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Posts posted by Axeia

  1. Although not with checkboxes, a <select MULTIPLE> does allow the selection of more than one element.

    Problem with it is that a lot of people don't know how it works so you'll need to add a description like "Hold control to select more than one item, or shift to select everything between (and including) the clicked and last selected item."


    What they used on that site isn't much more than a toggle to set the display propertie of an element. Something like

        <script type="text/javascript">
          function toggleMoreOpt( id ) {
            var moreContainer = document.getElementById( id );        
            if( moreContainer.style.display == 'block' )
              moreContainer.style.display = 'none';
              moreContainer.style.display = 'block';
    <a href='javascript:toggleMoreOpt( "moreOptions" )'>More</a>
            <ul id='moreOptions' style='list-style: none; display: block;'>
              <li><input type="checkbox" id="opt1" /><label for="opt1">Option #1</label></li>
              <li><input type="checkbox" id="opt2" /><label for="opt2">Option #2</label></li>
              <li><input type="checkbox" id="opt3" /><label for="opt3">Option #3</label></li>
              <li><input type="checkbox" id="opt4" /><label for="opt4">Option #4</label></li>
           <!-- Hide via javascript instead of hiding them by default to prevent it from being unusable for those without javascript -->
           <script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById( 'moreOptions' ).style.display = 'none';</script>

    Please note that I'm showing the options by default and then hiding them


  2. should I copy and paste my code for home.html in each page, services.html.. etc, changing only the content?

    If it's many pages the smart thing to do would be to use a database for the content itself.

    If it's a small site you can make do with PHP includes.


    Database? Why would you put an extra strain on the database through files that rarely change? How would you even store the text files anyway? Blob? That's a great way to destroy optimization in mysql!

    *scratches head*

    No idea where you're getting the text files from all of a sudden and why a blob database type would be useful.


    Back to j3n. What system do you have in place atm. I see you got urls like portfolio.php. So I assume you're including the header/footer on every page.

    For the switch to work you'd need to do something like /?page=portfolio, then you can use something like this in the index.php.

    if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) 
      switch( $_GET['page'] ) 
        case 'portfolio':
          include( 'portfolio.php' );
        case 'services':
          include( 'services.php' );
    else {
      include( 'homepage.php' );

    Of course if you always got the parameter in the url (the ?page=thisIsTheParameter) exactly matching the filename like in gfadmin's example you could do the following as well:

    if( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) 
      switch( $_GET['page'] ) 
        case 'portfolio':
        case 'services': //simply add "case 'content':" and that will work for contact.php  
          include( $_GET['page'].'.php' ); //$_GET['page'] is the text of the case.
    else {
      include( 'homepage.php' );


    The disadvantage of this method is that you get urls with parameter in them, which search engines don't like all that much. (As search results etc would be indexed as well if it listed everything with a ? in the url). So you'll have to make use of mod_rewrite or use some other trick to reform urls to a search engine friendlier path like /portfolio.

  3. It's lacking lists.

    Top right language choices = list

    Top right links = list

    Main menu on the left = list


    You're heading ordering seems off, there is no <h1>, or <h2> but there are <h3>'s.. something wrong there. I go by the logic EVERY page should have one <h1> and then it can have one more <h2>-<h6>'s.

    I think the image fade is overused, hardly any page where my eyes are allowed to have some rest.


    I think the nesting of some tags is off and the w3 validator agrees with me

  4. The LABEL element is used to specify labels for controls that do not have implicit labels,

    Attribute definitions


    for = idref [CS]

        This attribute explicitly associates the label being defined with another control. When present, the value of this attribute must be the same as the value of the id attribute of some other control in the same document. When absent, the label being defined is associated with the element's contents.

    In short, if you got a form element requiring accompanying text <label> is the tag you want to use, with the for attribute set to the id of the element it is accompanying.

    Why use a <p> for an address when they made an <address> tag?

    I'd link to the validating pages in the footer with the valid xhtml/css links or remove them completely as without any explanation is bound to confuse some.

    Continueing with the footer, the links are a list (<ul><li>) (same with the links at the top/header)



    Q1) Why is that an image including the text on it.

    Q2) Why is its alt text simply "Mission statement".

    Q3) Why is it downscaled via HTML instead of supplying an appropriately sized image?



    Why do I have to google the text on the images myself to see if it the 'seal' actually holds any value? I suggest adding links to those via an imagemap



    You might want to use a definition list there (<dl><dt><dd>), might do your search engine rating some good. Or at least use <strong> instead of <b> if that bit of text is more important than the rest.



    earlier mentioned <address> and <label> tags, but that's not why I link it, the button looks odd to me (using Firefox 3.0.10 under linux), the text is appearing under the bullet image.


    Although the animated favicon is a nice touch I experience it as annoying. Other than that nicely done though :)

    Maybe make the menu on the left so that the entire thing highlighting the background is clickable? Noticed using hovers for a link while not actually being on the clicking part confuses some surfers.

  5. I'd use CSS sprites for the mouseover as currently the mouseover effect is delayed untill the image is retrieved from the server.

    Don't think I like the blue links, they don't seem to fit in with the rest, maybe make it the same maroon'ish color as the text at the topleft?

    Speak of the text top left... I'd make that link back to the homepage for easy access.

  6. <a class="link_top" href="water.htm">Water Treatment</a> | <a class="link_top" href="waste.htm">Wastewater Treatment</a> | <a class="link_top" href="power.htm">Power Control Automation</a> | <a class="link_top" href="portfolio.htm">Portfolio</a> | <a class="link_top" href="news.htm">News</a> | <a class="link_top" href="downloads.htm">Downloads</a>

    That's a list, <ul><li>, and here's an example on how to make them center/show up next to eachother..


    http://www.tes-ni.com/contact.htm  <address> is a nice tag to use for addresses.

    http://www.tes-ni.com/sitemap.htm Drop the caps, it's SCREAMING.

    http://www.tes-ni.com/portfolio_power.htm the image heading is lacking alt text, add it and then add a <h1> around it (in line with nrg_alpha's earlier headers comment, and I'll second his "Tables should not be used for layout") Why is this an image anyway? Font doesn't strike as being -that- fancy. Normal text would do fine?


    http://www.tes-ni.com/news.htm Personally I'd float the read more links to the right for a more consistent look/faster locating of the link.

    http://www.tes-ni.com/images/tnail2_power.gif that one is used without alt text as well btw. Could be missing in other places as well, didn't check all that thoroughly.




  7. http://www.conceptfeedback.com/account/login/

    Labels are there, but no for="" attribute set to the associated form element, so no easy clicking the label and bringing focus to the input field (or at least that's the behavior of most browsers)


    Personally I don't like the :hover taking up the top line as well and it looks strange on http://www.conceptfeedback.com/how-it-works/ when you have over the current page menu link... it's 1px to high.


    nrg_alpha already mentioned the rest.

  8. Ummm, that's not adding security at all.. it merely creates a dependency on javascript to be able to use something. Which is something you want to avoid!

    I'd say you just don't! As anything serverside needs data send first (which isn't hashed) and anything clientside pretty much means making your salt public? That's reducing security instead of adding.

  9. fopen wont do as you can't check reponse headers with it an if it really is similar to the w3c service you'll want to know the headers as well as sending an UTF-8 header eliminates the need for a meta tag (Unless you're using IE!).. or at least I think it was, been using the meta anyways for IE.

  10. Seems like most torrent sites moved to swedish hosts, the ones stating explicitely that they know their rights and are willing to fight for them in court are expensive though.. very expensive even. So  I settled for an affordable swedish host, just hoping they know their rights, or that their location is enough to prevent mail from even being sent.


    Probably all in vain as I'd prolly get 1 visitor a month.. but mweh, better safe than sorry.

  11. HORRIBLE, absolutely horrible localised search results (even when selecting "only english"), got all dutch sites miles above other sites.. hate it.


    And the pages I'm expecting at the top are usually 4-7th with some crap site taking up the 1-3 positions. I'd say they're better of sticking those 100 million into development instead of advertising. (or my bank account)

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