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  1. Ahh ok. I guess the triple colon was also considered for Late Static Bindings, which i completely dont understand (but thats a different thread)
  2. I heard that PHP6 will be implementing the 3 colons operator... does anyone know what it does?
  3. <?php b::showTest(); class A { var $Test = 1; } class b extends A { static public function showTest(){ $class = new A(); echo $class->Test; } } ?>
  4. more info please. think; if you were answering this question, what would you need? and then give me that!
  5. i assume there will be some clicking somewhere on the page, as you said you'd like to pass variables based on a user clicking a button. <form name="passing vars" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="variable" /> <input type="hidden" value="variable2" /> <input type="button" value="Continue on without filling out any of the HIDDEN fields cause im pr0" /> </form> You are correct. It requires a form. but not one that the user can fill out.
  6. thats a gallery... arent you just looking for a poll?
  7. Sure there is. You can call properties in the same way you would call an non-instatiated method. The real key to the example I gate was: b::isThisTrue You can call that from outside the class, or from other classes, as long as the property is public.
  8. well, its tough to say from here what they are doing... have you looked into any of PHP's array shuffling functions? you could implement it yourself?
  9. are there any tables that can be compared? you atleast need one. whether the username always be the same, or adding a field specifically for that manner, you need atleast one table where you can compare.
  10. it looks like preferenceID and my_networkID are both autoincrement, and assuming that the only time one row will be inserted into one table is when it is also inserted into the other, you could pull the info out by that. SELECT * FROM preferences WHERE my_network.id = $id AND preferences.preferenceID = $id I think theres a more efficient way to do that, but Im not to savvy with join statements.
  11. mysql results are returned as an array... So this table: Users Firstname Lastname ksugihara k sugihara fr34k php freak Would look like this: array ('Users' => array('ksugihara', 'fr34k'), 'Firstname' => array('k', 'php'), 'Lastname' => array('sugihara', 'freak')) So you would need to pull out those variables... but not like a normal array.. its weird. See mysql_fetch_assoc
  12. Yeah that does kinda suck... That might not be the issue, I was just asking if you did put that anywhere. You should really explore alternative scripts... this one does not appear to escape variables, or take any security precautions....
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