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Everything posted by oni-kun

  1. Yes. The __ROOT__ will change based on if it is localhost or on your site server.
  2. oni-kun


    Try running 'make install' under root. Yes, Linux is based on dependencies. Most distributions only include core dependencies, and on odd times one dependency might need another that might need another. It depends on what packages you include when you install the OS. I'm not sure why yum wasn't included by default (I've worked only on other versions of Fedora). Yum is the default, or should be the default package manager for RPM's. In this case it's the only simple way to get memcached and install it without PECL failing.
  3. If you're on your local server, your host will always be ( The code basically says. "If it is local, add /site_name" .. "If it is not local, do not add sitename" (/htdocs/includes/) so when you upload it, your code will set the proper directory exclusively.
  4. Try this: #remove trailing slashes RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^\.yourdomain\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
  5. Are you trying to do this via PHP? Use the scandir function to list the cwd.
  6. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (.*) http://www.yoursite.com/onlyallowthispagetoshow_evenifothersrequested.php [R=301,L]
  7. Try using this site. There are quite a few tutorials out there with rich examples.
  8. Why not do this? $foo = file_get_contents($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/foostats.php"; This may resolve your problem, as you're not posting any other code this is all I can assume that is happening. If it persists, try using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and if that fails, then use fopen/fget. I don't see how it can make an infinite loop!
  9. The host header is not needed, what exactly are all the headers you are sending ?
  10. Yeah, sadly IIS doesn't have such flexibility with rewriting. Just ask if you need examples when you set it up.
  11. oni-kun


    Whoops, remove the dash from -xfv.
  12. Hey, welcome. This place is pretty nice, the regulars here are fairly consistant and it's quite nice to have a mix of newbies and experts to answer/ask.
  13. Your site has poor spacing, below the fold and especially at the bottom. As for your partnership this should be asked in the freelancing forum, not here. Where is your TOS? Your terms of service and privacy policy should be clearly stated and available up front. What's with the about page being an unclear image?:
  14. Maybe two <?php 's? Yeah, interesting, lol. He may have tested it locally and just dumped it onto his freehost and forgot to check.
  15. Look in the documentation for the program. Looking at it, the macros for it are in JS. So you'd need to first read up on what JS commands can be used and then create your own JS file within the macros folder, and add it.
  16. What does $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] actually return on local server? It should default to htdocs or public_html, meaning you have no need to enter 'sitename'. Are you having it in a different folder you mean? htdocs\site_name\includes\? Then predefine a variable.. if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "") { define ('__ROOT__', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/site_name/'); } else { define ('__ROOT__', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); } You can include it, or add that to the top. So.. include("__ROOT__/includes/foo.php"); will work either way.
  17. oni-kun


    Ironic anyone? You have to install the gettext package to run msgmerg to install yum to install memcached. Linux is annoying sometimes ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.12.1.tar.gz wget that and install it the same way.. then installing yum should work..
  18. XP is faster than 7 for games by the way. Depends on your graphics settings, WINE emulates the hardware abstraction API and thus the precision of the program is off, the Framerate can't be fully depended on. OpenGL is the lucky part, Direct X is SLOW on X11 because it has to pipe the graphics. OpenGL has native support on Linux so it's lucky. This mainly could be contributed to WoW being developed for Mac as well, Mac can only run OpenGL opposed to DX.
  19. WINE is a Windows API extraction layer. "WINE Is Not an Emulator" ... Yet another GNU Recursive name! Maybe I should have used the word 'geek', Hadn't seen anyone talk about CS for so long. [ot]EDIT: How can you run WoW faster? Linux supports X11 not Direct X. Emulating a piped graphics system in a piped environment = slow. Windows is the only true gaming OS that can go further. WineX should fix part of it, but it's of cost. [/ot]
  20. There are tags for that you know.
  21. oni-kun


    # wget http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/2.0/yum-2.0.7.tar.gz # tar -xfv yum-2.0.7.tar.gz # cd yum-2.0.7... # ./configure # make # make install # yum list updates # yum install memcached
  22. Yes, there is no need to have specifics unless you need to fit a variable in, you can select the columb itself.
  23. Good work. Almost was about to write an example down.
  24. oni-kun


    bash$# yum install memcached Fedora Core 6 for x86_64 (fc6-x86_64) memcached-1.1.13-5.fc6.rf.x86_64.rpm Fedora Core 6 for i386 (fc6-i386) memcached-1.1.13-5.fc6.rf.i386.rpm EDIT: repositories are annoying for synch...
  25. I wonder if it'd be grossly ironic if I pirated this movie. I shall find it somewhere if it's free, looks like an awesome view. I assume it's free as it's 35mm..
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