its function Can anyone help me? Thx
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