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making a switch + requesting subforum

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Recently I've been taking a look at some Ruby On Rails e-books, tutorials, etc.. and I have to say I'm more than impressed, and encourage all of you to take a look at it as well. The possibilities presented by this switch are absolutely amazing. I'm hoping my excitement will drag me through the tedious hours of learning the syntax (foreign to me), atleast to the point where I can use it effectively.


I suppose the real reason I'm creating this topic is to ask if a forum moderator could possibly add a subforum devoted specifically for RoR. I love this forum. It has much to offer in terms of intellegent kind people and education, but I don't want to leave for such a trivial reason.


To those of you questioning "why not use both", I may still use PHP, but hopefully it will no longer be necessary as RoR seems to cover everything I'm looking for in Web Dev + things like time are an issue.




I realize that is not the objective of this forum, but I think it would be beneficial. It could potientally attract new members, introduce others to something new, etc... so I hope you will atleast consider it. Thanks.


I'm willing to hear anyone's opinions or possible alternatives, etc.. so if you feel the need to add your 2 cents, go ahead.

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Walmart sells bicycles, shoes, and home theater equipment. None of them are any good compared to what you might find at a store for bicycles, shoes, or home theater equipment. I think we would really rather not turn PHP Freaks into Walmart.

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Well put neylitalo...


At one stage there was some conversation amongst the admins/mods about creating some sub catigories below the Other Langues board to cover a few common languages. Problem is, once you start, well, it just opens a large can of worms.


We are a PHP community, and yes on occasion its nice to ask about another language / framework but really, if your going to be looking for an ongoing resource specific to rails this isn't it.

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