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[SOLVED] if else not working

PHP Nubsauce

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Can somebody tell me why the if works fine - it shows the database information, but the else does not give the message saying faq hasent been added yet -


 <?php if(mysql_num_rows($links) != 0){ ?><?php echo($question); ?></strong> <?php echo($answer); } else { echo('There is currently no FAQ added'); } ?> </p>
	  <p class="text">

	    <?php } ?>

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No, don't try an elseif.  Also, why do you close the strong tag in the IF but not in the ELSE?  It would probably make everything bold then, but whatever.  You're allowed to use whitespace for a reason, by the way.  Try spacing it out and see what you can find.

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We need to see the code preceding this snippet to be able to tell what's wrong.


Here is your code fixed up a bit...

if(mysql_num_rows($links) != 0)
echo $question . '</strong>' . $answer;
echo 'There is currently no FAQ added'; }	
?> </p>
	  <p class="text">



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I tried else if as well, im not getting any errors, it just doesent display the "None" text


heres whats before it ..


			 $links = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$mysql_pretext."_faq WHERE faq_type_id = '1' ORDER BY question DESC");
if (!$links) {
echo("Error retrieving faq from the database!<br>Error: " . mysql_error());
while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($links)) {
$id = $link["ID"];
$question = $link["question"];
$answer = $link["answer"];

	  <p class="text"><strong>   <?php if(mysql_num_rows($links) != 0){ ?><?php echo($question); ?></strong> <?php echo($answer); } else { echo('There is currently no FAQ added'); } ?> </p>
	  <p class="text">

	    <?php } ?>

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If there are no rows, the while loop isn't executed at all, thereby bypassing your else.  Rework your logic to include the check at the top before the while, and inside the else put the while (make the if that "Sorry there are no faq's" thing).

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Since the "if" is included within the "while" loop that will only get executed when there are rows, the "else" path will never get followed. You need to do the "if" before the while. Try:

$q = "SELECT * FROM ".$mysql_pretext."_faq WHERE faq_type_id = '1' ORDER BY question DESC";
$links = mysql_query($q) or die ("Error retrieving faq from the database!<br>Error: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($links) == 0)
   echo 'There is currently no FAQ added';
else {
while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($links)) {
	$id = $link["ID"];
	$question = $link["question"];
	$answer = $link["answer"];
	echo '</p></h1><p class="text"><strong>';
	echo $question . '</strong>' . $answer . '</p>';
	echo '<p class="text">';


Code fixed & properly indented.



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