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[SOLVED] echo file_get_contents query


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Problem... and hopefully an easy one to solve with someone's help.


My page in question is "video.php" from whose address bar i use $vidID=$_GET['vidID']; to obtain the vidID variable. Now, within my page i use quite a few of echo file_get_contents to break down my website and make it easier to design and manage.


From "video.php" i use echo file_get_contents to load "screen.php"


My problem is that I need to be able to use the $vidID variable WITHIN screen.php, but the information doesn't seem to work...


how can i invisibly transport the value of $vidID into screen.php?


Many thanks in advance my favourite people!

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isn't including the file getting phased out?


stupid question, but can I ask... what is the sodding difference between the two? lol. I always get confused and play about until one or the other works the way I want it to

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When you use file_get_contents() and pass it a filesystem filename rather than a URL, it just reads the file.  If you pass it a full URL so PHP uses its file wrapper, you get the output of the script.  include actually executes a file on the filesystem and incorporates it into the current script.

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it is actually beginning to sink in, and i am grateful for having patience to explain it to me. Having one last error though...


the url of the page in question is "...co.uk/advice/video.php" and the one i'm trying to include is "...co.uk/contents/screen.php"


they're no hierarchy, they're in completely different folders. shouldn't the follwing be working so?


video.php contains...


echo include("/contents/screen.php");


cos now i'm getting


Warning: include(/contents/screen.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/e1seix/public_html/advice/video.php on line 16


Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/contents/screen.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/e1seix/public_html/advice/video.php on line 16


in my defence, it's late for me. lol

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You cannot echo an include, by the way.  Just include(), with no echo.




P.S: For anyone who wants to correct me, I know that you CAN echo an include() if it returns something, but that's not the case here and it's not all too common anyway.

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If you echo an include, if the include was successful it will just echo 1, meaning true. No point really.


//file phpfreaks.php
echo 'phpfreaks';
//some other file
echo include('phpfreaks.php'); //will return: phpfreaks1


Your point is right though, what's the meaning of echoing an included file :)

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