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Everything posted by arbitter

  1. Problem is that not all my variables get through (as I dictated in my last post). Anyone any help on this? edit: my bad; isn't possible: Not all conversion specifiers may be supported by your C library, in which case they will not be supported by PHP's strftime(). Additionally, not all platforms support negative timestamps, so your date range may be limited to no earlier than the Unix epoch. This means that %e, %T, %R and, %D (and possibly others) - as well as dates prior to Jan 1, 1970 - will not work on Windows, some Linux distributions, and a few other operating systems.
  2. The point is that when I learn css I always forget the names of the propreties and all of that. I finf it difficult to remember what goes where, so I use it in practice so I can remeber better. But I guess I'll go through the css tutorials again then, untill I remember it all, and then I'll see if what I want to do is possible
  3. Yes I changed the width to padding to see if that would work, but unfortunately it didn't. I tried auto, and that didn't do it eather. Too bad it isn't possible, I'll try to figure a way around it anyway. I'll use tables then I guess. That's how I have it for the moment, but i'd liked it to work with div's. My bad. And yes I learned it a looong time ago on tizag and did some searching there AND in w3schools considering the margin-padding-andthatotherone . Thanks for the help anyway, I'll mark this as solved
  4. All I want is a simple <div> to be in the middle of my page, witht the width and height depending on the contents. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <style type="text/css"> body { margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; } .tabel { background-color:white; text-align:center; height:auto; width:padding; padding:50px 25px 100px 100px; } </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#d7d7d7"> <center><div class='tabel'>HAHA</div></center> </body> </html>
  5. I still don't understand. .tabel { background-color:white; text-align:center; height:auto; width:auto; padding:25px 25px 25px 25px; } shouldn't that work? because it doesn't.. The padding top and bottom do work, but on the left and the right it just goes all the way to the sides of the page..
  6. Problem; the setlocale() works fine, but I get problems for example here: echo strftime("%A %e %B %C"); %A means the day in full %e means the day in numbers %B means the month in full %C means the year in 2 last numbers Yet when I echo it, I solely get the daty in full and the month in full...
  7. Thanks a lot, I'll try that out, seems pretttty difficult to me though in the first example it's: setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL'); in the second, windows example, it's: setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nld_nld');
  8. I have a dutch site. For my pictures, I store them in directories made witht the date() function. (you can check here: http://www.fransdepypere.be/uploads/uploads.php) Now all the date() and stuff is in english. This is rather annoying because it's solely used for dutch purpose and dutch people. How do I change this? Do I have to contact my sitehost? Can you change this in 'DirectAdmin'? It's my first site, first webhostingexperience, so try to explain clear...
  9. So I want to have text centered in a <div>. The div has a other colour than the bazckground. And I want the background to extend at the top, bottom, right and left of the text. And I want my div to be floating in the center of my page. .tabel { background-color:white; text-align:center; margin-top:50; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:30%; } <div class='tabel'>example</div> In this case, I have a space above the div of 50px, and a width of the div of 30% of the page. Now what I want is that the width of the div extends the text by a given amount of pixels. If I discard the width element now and change the auto to an amount of pixels, that's the amount of pixels my div will be away from the sides of the page, not the amount of pixels it'll be away from the side of the text...
  10. [ot]On a side note. The validator you keep referring too as being 'w3schools' is actually the w3c's validator. The w3c has nothing at all to do with w3schools. [/ot] Yes I know, but it only soaked into my brains after saying those things. My bad
  11. A little bit heavy (the images and stuff) to load. People with low internetspead might not hang on as long to see the whole page. Also I find it frustrating you can't click 'social' and 'media' and stuff right away, but that you have to click on an item of the drop-down menu. Also it's annoying that the most bottom cell from a dropdown also has a white-dotted line on the bottom, right above the red. Try to fix that. But oh boy I could learn a lot about all the css you use
  12. well, html5 is supported by google chrome, safari, and IE with a google chrome frame. At least that is with the h.264-videocodec. This is because browsersmakers have to pay to use this technology, and mozilla simply doesn't have the money for it, and it's not really necessary eather. Though I do believe in the future, everything will become html5, more than flash.
  13. Okay, I did some research and am starting to comprehend more of it. Though I do have one magor problem; I want my div to have another color than the rest of my page. No problem there. Now what I want is that say I have <div class='whatever'> some text </div>, I want the background to extend a little from the text. I've tried padding and border, but these don't give what I need... Any help?
  14. Then I'll just ignore it. Thanks a lot!
  15. So, I have pictures I must give a max-width. But as all of you know, IE is a pain there. So usually, I'd just use inline css by saying style='max-width:'50px'" or something. But I did some research, and then I had the following: img.first { max-width:390px; /* IE Image max-width */ width: expression(this.width > 390 ? 390: true); } But according to the W3Schools validator , the "width > 390 ? 390: true);" isn't correct as the numbers are incorrect. I tried with 390px but that doesn't do it eather. Could someone help please?
  16. Goodday, I've been on this forum quite a while, but hadn't really introduced myself. Thought I might do it now, if there's anyone that cares or reads this, that is. I'm a beginner php-er, my first and only site is http://www.fransdepypere.be/, and it's solely for my family. Lots of scripts used there were originally picked from the internet, but then rewritten so I'd at least understand it all. Lot's of it is there thanks to you guys! I first learned html by myself, on the web. I learned it all on Tizag.com, and went to desinging my site. While starting to design, I learned and implemented some css, for more speed and effects. But with html and css I only made my header from my site. (the part untill the white 'ribbon') Then I realised I didn't want to write that on every page, so I thought I'd learn php! So my first php command was simply the include();. Then I learned more and more, learned to work with $_SESSION[], $_GET[], $_ POST[], but ofcourse then I had to learn a little MySQL to. My MySQL knowledge is very little; to establish a connection I always copy-paste from another page of mine. Now that I think of it, I'd better learn some more about it! I really wonder how many people have read through this. SO if oyu get here, congratulations! I hope I can be an asset to this forum, though I strongly doubt that since I'm not that good with php. I've helped some people, but I've asked way more questions! But I won't give up. Gretings from Belgium, arbitter
  17. So I have this site, which is fully built with tables. Problem is that for example the w3schools validator doesn't allow tables inside tables, and that every webbrowser doesn't have problems with it, expect IE. Take a look here if you want: http://www.fransdepypere.be/uploads/uploads.php?month=February10&sort=ksort IE makes the table on the left smaller. Now, since all websites are made with div's nowadays, I'd like to work with them too. But I really don't quite understand it fully. So can someone start with making for example the link I gave with div's? I'm meaning: a column on the left with a fixed width (let's say 200) but it needs ot be floating a bit off of the edge (and then I pt in my table) and a div on the right, whoch takes as much space as it can. also, where do you specify the elements you give your div? Does it hall have to be done with styles? And perhaps give a quick example of that too... I know it's a lot to ask, but thanks in advance!
  18. arbitter


    Could you explain you problem a little more? What are you trying to do? there's $_GET[] to get a variable from the url and there's $_POST[] to get something from a form the page before
  19. I personally havn't validated them, I wouldn't really know what validation type to use. I used the xhtml validation once but it gave 'problems' with the closer for the </head> and the </body> and stuff like that... I'm not the starter of this topic, I'm using the normal versio of IE8. Yet I get all the problems they had n IE6 and I don't understand why. Anyhow, it's better like this, at least I can 'test' it for IE6. I've still got many problems with the site-layout that work perfect in Chrome, Safari, FF, Opera, but not in IE8.
  20. Do they really work? Because I have IE8 and min-height or max-height doesn't work here eather, have to do the workaround also used for IE6
  21. Well, after my post I thought of that as well. But it doesn't seem to be working... Do first I have if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $file_tmp = $_FILES['vImage']['tmp_name']; $_SESSION['file_tmp'] = $file_tmp; etcetera But then: if(isset($_POST['secondsubmitp'])){ $file_tmp = $_SESSION['file_tmp']; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file_tmp); I get an error with the getimagesize; failed to open stream: No such file or directory in *** With the data nothing should be wrong, since it's all the same, yet it isn't working.. When I didn't work around with a second form it did work..
  22. set the action of the form to the page itself, for example action='makecomment.php' Then before the form itself you should do something like this: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $comment = $_POST['comment'];}?> or whatever
  23. So I have this uploadform. You can give a title, a description, and upload a picture. The first form goes under the name 'submit', so in my php: if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $file_tmp = $_FILES['Image']['tmp_name']; $file_name = $_FILES['Image']['name']; $file_type = $_FILES['Image']['type']; $file_size = $_FILES['Image']['size']; $title = $_GET['title']; $comment = $_GET['comment'];} (for example) It also does some tests, and asks you verification if you are sure you want to upload with those details. The next form looks like this: <form action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <input type='hidden' value='$titel' name='titel'> <input type='hidden' value='$comment' name='bijschrift'> <input type='hidden' value='$file' name='vImage' /> <input type='submit' name='secondsubmit' value='Toch doorgaan'> </form> The only problem I have is that I don't know how the file and all those details, named in the first script, can go to the second script.. It's possible that there are some writing errorrs in the script, I just wanted to give a little clarity with an example..)
  24. Oh indeed, my sincere apologies. Thanks for the help!
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