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I had a quick hunt around and couldnt find anything specific - and have read the documentation but couldnt find anything concrete.


At what point is an instance destroyed from memory without impicitly calling unset($class) or $class = null;


I ask because I am relatively new to OOP and have just implemented a class to handle some SLA logic - this logic is used across three seperate .php pages and I initiate a new instance on each page. Im a little worried that im not managing the destruction and removal from memory effeciently and will end up with slow performance or memory fill!



1. Should I be initiating a new instance of my class on every page that uses it?

2. Do I need an implicit unset($class) and a __destructor  or is page end good enough to destroy from memory?


Sorry if I am rehashing old ground but you guys are so helpful  ::)

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garbage collecting is done, when a function ends, when the script finishes, and when you tell php to do it with unset or mysql_free_result.


as for your question, variables will pass between includes, so no, you don't have to re-initialize it.


and also, no, you don't have to unset variables specifically or use destructors :) this is of course a big jump from servlets and javaserver pages if that's what you're typically use to using.

garbage collecting is done, when a function ends, when the script finishes, and when you tell php to do it with unset or mysql_free_result.


as for your question, variables will pass between includes, so no, you don't have to re-initialize it.


and also, no, you don't have to unset variables specifically or use destructors :) this is of course a big jump from servlets and javaserver pages if that's what you're typically use to using.


I meant garbage collection for variables that weren't unset and any objects destructors that weren't already used are called at the end of the request.

1. Should I be initiating a new instance of my class on every page that uses it?

use a singleton, but only when you want to work with it in multiple scopes


2. Do I need an implicit unset($class) and a __destructor or is page end good enough to destroy from memory?

pear uses a destructor which calls all child destructors, the only problem here is that your classes have to implement the parent class

the parent destructor is then registered with the shutdown function i think, so one destructor starts the destruction of all registered objects

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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