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CentOS or Solaris 10


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I have Fedora Core 9 on a box beside my dresser.  It's not too bad, but like Daniel said, I'm not a fan of yum, if you're angling for simplicity.  I ended up compiling Apache/PHP/MySQL my self lol.


To be honest, I can't really compare FC to much because it is the only thing I've ever used except for Ubuntu for about 3 days.


I've heard a lot about Debian, though.  Hrmm, maybe I'll wipe a partition and dual boot Debian and FC later....  Just to check it out.

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Debian isn't particularly difficult.


aptitude install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server mysql-client

and you have a LAMP.


Set subdomains using vhosts in Apache. Those should be stored in /etc/apache2/sites-available and then you can use a2ensite and a2dissite to enable and disable vhosts (it'll just create a symlink in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled actually).

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If your already using and used to CentOS why not stick with it? Though I would always recommend Debian, its often better the devil you know. Solaris will take some getting used to, it not Linux and there are a few minor differences that may take some getting used to.

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