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Hey guise


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I wrote an article (or letter) aimed towards MySpace users. I'm not really on that many sites so I haven't been able to get that much feedback from people The site is only new so scoring on Google uis out of the question at the moment; even though everything is indexed. Could you have a look? Please not that the language is a bit coarse and that it's not supposed to be taken seriously.





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Congrats for being able to use a spell checker on your little "article" but I hope you know it is full of grammatical errors.  Not to mention the title of your thread here is misspelled.  I think it's funny and ironic and sad all rolled into one when the grammar police come knocking on your door and fail.  Kind of like this friend of mine I used to get high with and one day he busted out saying he was an undercover cop and had to arrest me for smoking weed and I was like er...wtf you're smoking too... I guess the lesson I learned is that the law doesn't apply to the people who enforce it, so maybe I should extend that to grammar police. 


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Let me get this straight:


You wrote a blog, filled with grammatical errors, ranting and raving about other peoples' blogs having grammatical and spelling errors?  To steal a joke from Family Guy, that's like being a dwarf among midgets.

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Not to mention the title of your thread here is misspelled.


Woah? SERIOUSLY? Thank God somebody as perceptive as you was here to let me know. Btw, nobody really cared about your little story about something that.. whatever.


Congrats for being able to use a spell checker on your little "article" but I hope you know it is full of grammatical errors


Did you know that sometimes bad grammar is... finish the sentence.




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Let me get this straight:


You wrote a blog, filled with grammatical errors, ranting and raving about other peoples' blogs having grammatical and spelling errors?  To steal a joke from Family Guy, that's like being a dwarf among midgets.


Let me get this straight:


You wrote that sentence, which completely repeated what purple crayon had already said, just to use a Family Guy joke?

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Let me get this straight:


You wrote a blog, filled with grammatical errors, ranting and raving about other peoples' blogs having grammatical and spelling errors?  To steal a joke from Family Guy, that's like being a dwarf among midgets.


Let me get this straight:


You wrote that sentence, which completely repeated what purple crayon had already said, just to use a Family Guy joke?


Let me get this straight:


You wrote that sentence, which consisted of some words, just to misspell a name?

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Let me get this straight:


You wrote a blog, filled with grammatical errors, ranting and raving about other peoples' blogs having grammatical and spelling errors?  To steal a joke from Family Guy, that's like being a dwarf among midgets.


Let me get this straight:


You wrote that sentence, which completely repeated what purple crayon had already said, just to use a Family Guy joke?


Let me get this straight:


You wrote that sentence, which consisted of some words, just to misspell a name?



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Hey I never claimed to be some grammar police. Don't get your panties in a wad just cuz someone called you out. 


Bottom line is that you wanted to complain about other people's writing skills trying to act all superior, and I called you out.  Responding with sarcasm is just lame. 

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Hey I never claimed to be some grammar police. Don't get your panties in a wad just cuz someone called you out. 


Bottom line is that you wanted to complain about other people's writing skills trying to act all superior, and I called you out.  Responding with sarcasm is just lame. 


Wow. You went back for an edit. It was if you wrote the first sentence, posted and then thought of a really omfgosh awesome insult to burn me all the way to hell with. You called nobody out. If your reading skills were any good you would have realised that the article wasn't to be taken seriously.



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