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Everything posted by chintansshah

  1. Use below code after open form tag echo "<form method='POST' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='searchhostname' value='test'>";
  2. HTML code <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> </head>
  3. don't use only selected, use selected="selected"
  4. use isset function to check $_POST, please find correct code. if (isset($_POST['searchhostname'])) Same you should change in if (isset($_POST['runsearch']))
  5. Hello, I can't found any error in query, Few things I want to know 1. is table name is 'Reply' and column name is `reply` 2. is there any records in database with value of 'Example'
  6. Error in your INSERT query. Please change your INSERT query with below string. $query = 'INSERT INTO test_db ( test_name, test_value, test_date ) VALUES ( "'.$_POST['name'].'", "'.$_POST['value'].'", "'.$_POST['date'].'" )'; You add extra comma(,) after $_POST['date'].
  7. Following things to take care about <meta> and SEO 1. Only four keywords you can use like Software development of India, PHP freelancer in India, PHP developer in Pune... so these are keywords 2. Title tag has no limitations but it will consider 72 chars in title tag, because when you search anything, result display with 72 characters(including whitespace)
  8. Hey, First check your uploaded file size and make ini_set('memory_limit', 160MB); if in above case, it's solved then you can change memory_limit size.
  9. You can concat your echo string, like echo "<td><a href='index.php?id=".$cadd."' target='_blank'>VIEW ANYTHING</a>";
  10. You can do this using Database. Whenever user click on particular page, increase clicks column by +1
  11. Embedding a PDF using <object> element is actually rather simple, and looks like this: <object data="example.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%"> <p>It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. you can <a href="example.pdf">click here to download the PDF file.</a></p> </object> Note the <p> nested inside the <object>; this content will be displayed if the browser isn't capable of displaying the <object>. In this example, the 'fallback' content contains a link to the PDF, which allows visitors who don't have the Adobe Reader plugin to download the PDF and view it offline.
  12. Hey snallemap, You can do all above functionality using wordpress CMS. Download : http://wordpress.org/download/ Documentation : http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress
  13. Please write exit(); after header ("Location: $url");
  14. I think, best way to know about OOP in PHP from php.net website. Please find the link http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php
  15. Hey kkrishieee143, Can you please change group also of that particular file. Because if you have 777 but group has no permission then it's not generate or change the data.
  16. @pkphp Can you tell me where is a mistake in my suggestion?
  17. I advised to please use any of php editor to give this kind of error while you are coding.
  18. you have set your click counter either in database or in file system to calculate the clicks.
  19. You can improve your code with following guidelines Only one recode come from the query, use mysql_fetch_row(), no need for while() if possible then use joins for $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$TABLES["users"]." WHERE id='".$ITEMS["user_id"]."'"; $sql_resultT = mysql_query ($sql, $connection ) or die ('request "Could not execute SQL query" '.$sql); Select only those columns from the table which you want to use in code.
  20. at page start, write ob_start(); and before page end use ob_flush();
  21. Can you please check in db again for the size of description max_length. What is the max_length output when datatype is text?
  22. I think, you haven't include the file where you have written DB class.
  23. I suggest to use inheritance. function show_product ($cats, $cat_index, $prod_index) extends show_category() So, you can use parent class values and methods in your current class.
  24. Hey, If headers gives a problem in redirection, then Please use out buffering functions of php about headers issue. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.outcontrol.php After header function for redirect, use exit();
  25. Sorry, But I am confused and have question in mind. is in SEO track dynamic URL?
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