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Posts posted by Axeia

  1. Well I guess I know who's the cause of this thread ;) and I guess you already know my opinion as well.


    Not sure what you mean?

    Guess your forgot about a certain thread? Mentioned the colors there and I thought it lead to this.


    You got an empty line infront of your doctype btw

    Yes I noticed that but the 'head' of my page is a php include and I must use echo'' hence creating a line of white space above this for the php tag. I can't seem to find a way around this.

    Probably something like:

    include ( "head.php" );

    ?change it to

    <?php include ( "head.php" );


  2. For web development Firefox is the best thing you could wish for. (And personally I prefer it for normal use as well, although Chrome and Safari are both excellent alternatives.. if you're using windows that is)


    Just install it for developing and get the web developer toolbar, firebug , yslow addons.

    The web developer toolbar for example will point out your got a javascript error right here:


    (Testing in Firefox is more or less a requirement anyways considering it's marketshare)


    Out of curiousity, do you intend to use the earlier mentioned script? Almost seems like a match to perfect to skip out on considering the current frontpage.

  3. What exactly is your idea of an addressbook,

    Similar to the pop calendar scripts where you click an <input type="text"> and a menu pops up under it, but now with a list of contacts instead of dates?

  4. Are you after something like,

    $fields = array(
      "bridesmaid_1" => "1st Bridesmaid",
      "groomsman_1"  => "1st Groomsman",
      "bridesmaid_2" => "2nd Bridesmaid",
      "groomsman_2"  => "2nd Groomsman",

      foreach( $fields as $id => $field ) {
           <td><label for='$id'>$field</td>
           <td><input type='text' name='$id' id='$id' /></td>


    On the receiving page you could also validate the information with something like,

    foreach($fields as $id => $field)
       switch( $_POST[$id] )
          case 'bridesmaid_1':
          case 'groomsman_1':
            errors[] = $field." is required!";          

    All untested and written in my browser, typo's/syntax error imminent

  5. To be fair I've changed my approach again since then (appropriate the effort though).

    I'm using a simple preselection as the base (with LIKE) and then use PHP to further filter down the values  as I now got both a whitelist and a blacklist which would mean a ridiculously complicated query something would have to match against which I'd guess would be really slow.


    As I'm guessing LIKE (if equal in number to REGEXP) would be the faster one of the TWO and has few false positives I took that as the base.

    This leaves PHP with little work to do, but does mean my application might have become a bit harder to port to another language (and I can't seem to get PHP + QT working) but mweh.. Haven't decided yet if I will at all and if I do I still don't know whether it will be to java or C# (mono).

  6. http://ezcomponents.org/docs/api/trunk/Graph_gallery.html looks sweet, I generally dislike flash charts (cause some print issues as well.. which if used for a rapport can be bad)

    If my memory serves me right it's released under a license allowing both modifications and commercial use as well.



    Looks impressive, and it seems since I last checked it this version 2 is under the LGPL license instead of GPL.. which is great :)

  7. Umm thought you settled for PHP includes?

    Ok I think I am starting to understand this,  I have created a front page that uses php include to include a seperate header, sidebar and footer. By doing this I then only need to modify the content page everytime.

    although iframes (okay in this case <object>'s) are a bit more accessible they're still inferior to includes.
  8. Read the comments on the hash methods on the php documentation pages.

    There are a lot of people that tried to come up with their method and than some math wiz replies pointing out the 'custom' method is many times more insecure than MD5.


    Think I read something about not using md5(md5($val)) as well as it would do no good whatsoever (or it might have been worse reducing the maximum number of results) but I really can't remember.

  9. Without reading all the code..

    If you store an image in a database you need to use the BLOB (Binary Large Object.. don't know what the last B stands for) datatype.


    And then you can echo it out after echo'ing out the appropriate header

    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
    echo $databaseBlobValue;

    You can not echo it out in the middle of a page (unless you want to screw over all your internet explorer users not using IE8).

    To get around it out, create a page with something like that code above and get the info based on $_GET, so in search results you can do <img src="/imageEchoingScript.php?imageId" alt=""/>


    Of course you could make it yourself easy and NOT store the image themselves in the database, but the paths to them.. less likely to anger your host as well as storing everything in the database and fetching it via $_GET is a multitude more resource intensive than just fetching a bunch of links.

  10. Umm no?

    Assume you already have a "rank" field in your database?

    if( rank != "freebee" ) {
       echo applyFiltering( $data );
    } else {
       echo $data;

    As long as you got something to differentiate the paying from the non-paying users it's easy as pie, if you don't have a way to do that.. then well, start making a way as it's impossible without.

  11. quote_style


        The optional second argument, quote_style , tells the function what to do with single and double quote characters. The default mode, ENT_COMPAT, is the backwards compatible mode which only translates the double-quote character and leaves the single-quote untranslated. If ENT_QUOTES is set, both single and double quotes are translated and if ENT_NOQUOTES is set neither single nor double quotes are translated.

  12. Want to bet that if you code your own form and set the target of the form to youtubes receiving page it will still check the data it receives?

    And that's too extreme for my tastes "Have javascript enabled or you're not getting anything!", what about blind people using a screenreader, think it supports javascript?


    If you don't see the problem, then try it your way and make a post in the forum with something like "Try to hack my site", I'm sure you'll see why server-side validation is important.

  13. Mint is know for it's great codec support isn't it?

    Personally I prefer openSUSE as YaST is just great and I wouldn't let something as easily solved as codecs be part of my decision to use a distribution or not.


    Installing smplayer pretty much means you can play nearly all videos and it's got a nice interface as well.

  14. Safari or Firefox or IE

    Safari okay,

    IE I just pretend it doesn't exist ( HORRIBLE ie6 based mess )

    Think the other major player besides safari on the mobile market is opera mini ?


    I agree with WAP not being worth it though, you have to

    1) Learn it

    2) Adapt your site to it

    That's a lot of work, and like you said.. most phones nowadays have a decent browser and WAP isn't something you want to use for all your content. Just the short informational stuff.

  15. I don't see how adding type would kill it off if it worked with name before.

    The order of your backreferences would however changes as the round () brackets mean you're capturing whatever matches inside of it.

    (Which is prolly what you want if you want to be able to tell a name apart from a type)


    Isn't the script processing the output of this regex the one at fault? Did you do a print_r( $match )  to see if it's in the format you're expecting?

  16. First off, NEVER EVER put anything directly inside an ul that's not a <li>!


    Second, lists are vertical by nature, add

    .menu li { float: left; margin: 2px 20px; }

    to take care of that.


    You'll notice that it ruins makes other things go wrong, the easiest way to get around is by inserting a <div style="clear: both"></div> directly after the UL, there's a hard way to .

  17. If you do it properly all you need is a stylesheet for mobile devices , that's the beauty of CSS. You can style your page to look optimal on a certain medium.


    And yes what grungefreakMadTechie said, PHP got nothing to do with it only thing you have to worry about is clientside and that's html/css/javascript.

    Don't convert half your site via javascript or walk trough huuuge arrays and things like that as a mobile device has far less RAM and a less powerful CPU, although I have to say what they are capable off keeps impressing me.


    [edit](See the striketrough, name confusion)

  18. Well I guess I know who's the cause of this thread ;) and I guess you already know my opinion as well.


    You got an empty line infront of your doctype btw

    Also, it isn't advicable to change the font-size/font-weight/font-type of a link on hover as sometimes the cursors ends up somewhere  "outside" the link area. But as it returns to the non :hover state the cursor is on the link area again. This can cause a loop, easily fixed by display: block; and setting a width/height if you'd like to keep the effect.


    You shouldn't use <embed> btw, it's not part of any HTML standard, but <object> is and it's able to display flash as well.

    Besides being bright I find yellow on a yellow background for the links quite hard to read.

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