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Everything posted by wright67uk

  1. Just a quick tip, ever so often in dreamweavet press ctrl+s and then press f12. Also use a split screen and look at what your code does when your designing, good luck!
  2. That's because wrapper is 1052 Header is 100% of this so your line will also be 1052 Put header outside of wrapper possibly or adjust the size of your image
  3. That works well, is there a way to fill the empty space when I'm not hovering, either by making a background image for ul or by getting each hovered image to stick?
  4. We cant see your code? What doctype do you have and is your server case sensitive as in linux. I wonder if your css file is loading up? More info please.
  5. That's what i was thinking and then play around with .hr css
  6. Under body {background-color: grey;} Add #div1 {background-color: grey; width:100%; height:100%;} #div2 {background-color: blue; width:100%; height:100%;} Now put your content into; <body> <div id ="div1"> content here</div> And the same for div 2 on page 2
  7. Why not contain everything within a div named eg. #container and give it a background color. Use this on page one. Eg. Div id = container.... And on page 2 #container2. div id = container2 This way you will only have one css and nothing will get muddled up as the two areas in question will have different names.
  8. Why can't you seperate your css and simply refrain from calling it?
  9. Can anybody help a little with my css used on the list below; Ive put it on the web; www.1pw.co.uk/viewer2 When an image is seen in #gallery li a img it is shrunken down to 30px the width of its container. I was hoping that I would be able to display just the first 30px of my image rather than for it to be squashed to 30px As you can see I have tried overflow:hidden but without any change. If you hover over the 1st image you will see my aim. any ideas? #gallery { padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type:none; overflow:hidden; height:320px; width:630px; border:1px solid #888; background:#fff url(windows/win_back.gif); } #gallery li { float:left; } #gallery li a { display:block; width:30px; height:320px; float:left; text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px solid #fff; cursor:default; overflow:hidden; } #gallery li a img { height:320px; width:30px; border:0; overflow:hidden; } #gallery li a:hover { background:#eee; width:450px; } #gallery li a:hover img { width:450px; } <ul id="gallery"> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="1.jpg" alt="#1" title="#1" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="2.jpg" alt="#2" title="#2" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="3.jpg" alt="#3" title="#3" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="4.jpg" alt="#4" title="#4" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="5.jpg" alt="#5" title="#5" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="6.jpg" alt="#6" title="#6" /></a></li> <li><a href="#nogo"> <img src="7.jpg" alt="#7" title="#7" /></a></li> </ul>
  10. I've done some reading and firebug along with its many add-ons looks like a very good tool indee, I think you have opened some doors for me, thankyou.
  11. Thankyou I shall look at firebug. Those particular lines of code do not directly have any widths, line heights etc that you talk about. I pressume you mean I need to look at their patents?
  12. Would both of the below snippets do the same job, if so why are both ways taught in text books, can one method do somthing that the other cannot? mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) And... mysql_fetch_assoc($result)
  13. Clean site, awful use of your carousel, bounces all over the place! Carousel buttons are in the wrong place, and your ad that pops up is annoying me. Viewed on HTC Android phone.
  14. I don't like your grey text on black bg, The layout works really well on my HTC Android phone
  15. With the below code I am using a sliding doors technique which uses a single image to create some buttons. Ive added a second image blue.png so that I can also add a hover state. Everything works really well, but Id like to know what I would have to do If I were to add a higher image. At current Im using an image which is W493 H24, ive tried replacing the image with a button W493 H48, but I get all sorts of problems, mainly the fact that the bottom of the button dissapears. ul {padding: 5px;margin: 10px 0;list-style: none;background-color: f2f2f2;border-bottom: ;float: left;clear: left;} ul li {float: left;display: inline; /*For ignore double margin in IE6*/margin: 0 10px;} ul li a {text-decoration: none;float:left;color: #666; cursor: pointer; font: 600 11px/22px "Arial", Helvetica, sans-serif;} ul li a span {margin: 0 10px 0 -10px;padding: 1px 8px 5px 18px;position: relative; /*To fix IE6 problem (not displaying)*/float:left;} ul.blue li a.current, ul.blue li {background: url(grey.png) no-repeat top right;color: #0d5f83;} /*STANDARD STATE right side of rectangle*/ ul.blue li a.current span, ul.blue li span {background: url(grey.png) no-repeat top left;} /*STANDARD STATE left side of rectangle*/ ul.blue li a.current, ul.blue li a:hover {background: url(blue.png) no-repeat top right;color: #0d5f83;} /*HOVER STATE right side of rectangle*/ ul.blue li a.current span, ul.blue li a:hover span {background: url(blue.png) no-repeat top left;} /*HOVER STATE left side of rectangle*/
  16. Well they don't teach that in my text books! Brilliant none the less. What's best a freak or an addict.?
  17. Which of the below syntax is the better to be using? $bal = 100; if($bal > 100) { echo "you have over 100 pounds; } else { echo "you have less than 100 pounds"; } if ($bal > 100); echo "you have over than 100"; else ; echo "you have less than 100"; endif;
  18. How about putting each result into an array and then mysql_query( "select * from ourtablename where col1=" . $_POST['box1'][2][3]. " and col2='" . $_POST['box2'][2][3] . "'");
  19. Can't you do this from your own hosting/domain plan? You@yoursite.com ?
  20. I pressume the url is made from using post within a form? Can you not just post eid before posting anything else?
  21. If each checkbox were to have a value and a variable $box1 = $_POST["box1"]; $box2 = $_POST["box2"]; $box3 = $_POST["box3"]; Then could your query be; mysql_query("select data WHERE $box1, $box2 = 'no' $box3 = 'yes' ") and then set up your database to have to have columns with either yes or no within in them? You will have to work on the sql side of things, as I'm not sure about the correct synyax.
  22. Yes I have but I seem to learn things I've found on Google, only to come on here realising I've learnt things arse about face. I'm not expecting a page of code but rather the theory behind the correct way of finding out which town my user is sitting in
  23. How is it possible for a website to know my physical location? Some websites I've seen will have ads such as; meet singles in "HOMETOWNGOESHERE" I'm guessing this kind of info is found from my Ip address? Has anyone ever done anything like this in php, I'm interested to know how this works.
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