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IF statment woes


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I'm trying to show a win/loss percentage for a sport with a few extra requirements given to me from the customer.  I would think that the following code would work but I'm always getting a ".500" result for all records that this processes in the loop.  Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong?


// if no games played yet, give the team a .500 percentage
if ($Wins == 0 && $Losses == 0)
    $Perc = .500;
// if any wins AND no losses, give the team a 1.00 percentage
elseif ($Wins > 0 && $Losses == 0)
    $Perc = 1.00;
// if any losses AND no wins, give the team a 0.00 percentage
elseif ($Wins == 0 && $Losses > 0)
    $Perc = 0.00;
// otherwise figure the win to loss percentage
    $Perc = $Wins / ($Wins + $Losses);

// show results
echo $Perc;


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first off, do you realize that your formula works for all cases except for wins & losses = 0?



if(!$Wins && !$Losses){

    $Perc = 0.5;


    $Perc = $Wins /(float)($Wins + $Losses);


echo $Perc;



but.... your original code should work.  You might want to check $Wins and $Losses just before the IF and make sure they are what you think they are

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@ mbeals - I thought my first IF (if ($Wins == 0 && $Losses == 0)) would handle the case of wins and losses = 0, I could be wrong though - I'm still deep inside my learning curve with this stuff.  I tried using your code but I'm getting a "Division by zero" error on all results.


By the way, the win/loss records are:

W - L

1 - 0

0 - 0

0 - 1

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we still need to see how you're assigning $Wins and $Losses, but in the end the if() you want is:


if ($Wins == 0 && $Losses == 0)
  $ratio = 0;
  $ratio = round($Wins / ($Wins + $Losses), 2);


there's no need to cast it as a float, since you'll always be dealing with integers.

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I'm pulling the data from a content management system specific query function (yeah, fun stuff).  Here's the entire thing.  Mind you that I'm posting a small bit of the CMS code but all it does is loops from ("{query sql=") to ("{/query}") and executes.  I also changed the variable names before to try and make things simpler for everyone to help me out so things might seem a bit different.  I know. the query is a beast.  It's not mine -- the database is not normalized at all and I'm stuck dealing with what the customer has.


{query sql="SELECT
SUM(IF(`result`='Win',1,0)) AS `wins`,
SUM(IF(`result`='Loss',1,0)) AS `losses`,
		`home_team` AS `team`,
		`home_results` AS `result`,


  		`away_team` AS `team`,
		`away_results` AS `result`,

  ) AS `t`


	<td width="150px" valign="top">

	<td width="50px" valign="top">


		$Wins = '{wins}';
		$Losses = '{losses}';

		if ($Wins == 0 && $Losses == 0)
    			$Perc = .500;
		elseif ($Wins > 0 && $Losses == 0)
    				$Perc = 1.000;
		elseif ($Wins == 0 && $Losses > 0)
    				$Perc = 0;
    			$Perc = $Wins / ($Wins + $Losses);

		echo $Perc;



	<td width="50px" valign="top">

	<td width="50px" valign="top">



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seemingly dumb question, but isn't 1 win and 1 loss 50% anyway?


try echoing $Wins and $Losses to ensure they have what they should, and we can narrow it down to whether it's the assignment or the conditional block that's causing the issue.

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Yeah 1 loss and 1 win would = 50%.  Did I hose that up somewhere?  Plus the way it was described to me by the customer is that a 0 and 0 record equals a 50% standing so that they remain above the other teams that have loss(es). Beyond that, another major reason for this IF statement was to avoid division by zero errors.


I echoed here:


$Wins = '{wins}';
$Losses = '{losses}';

echo $Wins . " - " . $Losses . "<br>";


and the results are what they should be: 1 - 0, 0 - 0, 0 - 1

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do you get 0.500 for all three (1-0, 0-0, and 0-1)? if so, it could be an issue with your type, so it might be wise to intval() your $Wins and $Losses or remove the single quotes from around the {wins} and {losses} when assigning.

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I assume you mean remove the single quotes here:

$Wins = '{wins}';
$Losses = '{losses}';


I tried and it kicked out an error "syntax error, unexpected '{' in...".


Could you explain where I would put that intval()?  Thanks for the help so far!!

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could it be that your CMS is screwing up the if-elseif block?  check if putting:


$i_dont_know = 7;
if ($i_dont_know == 0)
  $Perc = 'something ridiculous';


(in place of the original block) makes it output 'something ridiculous'.

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i'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that the braces are screwing your script up, since the CMS's syntax is interpreting them as commands?  try this:


if ($Wins == 0 && $Losses == 0)
  $Perc = 0.500;
  $Perc = round($Wins / ($Wins + $Losses), 2);

echo $Perc;


another option to try might be to use <?php instead of the shorthand <?.  this is just good practice anyway, since servers may sometime (if they haven't already) started to default to disabling short tags.

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I tried it and same results.  I spent some time doing this outside of the CMS and it works like a champ so I'm going to let the customer know that it's just not possible with his CMS.  Thank you soooo much akitchin for hanging in there with me!!

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well, before you go back to the client (and i'm surprised i didn't think of this earlier), you might be able to put this into the query:


{query sql="SELECT
SUM(IF(`result`='Win',1,0)) AS `wins`,
SUM(IF(`result`='Loss',1,0)) AS `losses`,
        CASE WHEN `wins` = 0 AND `losses` = 0 THEN 0.500 ELSE ROUND(`wins` / (`wins` + `losses`), 2) END AS `percentage`
		`home_team` AS `team`,
		`home_results` AS `result`,


  		`away_team` AS `team`,
		`away_results` AS `result`,

  ) AS `t`


i'm not sure if you can use aggregate functions in the SELECT portion, but it's worth a shot.  if you can't get this to work, THEN i'd go to the client and capitulate.

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ah, that's what i was afraid of.  alright, well unless a MySQL guru can help you out with the query, i guess the CMS syntax triumphs.  perhaps try posting the query into the MySQL forum and see if someone can help you put it into the query - i'm certain someone who trawls that forum will be able to help you.

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