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Everything posted by dustinnoe

  1. Linux is perfect for server enviroments but when using it for desktop productivity it can be down right annoying.  Windows is definitely better for desktop but I would never consider using anything but linux as a server.
  2. Use this DOCTYPE so that IE6 will render the box model properly [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">[/code]
  3. Use the xhtml strict Doctype.  This will force IE6 to render the box model properly.  Why does IE have to be different? [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">[/code] Hope this helps!
  4. Using XHTML Strict also fixes the way that IE6 interperts the box model.  Everything with padding, borders and margins will render the same as in FireFox using strict.  What is it with IE anyway?
  5. Definitely CSS.  This allows your page to flow wonderfully for that small percentage of people who don't and cannot use CSS due to some sort of handicap or just personal preference.  Also, this is great for cell phone accessability.  You must also be sure, of course, to use correct semantics in you html tags.  Good, clean, logical html looks great and is very easy to maintain.
  6. You may also want to consider escaping php when writing a large chunk of html.  Editors can then highlight your html syntax which will help you notice problems sooner.  If you need to include a php variable just slap a couple of php tags around it.
  7. Yeah, once! Then I saw the garbage going on with the code and decided I would rather use notepad. Not that I use notepad, but it is better than FP!
  8. [quote]Here's an analogy: I can go to walmart and get some bread from their bakery, along with practically everything else, because walmart has pretty much everything, but I would have a lot bigger bread selection, and the quality will most likely be a lot better, if I were to go to a standalone bakery. [/quote] The Web Freaks is a one-stop-shop.  Anyone who knows about phpfreaks knows about the rest of the Web Freaks Network.  In a sense, The Web Freaks is a virtual mall with lots of focused shops.  Many web developers don't even consider designing sites that are standards compliant and semantically correct.  Web standards would be an excellent addition to that virtual web development mall. [quote]What is "separation of layers" and what's it got to do with web standards? Separating style and layout and content is the sensible thing to do, even the recommended thing (WAI), but it isn't a standard as far as I know.[/quote] Accessibility [quote]There's no doubt that there are a great many people here who can post authoritatively about all things server-side, and that's what brings the traffic and keeps bringing it.  I don't think there are a large number of people here who are prepared to comment authoritatively about web standards[/quote] The world of web standards is HUGE!  There are several sites that have podcasts on a regular basis that support web standards and accessibility. Podcast - http://www.dustindiaz.com [quote]Without a large number of prospective respondents to standards questions a forum devoted to standards is likely to be not much more than a bunch of questions with occasional wrong or ill-informed answers blighted by personal inexperience and the very occasional gem of an answer.[/quote] Most of the questions here are answered with bias!  Developers tend to develop their own way of doing it.  The thing about Web Standards is that there is a standard which has the purpose of getting everyone on the same page.  Just think where we could be if IE would get on the same page as eveyone else.
  9. I really like the IE7 website.  They have me convinced. [url=http://www.ie7.com]http://www.ie7.com[/url]
  10. With IE7 rolling out and fixing many of their bugs, web standards are becoming easier and easier to comply with.  I think there should be an area for all us web freaks to write tutorials and communicate on the issues surounding web standards, particularly separation of layers.  Take a moment to vote and/or leave a coment.
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