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I would suggest using a for() loop, or merge()+range()... but if you HAVE to use a foreach loop...


$array = array('Dogs', 'Cats', 'Squirrels', 'Mice', 'Rats');
$i = 1;
$newArray = array();

foreach($array as $element)
  $newArray[] = "$i. $element";


If you're using it to display in html, I would suggest the method above.

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If these are in an array, you can do this:

$things = array('Dogs','Cats','Squirrels','Mice','Rats');
echo '<ol><li>' . implode('</li><li>',$things) . '</li></ol>';




Ooh, that is slick!


Yeh :P I just tested it and it worked, but I dont get how imploding an array works :S

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You'll have to put the items into an array, but you don't have to use foreach()... You could ues a simple for() like so:



$info[1] = "Dogs";
$info[2] = "Cats";
$info[3] = "Squirrels";
$info[4] = "Mice";
$info[5] = "Rats";

for($i = 1; $i <= count($info); $i++){
   echo "$i. $info[$i]"."<br>";





1. Dogs

2. Cats

3. Squirrels

4. Mice

5. Rats

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If these are in an array, you can do this:

$things = array('Dogs','Cats','Squirrels','Mice','Rats');
echo '<ol><li>' . implode('</li><li>',$things) . '</li></ol>';




Ooh, that is slick!


Yeh :P I just tested it and it worked, but I dont get how imploding an array works :S


an array is all you can implode http://us.php.net/implode

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Thank you for all of the replies (and so fast!).


Sorry for not clarifying. I'm pulling the info from a database. Here's the current code:


  <?php foreach($listings AS $listing):?>

  <?php echo $Routes->content($listing['Listing']['title'],$listing);?>

    <?php endforeach;?>


Take care,




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for the record, we should be in the habit of running the count() function outside of the for() loop, otherwise the loop runs it on every iteration and wastes valuable DIGIRESOURCES!!




:s my bad, long time since I used implode/explode lol


but they're EXPLODE and IMPLODE... they're the coolest named functions in the language..


Of course they lose to fopen (phhhhopen!!!!) in the "most fun to say" category.


Yeah, I hold my own language awards where I give awards to the "most *" functions in the library... that doesn't make me weird, right?


.. I'll shut up now.

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