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Textbook Recommendations --> PHP5 Best Practices, efficiency etc?


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Hi gang,


I've been writing PHP for about 3 years now. I'm quite confident in my ability to pump out code, but I've spent the past 18 months working alone, and without access to other/senior PHP programmers, I suspect my practices aren't improving as fast as they should.


I was wondering if anyone had any good textbook suggestions that might make my code a little more graceful. Specifically, things like building an elegant (custom) MVC framework, improve code reusability, interchangeability etc. My current code isn't horrible by any means, but I'm sure it could be written more efficiently.


In short, just a book that isn't so much about the functionality of PHP, as about a bunch of ideas likely to make me think "yeah, that's much more convenient/fast/elegant".


Any suggestions most appreciated.


Lotsa thanks,

                 The Baggage

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"The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master", Hunt, Thomas

"Design Patterns", Gamma, et al. (Gang of Four)

"PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice"

"Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture", Fowler


Not all of those books are specifically about PHP though.

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