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Be able to report your own topics and posts

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Ok lets put it like this, people make mistakes from time to time, no ones the "Perfect" member like thorpe.


And that's the problem with kiddies today.  They try to justify laziness by saying they aren't perfect. 


Don't you think you're taking the whole "turning thirty" thing a bit too seriously? I mean, just because Demonic is lazy, doesn't mean "that's the problem with the youth today".


Although granted he's very lazy indeed.



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Usually when I ask a question I've already searched for an answer like 100% of the time so linking me to anything is irrelevant, so just tell me what information I want to know.  OK, thank you very much, goodbye


And you know my age how?


If you had really bothered to search, you would have found out that I'm psychic.

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It doesn't really matter whether people should be more careful in this instance - SMF does not allow you to let users report their own posts.


However, I have previously regret that I posted a post and looking at the deleted posts forum I see that other staff do it too sometimes. It doesn't matter for us because we have a delete button, but for all other people I do see why they would like a such option. Like revraz said, just ask a mod or admin if it's really important. Otherwise just leave it.

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