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  1. Thank you Jaques1 with your help my code is now HTML-escaped...thanks again!.
  2. Jaques, thank you!. Sorry about my late reply. And thank you for your code. Now I have somewhere to start from. The array idea is cool. is 'html_escape' a PHP function? I couldn't find out much about it.
  3. Thank you guys. Looking at your answers I realize that I did not ask my question right. I am sorry about that. My case is a bit different I think. I think it is because I am trying to create the link from inside PHP. My code is $result_final .= "<a href=viewgallery.php?cname=$cname&pcaption=" . $caption_array[$next] . "><img src='/photos/assets/left.png' alt='left navigation'></a>"; So based on your answers ... I changed the links like this $result_final .= "<a href=\"viewgallery.php?cname=$cname&pcaption=" . $caption_array[$next] . "\"><img src='/photos/assets/left.png' alt='left navigation'></a>"; It really works. Thank you for the suggestions. No more errors.... ( for now ) Just out of curiosity, is this a bad way of creating links? Is this a hideous code? Thank you for helping me,....
  4. Hi Everyone.. I am not sure if I should post this question here. I would like to fix this problem using PHP rather than HTML. I am new to PHP. This code is part of an old PHP gallery file. I am trying to validate my site but the site's links have some characters that makes the link throw errors in W3C Validator. So I tried to replace the characters with HTML characters for example ? are now replaced by ? so my original link before using valid HTML characters looked like www.awebsite.com/viewgallery.php?cname=Colorado-Fall&pcaption=Lost-In-The-art And now it looks like this ... www.awebsite.com/viewgallery.php?cname=Colorado-Fall&pcaption=Lost-In-The-art But now W3C Validator shows an error like this The ? for replacing ? seems to be the problem.The & is highlighted in red. What am I doing wrong? How can I validate this link? I tried to use single or double quotes around HTML characters but that breaks my links and they won't work after that. Any tips will be appreciated...
  5. Thank you Mac_gyver, I will be the only one uploading. But I will learn how to report back the errors... thanks again...
  6. Hi everyone... I am a beginner. For a gallery I have, I am trying to upload thumbnails and sharpen them using image convolution. I am not sure I am doing the right thing or not. I am not getting arrors but I do not see any sharpening effect!! So I know I am dead wrong some where...! Please help me with this.... I am also not st sure I have the right source for $img... This is where I need some help... [color=red] $img = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height); $sharpenMatrix = array ( array(-1.2, -1, -1.2), array(-1, 20, -1), array(-1.2, -1, -1.2) ); // calculate the sharpen divisor $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $sharpenMatrix)); $offset = 0; // apply the matrix imageconvolution($img, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset); [/color] This is my code for the upload file.... include("config.inc.php"); if(!$_POST) { header("Location: preupload.php"); exit(); } // initialization $result_final = ""; $counter = 0; // List of our known photo types $known_photo_types = array( 'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/bmp' => 'bmp', 'image/x-png' => 'png' ); // GD Function List $gd_function_suffix = array( 'image/pjpeg' => 'JPEG', 'image/jpeg' => 'JPEG', 'image/gif' => 'GIF', 'image/bmp' => 'WBMP', 'image/x-png' => 'PNG' ); // Fetch the photo array sent by preupload.php $photos_uploaded = $_FILES['photo_filename']; // Fetch the photo caption array $photo_caption = $_POST['photo_caption']; // Fetch the photo caption array $photo_description = $_POST['photo_description']; // Fetch the photo caption array $photo_keyword = $_POST['photo_keyword']; while( $counter <count($_FILES['photo_filename']['tmp_name']) ) { if($photos_uploaded['size'][$counter] > 0) { if(!array_key_exists($photos_uploaded['type'][$counter], $known_photo_types)) { $result_final .= "File ".($counter+1)." is not a photo<br />"; } else { mysql_query( "INSERT INTO gallery_photos ( `photo_filename`, `photo_caption`, `photo_description`, `photo_keywords`, `photo_category` ) VALUES( '0', '".addslashes($photo_caption[$counter])."', '".addslashes($photo_description[$counter])."', '".addslashes($photo_keyword[$counter])."', '".addslashes($_POST['category'])."')" ) or die(mysql_error() . 'Photo not uploaded'); $new_id = mysql_insert_id(); $filetype = $photos_uploaded['type'][$counter]; $extention = $known_photo_types[$filetype]; $filename = $new_id.".".$extention; mysql_query( "UPDATE gallery_photos SET photo_filename='".addslashes($filename)."' WHERE photo_id='".addslashes($new_id)."'" ); // Store the orignal file copy($photos_uploaded['tmp_name'][$counter], $images_dir."/".$filename); // Let's get the Thumbnail size $size = GetImageSize( $images_dir."/".$filename ); if($size[0] > $size[1]) { $thumbnail_width = 500; $thumbnail_height = (int)(500 * $size[1] / $size[0]); } else { $thumbnail_width = (int)(500 * $size[0] / $size[1]); $thumbnail_height = 500; } // Build Thumbnail with GD 1.x.x, you can use the other described methods too $function_suffix = $gd_function_suffix[$filetype]; $function_to_read = "ImageCreateFrom".$function_suffix; $function_to_write = "Image".$function_suffix; // Read the source file $source_handle = $function_to_read ( $images_dir."/".$filename ); if($source_handle) { // Let's create an blank image for the thumbnail $destination_handle = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height ); // Now we resize it imagecopyresampled( $destination_handle, $source_handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height, $size[0], $size[1] ) ; } [color=red] $img = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $thumbnail_width, $thumbnail_height); $sharpenMatrix = array ( array(-1.2, -1, -1.2), array(-1, 20, -1), array(-1.2, -1, -1.2) ); // calculate the sharpen divisor $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $sharpenMatrix)); $offset = 0; // apply the matrix imageconvolution($img, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset); [/color] // Let's save the thumbnail $function_to_write( $destination_handle, $images_dir."/tb_".$filename, 100 ); ImageDestroy($destination_handle ); // $result_final .= "<img src='".$images_dir. "/tb_".$filename."' /> File ".($counter+1)." Added<br />"; } } $counter++; } // Print Result echo <<<__HTML_END <html> <head> <title>Photos uploaded</title> </head> <body> $result_final </body> </html> __HTML_END;
  7. Thank you everyone..this is now is SOLVED...
  8. Hi everyone... I have a thumbnail page that is putting out tables that are skewed and I am not able to use CSS properly because of that. Is there anyways I can change the PHP output? This is my code... I think the highlighted area is responsible for my tables? But it is mismatching the <tr> and <td> tags.... I really want it to show a structured table.. like <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> // Thumbnail Listing else if( $cid && empty( $pid ) ) { $number_of_thumbs_in_row = 4; // If current page number, use it // if not, set one! if(!isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = 1; } else { $page = $_GET['page']; } // Define the number of results per page $max_results = 400; // Figure out the limit for the query based // on the current page number. $from = (($page * $max_results) - $max_results); $result = mysql_query(" SELECT photo_id , photo_caption , photo_filename , photo_category FROM gallery_photos WHERE photo_category='".addslashes($cid)."' LIMIT $from, $max_results "); $nr = mysql_num_rows( $result ); if( empty( $nr ) ) { $result_final = "\t<tr><td>No Photos found</td></tr>\n"; } else { while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $result_array[]= "<a href='viewgallery.php?cid=$cid&pid=".$row[0]."'><img src='".$images_dir."/tb_".$row[2]."' border='0' alt='".$row[1]."' class='img'/></a>"; } $result = mysql_query( "SELECT category_name FROM gallery_category WHERE category_id='".addslashes($cid)."'" ); list($category_name) = mysql_fetch_array( $result ); mysql_free_result( $result ); $result_final = "<tr>\n\t<td> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php>Albums</a></span><font color=#ff0000> >&gt </font> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php?cid=$cid>$category_name</a></span><br><br/><br/><br/></td>\n</tr>\n"; foreach($result_array as $thumbnail_link) { if($counter == $number_of_thumbs_in_row) { $counter = 1; [b][size=24pt][size=18pt][b]$result_final .= "\n</tr>\n<tr>\n";[/b][/size][/size][/b] } else $counter++; [b][size=18pt] $result_final .= "\t<td>".$thumbnail_link."</td>\n";[/size][/b] } if($counter) { And my HTML output shows the tables like this... <body> <table width='100%' border='0' align='center' style='width: 80%;'> <tr> <td> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php>Albums</a></span><font color=#ff0000> >&gt </font> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php?cid=1>Abstract</a></span><br><br/><br/><br/></td> </tr> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=240'><img src='photos/tb_240.jpg' border='0' alt='End Of Day' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=239'><img src='photos/tb_239.jpg' border='0' alt='A Photographer's Dream' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=238'><img src='photos/tb_238.jpg' border='0' alt='Heaven's View' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=237'><img src='photos/tb_237.jpg' border='0' alt='Colorful World ' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=241'><img src='photos/tb_241.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=242'><img src='photos/tb_242.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=243'><img src='photos/tb_243.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=244'><img src='photos/tb_244.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=245'><img src='photos/tb_245.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=246'><img src='photos/tb_246.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=247'><img src='photos/tb_247.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=248'><img src='photos/tb_248.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=249'><img src='photos/tb_249.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=250'><img src='photos/tb_250.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=251'><img src='photos/tb_251.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=252'><img src='photos/tb_252.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=253'><img src='photos/tb_253.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=254'><img src='photos/tb_254.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=255'><img src='photos/tb_255.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </table> </body>
  9. Cristian... It is not a website yet... But when you get the page you will see that the thumbnails are spread apart and I cannot change the space in between or the space from left to right.... thank you Cristian... http://www.rajeevthomas.com/viewgallery.php
  10. Hello everyone, I am new here and new to the coding world! I am trying to position my tables for my thumbnail gallery and it looks very different between IE7 and Firefox. Margins really get messed up. I am adding my codes below...how can I add some CSS to my tables other than width? Width seems to be the only thing that works. When I use width it increases margin between the thumbnails so much. And it all look so different between browsers... HTML ... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Photography</title> </head> <body> <table border='0' style='margin: 0px ; padding: 0px ;'> <tr> <td> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php>Albums</a></span><font color=#ff0000> >&gt </font> <span class='navlinks'><a href=viewgallery.php?cid=1>Abstract</a></span><br><br/><br/><br/></td> </tr> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=240'><center/><img src='photos/tb_240.jpg' border='0' alt='End Of Day' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=239'><center/><img src='photos/tb_239.jpg' border='0' alt='A Photographer's Dream' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=238'><center/><img src='photos/tb_238.jpg' border='0' alt='Heaven's View' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=237'><center/><img src='photos/tb_237.jpg' border='0' alt='Colorful World ' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr class=thumbs> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=241'><center/><img src='photos/tb_241.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=242'><center/><img src='photos/tb_242.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=243'><center/><img src='photos/tb_243.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=244'><center/><img src='photos/tb_244.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </tr> <tr class=thumbs> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=245'><center/><img src='photos/tb_245.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> <td class=thumbs ><a href='viewgallery.php?cid=1&pid=246'><center/><img src='photos/tb_246.jpg' border='0' alt='' class='img'/></a></td> </table> </body> And the CSS part is...
  11. Oliverj777... I tired that but it just shows up as letters as it is on the final output screen. :'(
  12. Hi everyone.... I have a simple search.php And I want to include that in my html output page. I tried using <?php include ('search.php'); ?> Below is my HTML code which is part of a php file...what am I doing wrong here? // Final Output echo <<<__HTML_END <html> <head> <title>Photography</title> </head> <body> <table width='100%' border='0' align='center' style='width: 100%;'> $result_final <?php include("search.php");?> </table> </body> </html> __HTML_END;
  13. Thank you for your help and time... you are so kind...
  14. Joel24 thank you very much..! From what you said I am very interested to know how I can modify it to bring links to the photos or photos? Can you gimme some directions Joel?
  15. Mmmm..hope I am saying this right... in the database there are only image information. And the php file pulls the image based on the information. When I look at my database I only see image info not direct links to them. I hope that answers to your question...how do we do the search you have mentioned?
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