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The developers who are building my site are at a loss as to why my site has started to run so slowly and is timming out.

The site is hosted in the UK.

The site has been built using nodes held in a database and is being jointly developed by a firm in the uk and another in India.  In the early hours of this morning while the Indian team were working on the site they reported a severe drop in the speed/response of the site.  They persumed that this was a server problem and contacted the team in the UK.  The UK team have had all of there servers checked and they are running correctly and all other sites being hosted by them are running as normal.  The Indian team has said that they have not altered anything that would cause this problem.

The site is due to be launched today and neither team (UK or Indian) no what to do next.


Can anyone please help.


Technical info:

windows 2003 server

base content managment system is drupul (hense the use of nodes)

php mysql based



Thank you



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this could be caused by so any things and unless you think you have a section of php code that is causing your site to slow down why hav you posted here the problem is so ambiguous where are we meant to start to help you



Sorry Scott, I realise that this is like the needle in the haystack type senario and I have given you no code or leads.


I am waiting for the developers to tell me which parts of code they were working on and will get back to you.


In the mean time what sort of changes to the code could cause this type of problem.


Any ideas most welcome.



Could be anything. No way of knowing with this little info. Question though: is the site running a fresh Drupal install, no modifications or third party, potentially unstable plugins? I would be looking at whatever the Indians added or modified.


Btw, I'm going to modify your thread title. Labelling your problem as urgent is against forum rules.

so the UK team has no issues running the same scripts, but the Indian team does?


Have the indian team run a traceroute on the server, or better yet, use MTR.  Have the UK team do the same and compare results.


My first instinct in a matter like this is a slow hop or networking issue.  Is this server multi-homed or part of a load balanced cluster?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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