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Domain Name / Slogan


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holy pantyhose batman :o!!!  i didnt know what crayon was talking about until i clicked on the next link...


no offense intended here, but crayon has a point...if we are going to give you our ideas, you should at least tell us yours to know if you actually tried here or you are just looking for free marketing...


again...no offense intended.


wow...sorry, i just didn't expect the same question twice in a row!!!

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I might have forgotten to mention it - tikie means nothing at the moment - in the 60s it used to be a currency which South Africa and Britain used - that was a quarter of a shilling - but they do not use it anymore. I just see a nice short and easy name to remember nothing else. as far as brainstorming is concerned at the moment Im at zero point - dont know how things will look like in the evening - I just had my lunch that might lie there. So now I might go for a rest or a walk or even cycle.


Anyone else

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Maybe in South Africa, but I can't recall any of our currency in Britain being nicknamed 'a tikie'...


What was the quarter of a shilling in the 60s - Sorry I've never lived in Britain - just know that they were the colonist and besides stealing a lot in South Africa made themselves comfortable.

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Maybe in South Africa, but I can't recall any of our currency in Britain being nicknamed 'a tikie'...


What was the quarter of a shilling in the 60s - Sorry I've never lived in Britain - just know that they were the colonist and besides stealing a lot in South Africa made themselves comfortable.

A quarter of a shilling was called a threepenny bit, as far as I remember.

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Exactly 3 penny - then it was tikie in South Africa - we are slowly getting at it - well this doesnt exist anymore - but I have this Domain name with the name tikie which has nothing to do with the quarter of a shilling or 3 penny - only that its a short name and easy to remember - I think I better google the name tikie - I wonder whats gonna come out expect my domain.


Slowly slowly I see the light at the end of the tunnel  ;D .

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I'm really not sure I understand right now. So we know the etymology of your name and that you want it to be easy to remember. I get that. What does your website do? What do you want it to do? What plans do you have for it? Or are you only at the point of buying a domain and want to know where to go from there. Maybe I missed something but its hard enough to come up with a decent slogan when you completely understand the view of the company/group/site what have you, let alone if we know nothing other than the name.

What about "We don't exist anymore"? (bad joke... sorry lol)

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I'm really not sure I understand right now. So we know the etymology of your name and that you want it to be easy to remember. I get that. What does your website do? What do you want it to do? What plans do you have for it? Or are you only at the point of buying a domain and want to know where to go from there. Maybe I missed something but its hard enough to come up with a decent slogan when you completely understand the view of the company/group/site what have you, let alone if we know nothing other than the name.

What about "We don't exist anymore"? (bad joke... sorry lol)


Well what I believe (s)he is trying to convey here is that all (s)he has is the site name.  (S)he doesn't have a business idea on any level, from product/service to slogan to etc... what (s)he wants is advice/suggestions on what kind of business/service/slogan etc... (sh)e can make out of tikie.  (S)he believes that it's a short, easy to remember name, and therefore has some kind of potential. 


The whole etymology thing was brainstorming what kind of product/service to offer.  (S)he figured maybe (s)he could come up with an idea based on some kind of etymology of the name. 


In short, AFAIK, (s)he just randomly came across "tikie" and thinks there might be some kind of potential there, and is looking for some kind of help in discovering that potential.  Hence my original comment about how there's people who get paid for that sort of thing.  I mean, I don't know about any of you, but it sure would suck if I were to make a suggestion about it, and it turns into a million dollar business, and here I am sitting on my ass broke just the same.

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Well in that case, I have no idea. I would suggest making a site based about something you know or something you like. You mentioned going for a "cycle" what about bikes? With products/services/websites its a good idea to stick to what you know. Its easier and more fun that way and other people with similar interests will see that you're legit. As for a slogan, I'd wait until you have an idea for the site first and it'll just kinda come to you. Or at least be easier to think of.

I probably can't come up with any better than that. Sorry.

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I love this


"We don't exist anymore"?


well I have enough domain names on things I like and they have the right slogans - but dont know what I can do with tikie come


But the idea is there already "We dont exist anymore" what a challenge.

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That's actually kind of cool @ ProjectFear's post. A website completely about everything that doesn't exist anymore. It'd take a lot of research but you could do animals, civilizations, currency (hehe), theories, companies, etc. I'd suggest have a wiki style site maybe to start because it would be a LOT of research otherwise. Or have a section where people could submit articles and you review them first and then post them. Heh. I meant it as a joke but i kinda like it.


*edit* i forgot anymore after exist. making a site about things that don't exist is something completely different. unicorns, santa, time machines. not the same thing as extinct things :P

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Hence my original comment about how there's people who get paid for that sort of thing.  I mean, I don't know about any of you, but it sure would suck if I were to make a suggestion about it, and it turns into a million dollar business, and here I am sitting on my ass broke just the same.

Lol just read this. Yah that would kinda suck. I'm full of ideas though so if I miss one I've got lots more :P

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Haha I wouldn't argue you at all :P

Its true though. I'm not sure why. I wonder if a poor person with ideas got rich if they'd have less ideas or if its just maybe a coincidence. It kinda works out though. I mean if the rich people kept getting the ideas and making new products or services then the poor people would be even more apt to be mindless zombies. I guess that all explains venture capital though :P

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