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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. if i have 3 checkboxes -Switzerland -Australia -Brazil and mysql will be based on what has been chosen, if user chose Australia, so query will be SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country='Australia' How bout if he chose 3 countries at the same time, how the query will be so that the output will be all name who lives in Australia, All name who lives in Brazil and all name who lives in Switzerland ?? thx
  2. i have this <table> <tr> <td><input type = checkbox id=1></td> <td><input type = checkbox id=2></td></tr> <tr> <td><input type = checkbox id=3></td></tr> </table> <table> <tr><td><?php echo "<a href=# onclick='for(i=0;i<3;i++){ document.getElementById(+i).checked=true;}'>Check all</a>";?></td></tr> </table> not working, which part is wrong?? can anyone help
  3. but dropfaith, i have tried the code it will only change the text once...when i click again, no changing occured
  4. if i use $_GET like what you said means that i redirect to the same page, i wish to have it without redirecting the page.. And yes javascript would be nice..anyway thanks for your input
  5. can i have let say "<a href="#">Check All</a>" and once clicked the word "Click here" change into "Uncheck All" and it will change back into Check All if i click "Uncheck All" Can anyone help this
  6. i mean this mysql_real_escape_string(NULL) or mysql_real_escape_string('')?
  7. i really confused with this $email="blabla"; $update=sprintf("UPDATE table SET $column1='%s' WHERE column2='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($email), mysql_real_escape_string('')); can i update column1 when the condition of column2 is NULL, using ( ' ' ) so the code will look like mysql_real_escape_string('') or it should be mysql_real_escape_string(0) ?? thanks
  8. okay thx, so any input from users which means mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['blabla']); is it?? thx
  9. i've just tried to use mysql_real_escape_string as it will give me some protection from sql_injection is mysql_real_escape_string used in all queries such as UPDATE, SELECT and DELETE or it is used only for SELECT query? thx
  10. if you have created a cookie, why should put isset? if($_COOKIE["blabla"]=='yahoo00'
  11. Hi, i have problem with $_FILES for upload, below is the code <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $temp=$_FILES["temp"]["tmp_name"];} ?> <html> <head> <body> <form name="form1" method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"> <input type="file" name="temp"> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> <?php echo $temp;?> </body> </head> </html> why does this code won't work as i can't get the value of echo $temp after submit button pressed although certain file has been chosen thx
  12. so how can i do it if i want to create a subdomain for my user once registered for example: James once registered with my site, and they automatically get their own page which can be accessed through this link http://James.mydomain.com/
  13. I have this code for creating subdomain for my user, i found it through googling...can anyone tell me whether this code correct or not, and can i test creating subdomain on my localhost ?? Thx a lot <? $mydomain = "mydomain.com"; $username = "domainusername"; $password = "domainpassword"; $cpanel_theme = "x"; $subdomain = "test"; $socket = fsockopen($mydomain ,2082); $authstr = "$username:$ password" ; $pass = base64_encode($authstr) ; $target = "/frontend/$ cpanel_theme/ subdomain/ doadddomain. html?domain= $subdomain &rootdomain= $mydomain" ; $in = "GET $target HTTP/1.0 Authorization: Basic $pass"; fputs($socket, $in); fclose( $socket ); ?>
  14. can i change my marquee direction from left to right once an image or button (<) or (>) clicked??
  15. let say i have this <input type="button"> can i block this button using display="block" I want to have this button looks like button but cannot be pressed although it redirects users to another page thx
  16. i wish to have friendly url using .htaccess, but no idea yet about this Hope that anyone could give me a simple .htaccess tutorial thx
  17. anymore ideas, i wish to have my td hover works on any browsers
  18. I wish to know whether it is possible to have td hover works in both IE and Mozilla.. If i use this td.hov a:hover{background-color: #990000;}, then this will hover background limited to <a> but not <td> Thx in advance
  19. when you click on one of menu on Phpfreaks forum menu bar, you will not get any border once clicked..That's what i'm looking for
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