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MYSQL Update Row


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I'm using this script to insert my variable into mysql table:



include_once ('config.inc.php');

$pageurl = '1';

$mainKeyword = '2';

$title = '3';

$keywords = '4';

$description = '5';

$header = '6';

$site_group ='7';



$insert = "INSERT INTO convertech VALUES ('$pageurl','$mainKeyword','$title','$keywords','$description','$header','$site_group','NULL')";



//include secleted template





It's creating the row and everything is ok the problem is that if I'm updating a variable it won't update the TABLE.

How can I solve it? thanks.

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When you insert a row, if the database is setup correctly(that is, if you set it up correctly), a unique and incrementing id will be created with each row. When you want to update the contents of the row, you're trying to do insert, with the hopes that it will reinsert the row that you just inserted? Think about it... how will it know which row you want to update?


The correct(and only) way to do that is UPDATE and you have to know the id(or any value) of the row you're trying to update. So if you have a user table and you want to update the user with the user_id of 5, you'd do

UPDATE User SET user_name='$name', etc etc WHERE user_id='5'


doing INSERT will only ever create a new row(unless you're trying to insert a row with an already specified id that you previously deleted, in order to simulate an update, which you should NOT EVER do).

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Yes, see my code:


$update_table="SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE pageurl='$pageurl'";


if ($update_table > 0){

$update_query="UPDATE convertech SET $main=$main WHERE $main =``";




I meant something like that, what do you think?


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  • 4 years later...

SEE Sorry to say this, as dannyb said, you must see the basic, even I am new to php and mysql, but i can clarify your doubts,

first thing is answer for select count(*) will count the number of rows in the table. and for your question 


$update_table="SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE pageurl='$pageurl'";
mysql_query($update_table);   ===> Change this to $result=mysql_query($update_table); this will give u number of rows u need where the pageurl value you supplied satisfies.  means only onw row that has count of number of rows.  

if ($update_table > 0){  ===> change this as if(mysql_num_fields($result)>0){  (or the value u wish i mean number of rows.)
$update_query=mysql_query("UPDATE convertech SET $main=$main WHERE $main =``");

if($update_query) {

echo "Trasaction Excecuted Successfully" ;


else { mysql_error(); }


If you still facing any problems dont hesitate to ask me. :) 


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For one, put your code in code brackets PLEASE. Second, in the first query you SELECT WHERE $pageurl, while the UPDATE uses the $main variable. Since you use different variables, how do you even know the affected row will be the same?


Third, you can just run an update query without the COUNT() prior to the query. Even if there is no row to update, it will run without errors. You can then run *_affected_rows() afterwards to see if anything was updated.

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