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Everything posted by dustinnoe

  1. Check out http://www.oswd.org I suck at layouts so whenever I have a project I browse around there and usually find what I am looking for. Good luck!
  2. Vanilla starts you off with the bare bones. They designed it to stay that way. There are tons of extensions out there to do the extras you may want. It also has a few nifty AJAX functions. It is also very SEO friendly considering the mark-up is super semantic. Looks wonderful with CSS turned off. http://www.getvanilla.com
  3. [quote]I keep telling people I'll be his promoter [/quote] Me too.  Anybody that can dis Simon like that and have Simon say "I like this guy" has my vote.
  4. Never dugg it, so I don't really digg anything.
  5. I should start a business selling a linux distro in a fancy box for like half the cost of vista.
  6. This seems a bit fruity to me but I like pineapples
  7. There has to be a class out there somewhere that already does everything. I am looking to just feed it a string and get is back formated.
  8. I agree, people want the name and they are willing to pay for it. Besides, who would offer good software for free, that just sounds to good to be true.
  9. I would charge $25/mo because inevitably you are going to do more than just hosting.
  10. Anyone know where I can get the sytax highlighting that this forum offers in Code blocks? I want to be able to display colored code in articles on my website. <?php echo "I want these code blocks on my website"; ?> Thanks
  11. call microsoft and tell them to get on the same page as everybody else. This way you will fix many of my problems at the same time.
  12. Funny guy! One of my favorites!       "I'll bet you guys are wondering why I called this meeting today" LOL
  13. you know your a geek when...
  14. Checklists. Shows progression when you start checking things off which helps reduce procrastination. Oh, and make sure the items are small bits and pieces of everything.
  15. dustinnoe


    What really sucks is when you are trying to eat and you get hiccups. That's the only time I get them and it really ticks me off. Every time I try to swallow, BAM, I hiccup and nearly choke!
  16. just use sort() php will sort multidimensional arrays by the first key, then second and so on. You will also need to sort each embedded array so that the keys are in the order you wish to sort.
  17. Yes, use javascript, but first make your script functional with just html so that users with JS disabled will still have a functioning page.
  18. I'm not seeing it in FF
  19. @printf: Don't you need to join the two tables with the WHERE clause?
  20. you may need to create an instance of the top level array. $name[$x]; $name[$x][$y]; I have never tried what you are doing but this may help.
  21. why not join the tables so that you only need one SQL query? $d = 0; $e = 0; $query = "SELECT table1.price, table2.cost FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.someColumn = table2.someColumn"; $result = mysql_query($result); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $a1=$row[price]; $b1=$row[cost]; $c1=$a1-$b1; } if ($c1 == 1){$d++;} if ($c1 == 2){$e++;}
  22. Wow! How did this turn into a violent web 2.0 topic? So here is my Web 2.0 answer. I think the core idea behind web 2.0 (which is what I think Web 2.0 is, AN IDEA) is to make use of separation of layers by striping all javascript and CSS from the "semantically correct" mark-up. Graceful degradation.
  23. OK! So i here that PHPmailer is no longer being developed or really maintained so I was checking out Swift mailer. Seems to be pretty good but I am having a hard time figuring out how to authenticate a remote server. Anyone familar with Swift that can post the authentication code? Even better, is the whole "PHPmailer is no longer being developed or really maintained" part just a rumor? For now I am sticking with PHPmailer.
  24. Not exactly PHP but I think "MySQL Cookbook" is great to have on the shelf.
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