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upgraded web site


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Hi People,


I have practically finished this site now, just a hand full of pages need updating and a few images put in, but it's ready to be navigated round for your dissection.


I've only tested it in IE6 and FF on Windows 2000, so anyone using other platforms and browsers would be really good for your input.


I would also like to know if it is slow?  Please bear in mind this is my first proper website. Thanks.


Here's the link : http://www.mri.co.uk/index.php


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The red bars (Product Spotlight, News) should be the whole length of the 'box' they're in. The news and products buttons in the top nav have a white spot in the middle. The grey bars should be a specific length and not vary according to the amount of text written in them. I don't like the nav on the bottom.


There are a lot of small bugs that you only notice if you look carefully.

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Im on IE7 and the top menu is messed up. It is showing white spaces in NEWS and PRODUCTS and also the hover images dont show correctly. The drop-down menu on PRODUCTS and PURCHASE remains there if u go directly to another menu. In the newsletter section, the input fields at "Sign Up Here" are being shown completely off place. Also some images arent showing. Overall the site has quite a few technical problems and the design is quite basic and mid-90s like with all those reds and greys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im on ie7 and the left navigation shows correctly. Id suggest to remove the underline on the left navigation link, as the background-color hover effect is enough. Also i can see u fixed those issues on the top nagivation.

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It has some weird effects in OS X (10.5) Safari 3.1.

Depending on the width of the window the dates (May 2008) disappear and with weird blues around it. (Like 1/4th of the box shows up).

However, I wouldn't worry too much about that.


The menus look ok - some weird spacing at the top, but it still looks fine.


The only thing that I'd say needs improvement is the graphic on the top left. It looks washed out, and not very professional - hope that didn't offend anybody =)



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