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[SOLVED] Forums Help


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Hi all, I have scripted my own forums from PHP/MySQL and I havn't been able to think of a quick and easy way for each topic to turn bold when there is a new post and jump to the top of the list, for each member. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I would go about doing so?





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Well, topics should jump to the top of the list anyway if you sort it by last post time.  But the bold thing...sort of like the NEW thing on these forums?  Well, you'd need to store EVERY page they visit, and at what time, and search for posts newer than that on the page.

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Well I was thinking that but that wouldn't work with new-registrys..


IE: On these forums it updates whether you just registerd and viewed it or not.  I want something like this, not sure how to go about doing it though.


And Thanks for the other fix, ill implement it asap.



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Wouldn't that be a bit of a overload? 


When a user has a new topic posted it tracks how many posts it has and the user views it then it updates those posts and goes "unbold".. But making it for every person wouldn't that overload the database eventually?



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