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[SOLVED] IP BAN - Can you go 1 better???

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A friend of mine has a game with two really annoying users which he IP banned, however they keep accessing his site via proxy's or changing their IP. Is there a better way to get rid of them?


I have already been researching and found the function gethostbyaddr(), would banning that just affect them?



Thanks for replys.

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You need a membership system (username/password login) that uses an email verified (activation link sent in an email) opt-in system. You can than disable problem accounts (and ban email addresses) and they will at least need to go through the trouble of obtaining a new email address and creating a new account. Use a good CAPTCHA to prevent automated form submission for account creation.


Any body over the age of 11 knows how to change their IP address and any body over the age of 12 knows how to find a proxy to connect through. Attempting to ban using either of those methods is a waste of time and effort.

IP Ban = a NO NO


what PFMaBiSmAD said is exactly right  Captcha Email verification and User accounts should be always used on any thing a user could do that could allow them to add, delete or modify data in your site


Also only allow 1 account per email and don't delete but suspend them  (You will get them eventually)

Fair enough, I coded the scripts he uses and the email accounts can only be used by one living account at a time, looks like the email ban is the most efficient way to bann them from the site and I will implement this now, Im sure he will just create more but if he wants to get into my friends site im not going to make it easy for him.


Thanks for the help

After you do everything to limit their account creation/usage, what type of abuse of the site is taking place?


Your next step would be to add filters to mask-out **** bad words, URL's... or to add a minimum length of membership before enabling certain functions.

No point, IP's are easy to change, we have a badword list but they are just generally annoying. I have one of the guys on msn...



@ndy Holland says:

You make 1 every time u get banned :|

************** says:

yeh lol

************** says:

im used 2 it know so it only takes me like 2 minz



know this has been resolved but i got a small idea...


is it possible to only allow 1 registration per IP address??


That's an overkill again.

Think about people behind NATs.

Think about people like me, who have different IP every day (cos that's how my ISP works).

You can have two or more legitimate users on the same local network, so trying to limit multiple accounts, log ins... or anything else per IP address is not a solution. That would just inconvenience your real users and won't stop bad users as they will just go and get a different IP address.

The problem here is no one is really looking at what an IP is


Its like a PO box you rent from an ISP (or someone) to tell internet packages where you go.


The thing is that PO box is rented on an hourly or daily rate and can change that often.



Also in side that PO box can be more mail boxes (sorta like an apartment getting mail or a big building)  so if you block that PO box you could be blocking a lot of people form getting your packages.


Or if the renter of said IP/PO box changes tommorow you might be blocking a legit person



IP based banning is no good unless you are in a LAN that you can control who has which IP.



IP can only be used as a way to possibly link a user to their ISP to report them

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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