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[SOLVED] dynamic pages?


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Is it possible to have php create pages based on a template for you?


I have a client system on my website,  they can register and login to their own pages, but as of right now I have to create those pages manually.


what I want is to have it when a user activates their account their page gets created for them in a specific directory from a template page.


the template page doesnt need to be modified for each user, because its mostly generic except one line, which says that if the person viewing the page is not the owner of that page, then they can view it, so I would need to dynamically handle this.


the template I would use is





if ($_SESSION['u_name'] != USERNAME)


echo "You Do not have the required permisions to view this Page!<br />";

echo "please go back to the client area <<sites url>>;



echo "Welcome ". $_SESSION['f_name'] ." from ". $_SESSION['c_name'] ."!

    You have made it to your client page!<br /><br />";




$uid = $_SESSION['uid'];

require 'clients/includes/conf_session.php';

/* SQL stuff here */

$sql = "SELECT * FROM projects "." WHERE uid='$uid'";

$result = mysql_query($sql);

/* Forgot the semicolon here */


<h2>Work Orders</h2>

<table width="661" border="2" cellspacing="2">


    <th width="129" scope="col">Project Name</th>

    <th width="122" scope="col">Project Status</th>

    <th width="151" scope="col">Invoice</th>

    <th width="157" scope="col">Last Updated</th>




  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

  echo  ("<td>$row[project]</td>");

  echo  ("<td>$row[status]</td>");

  echo  ("<td>$row[invoice]</td>");

  echo  ("<td>$row[l_uodate]</td>");

  echo  "</tr>";}



<p><a href="index.php?c=submit_job">Submit Job</a></p>




would need to be modified (hopefully php can do this) when the page is created so that it reflects the clients username it was created for.


any idea's?


And thanks ahead of time.


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can you use something like this


// Random Game Design: PHP Website Template
//  Version 1
//  Copyright Dean Whitehouse, 2008
require_once 'install.php';

$config_file = "config.inc.php";

or die("Unable to open file!");	// Unable to open file

$config_host = "\$dbhost = \"".$dbhost."\";\n";
$config_user = "\$dbuser = \"".$dbuser."\";\n";
$config_pass = "\$dbpass = \"".$dbpass."\";\n";
$config_db = "\$dbname = \"".$dbname."\";";

$config_write = $config_host.$config_user.$config_pass.$config_db;

fwrite($fw, "<?php\n".$config_write."\n?>");



with what you want

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yes php can do this - providing you know what the templates should be and what content requires manipulation you can do what you want - either write the code generated to a file or to the screen - it matters not.


YOu could even write php to write another php script provided you have defined what you want it to accomplish - thats the hard part - coding it is a piece of piss...

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hehe Dark..I actually found another solution....Clients dont need to feel special.. they can all be directed to a single client page :P


i just needed to fix that client page :P


if ($_SESSION['is_valid'] != true)


instead of


if ($_SESSION['u_name'] != USERNAME)


and then Dark.. that throws out my need to dynamically stick the client urls into my array...


two birds one stone..


But I do appreciate the help :)


When I post on the forum i usually still continue to find a solution to my questions the old fashion way.. but most of the time, these forums help me either look in the right direction.. or give me the code examples to let me get done what I need to get done :)

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