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[SOLVED] Save file


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I have a form that summits code useing the 'post' action and i would like a script that gets the post data and saves it as a new file in directory games.


I would like the name to be anything.php


i mean anything, number or what ever.



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As a noob i don't know how much there was left to do.


I started with get post.

And had loads of gos trying to get it to save the file.


I got the random file name part done.


As you can tell i am not very smart with PHP.


Thankyou all ver much again.

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can you post the code you have so far..


may i ask why you want it random! (just curious)


I just don't want it to over right a file that is already there and i thought RANDOM would be a good way to prevent it.


Am really sorry but when i couldn't do it I delete it of local on my server.



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I just don't want it to over right a file that is already there and i thought RANDOM would be a good way to prevent it.

bad move, you can still over write files..


Am really sorry but when i couldn't do it I delete it of local on my server.

well attempt to write one and post the code and where your stuck, if you really don't want to spend the time then

try the freelance section

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I can't do this.


It's too hard for me.


I know this will sound abit weird but can someone make a template for me please.


I've tryed and now its (a word that am not going to say because were not allowed to swear on these forums but i think you can guess it. But i will say it's a 7 letter word,

begging with p

has two s's init,

and ends in 'ing' )


Please help!

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Below it my code. Please can you check it for errors as i am not very good.


$ourFileName = "games/$_POST[name].php";
$ourFileHandle = fopen($ourFileName, 'w') or die("Can't make file");

$myFile = "games/$_POST[name].php";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("There's an error!");
$stringData = "$_POST[main].php";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);



This is what it's meant to do.


Its meant to create a file in directory games. With the name from POST DATA NAME


Then its meant to add the content from POST DATA MAIN


Thank-you for all the help

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