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Good hosting needed


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I'm not sure where to post this, so that probably means this is the place.

I've just came from a tiresome meeting at a London based webhosting company. I didn't get what I want and wasn't even given a t-shirt or one of those cup rubber bases.


Need your help in finding a good web hosting company. Price is not so much an issue. Services offered is. I've been delving into these companies websites, but I gather the voice of experience speaks more truth than the voice of the marketing department.


I'm wanting a Virtual Server plan where I can host and manage several websites, each with its own account and control panel. Not so much a reseller plan since I will be the one actually managing these websites, but the principle is the same. Of all the things I could ask for, I absolutely need the following. No company so far gives me all of them:


  • PEAR/PECL with the ability to install libraries
  • Ability to install php modules. In the very least a friendly support team that actually says yes when the time comes to request the installation of an .so
  • cron jobs (most do. But since it's essential to me, here it is)
  • Ability to install and configure smarty outside htdocs
  • Ability to access database from client software in another location. I mean, phpmyadmin is nice and all, but I want to use my own mysql client (through ssh tunneling if it needs to)


The closest I found so far was HostGator. But they don't seem to allow mysql access outside phpMyAdmin and I'm eerie of their "we'll evaluate your request" for the first and second points as noted on the website. Sounds like they won't.

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Just looking at that "Full Root Access" on the website says it all.

Amazing feat, I must say. Because that's the first VPS I see offering that feature. Either that or I haven't been looking right.


I've bookmarked it and will take a better look later today. I'll direct any further questions I might have their way. Thank you for the link.

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If money isn't really an issue, have you looked into dedicated servers? We get our dedicated servers with DonHost, and you can create separate hosting accounts for individual websites, each with their own control panel if required.


You also get root access over ssh, so installing stuff is not a problem - If you feel less confident, call them up and get them to do the install for you, though they'll charge you by the hour (£50, if I recall).


Their cheapest LAMP boxes are about £250 a quarter, if that's within your budget, check them out - I've had no major issues with them.

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I will definitely take a look too. The price is not an issue, but within reasonable limits. And that is within those limits.


That sounds strange. I've yet to see a VPS where you aren't root.


Well, the information simply isn't there in most cases. However, as I said I wasn't looking right because since we last spoke, everywhere I go to look for a VPS solution, I now see root ssh access as if by magic. Oh well.


The whole confusion arose from a series of emails I traded with this 1and1 customer support fella and... just nevermind. It's been a long day. Thanks again, you both.

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The whole confusion arose from a series of emails I traded with this 1and1 customer support fella and... just nevermind. It's been a long day. Thanks again, you both.


1&1 Customer support has been absolutely useless every time I have called them.

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Yup. Hence a meeting I had with them and my subsequent decision to move to another server. I'm still in a learning process of PHP, Apache and Linux. I cannot afford to have a customer service seemingly working against me.

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