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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. Any captcha is crackable. Use recaptcha's API to create something complex, or , Oh WHAT!? add a "What is x + x?" question. That'll automatically invalidate every bot who can crack the previous captcha. It's not that hard.
  2. Nice. What card/PSU?
  3. Been looking for this before, but most of it not showing how to do mass redirection. Thanks anyway Your definition of mass redirection is flawed. http://www.this-is-my-web.com/redirect2 will redirect to http://www.gotothisweb2.com http://www.this-is-my-web.com/redirect3 will redirect to http://www.gotothisweb3.com http://www.this-is-my-web.com/redirect4 will redirect to http://www.gotothisweb4.com Is what you want? #301 = Temp, 302 = Permanent Redirect 301 /redirect1 http://www.gotothisweb1.com Redirect 301 /redirect2 http://www.gotothisweb2.com Redirect 301 /redirect3 http://www.gotothisweb3.com Redirect 301 /redirect4 http://www.gotothisweb4.com I assume this is what you want to do, in .htaccess
  4. No. Especially due to the fact PHP can't even communicate directly with the host machine.
  5. ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT); Turn error reporting on by adding this to the top of your code It should display errors then.
  6. As long as magic_quotes_gpc is off then there is no need to strip slashes (as doubles would be added with *_escape_string if it were on). It should not be run on any query, mysql_real_escape_string is good enough.
  7. You'd need to use curl for site authentication, you can set/get cookies and provide POST data where needed for logging in.
  8. Welcome. This place is pretty nice, there are a fair amount of regular users that come here, and a mix of hopeless beginners and experts.
  9. Something like if (!is_dir('/temp/' . $directory)) { //If directory does not exixt mkdir('/temp/' . $directory , 0755); //Writable by owner }
  10. And where does he use single quotes?
  11. You're using it the right way, or you can as well do this: $basepath = '/dialer/'; $tofile = $basepath . $calldate; Either way is fine.
  12. Remember PHP is purely a server side language, You would require - A) To store start time in a unix timestamp, in a table - B) Get the difference and react as accordingly. If you require help on creating a database, Look on google. It's pointless to explain it all here when it could be bias information. You can use AJAX (which can be authenticated, but is a fairly secure) client side method of communicating with PHP when it is required to update the page without refreshing, such as your stopwatch checking.
  13. "I'm currently working on a system which includes a huge mass of php files in order to make their functions available to the rest of the system." As roopurt explains, it all depends on what you're wanting to do with it. If not all the packages I've seen on OO projects keep predefined functions within a functions.php to be included, they don't waste class space for things that don't really require classes. If you're wanting to create a jumbled class of functions then you should re-work your logic.
  14. CRUD grids? Is that from another software? I'd assume you should ask this in PHP application help rather than here.
  15. Thought I should add, ePCI and AGP cards that are modern in specs are not pricey in any means, Take a look at these two if you're considering purchasing: 9600GS - 1Gb (PCI-e 1.0/1.1/2.0 compatable) GeForce FX 5500 256MB (AGP, just a rough look into what you should buy,this one's a bit old) List of budget cards, with reviews - More similar, good read. If you need help on which one to pick, for what, and if they are compatible with your current mobo, or anything, don't hesitate, and remember check compatibility because most places don't allow refund!
  16. It's hard to answer your question based on what you've told. Is timthumb.php parsing and creating the thumbnails dynamically? If it is, you should implement caching to fix that problem.
  17. You can instantiate the class, use it with a controller, add a constructure to fill in the internal variables. But from what you posted, you will gain nothing in efficiency or ease of maintainability.
  18. Check the number of rows with mysql_num_rows, and if it's zero then continue on.
  19. How else would I be able to see myself online?
  20. It may be that the card is just unsupported on Windows 7. It's fairly old and Windows 7 just may not be able to tap into the Turbocache (the ~64mbs of Vcard memory onboard) and give you this error. The lines on the screen link to either, It not having enough power, defective chips, overvoltage, IRQ allocation impossibility, or drivers not being supported. My N7600GS faulted out and caused artifacts once, turns out the capaciters blew. EDIT: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=152536 Seems many people have problems with that card on that OS, maybe a MOBO issue with that all together. Best you google up experiences of X hardware on X os before you upgrade, It's essential for upgrades, especially hardware.
  21. No. It will return the last page they were on (in some cases, google). Maybe you should look at what a referrer is, you obviously don't know.
  22. Yeah. My little brother liked this game so I played with him a bit, We went online once (2p online is available) and with some other people, They kept screwing eachother over by pushing them off blocks onto lava or catching a minecar as quick as possible to screw them over in the end.
  23. Hehe, oops my mistake. So using var_filter is automagically faster than regex and strpos because it's 'neither' according to them! And now: ...
  24. You'll never get anywhere if you don't learn how to do it. Getting code means nothing. Try this example to see what happens: <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" value="foo" name="foobar[]"/> Foo<br/> <input type="checkbox" value="bar" name="foobar[]"/> Bar<br/> <input type="checkbox" value="baz" name="foobar[]"/> Baz<br/> <input type="submit" value="submit"/> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['foobar'])) { echo '<pre>'; echo print_r($_POST['foobar']); } ?> Now you'll have three checkboxes. if you hit 'foo' and 'baz', You'll get this result when submitting: Array ( [0] => foo [1] => baz ) Simple, see? You can use a foreach loop to record the $_POST values within foobar[] or whatever array you choose, and in the loop do the query.
  25. if(!isset($_POST['username']) || !trim($_POST['username'])) die('Please enter a name.'); Yet that code still remains....
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