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Help With Copyright Retention


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Hey guys,


Must say, I love this forum...



I am writing a new script that I would like to release as freeware.


In that script I would like to make sure my copyright is displayed.

But because some of these pages are going to be completely customizable, I cannot simply encode all of the pages. (although I do intend to encode 1 or 2 of the pages.)


So my question would be, is there anyway for me to make sure that the copyright is displayed? and if it isn't perhaps disable the other functions or call another function?


Thank you for even reading this :)

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Just an idea, why not create multiple functions in multiple files, all connected to each other.


Make it as complicated as possible, and check if the copyright is still being displayed.


If not, you could use the script to alert you via email or something without them even knowing.

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Thank you all of you...


Good advice... and I know about them being able to crack it if they are good enough... but I still think making it harder than just opening up notepad and pressing delete would be prefferable.


Just an idea, why not create multiple functions in multiple files, all connected to each other.


Make it as complicated as possible, and check if the copyright is still being displayed.


If not, you could use the script to alert you via email or something without them even knowing.


I like this idea, but I am not exactly a php genius, so could you elaborate a little, perhaps an example? if you would. ;D


Also, I meant to mention that something like the SMF copyright... If you break it, or don't use the theme_copyright() function it displays a message something like: 'COPYRIGHT MISSING, PLEASE RE-INSTATE'...


and before you ask, I have checked the coding, but its too complex for me... ::)


Thanks again ;)

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Blade do you mean something like this?:



function neededfunction() {

  require ('copyright.php');

  global $variableneeded;


  if ($variableneeded != "found") {

    echo 'Copyright Missing...';

  } else {

    some code...





function copyright() {

global $variableneeded;

$variableneeded = "found";















thanks again! ;D

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What if I encode both the functions.php & copyright.php pages... and just give people a list of the usable functions?


The only thing then... would the script work? as the copyright.php's variable is being called before the page has been 'require'd..


thank you guys a million times for you very prompt and great advice :)

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erm i think, i am not that experienced but , the basic idea would be

//page 1

contain something really important

e.g. a session (have this encrypted)



then on each page put





then at the begining of each page

check for the session

if it is not there, then they have removed something

that kinda idea

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Yeah thanks for all your help guys... None of those would work... but no worries.. I have an answer!...


It does involve the use of a PHP encrypter, but hey...



Create page that has the needed functions needed for the script (can be 1 function or more).

I called it 'functions.php'


Then create a copyright function within a file that just echos/prints your copyright. And use that function in that same file

I called it 'copyright.php' function called 'copyright()'

mine went like this (roughly):

function copyright() {
echo '© COPYRIGHT ME 2008';


Place ALL of the functions in the function.php page within this stipulation:

if (is_callable('copyright') == false) {
} else {


Then if you encrypt both of these files, and use this syntax for any page needing the functions:

Normal code here

...the copyright will be displayed on any of the pages with these functions, or it will not work, and display a message saying that the copyright is missing...



You might be thinking... well that will only display the copyright info at the top, OR the functions wont work (because they aren't defined before called). Not necessary... just add 'style="bottom:0;position:fixed;"' attributes to the copyright div tag, and this will display the copyright at the bottom of the page, in a static location...therefore.. always viewable ;)


Just to clarify... I am not an experienced PHP programmer...

So if anyone can tell me any problems with this, i would be grateful.. or a better way? :)


Thanks again guys and girls! ;D

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I haven't been able to get my hands on an 'Encrypter' anywhere...


Know any sources?..


... obfuscate your script using an encryption program like from zend or sourceguardian etc


Does that help?

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