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create me a php script please?


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okay im making a game and when people attack eachother i need a script to determine who wins...


each player has 3 skills: $strength, $defense, $Speed.


in a fight... the player with highest speed hits first...


Then you take opponents defense away from your Strength to get the attack hit. (if defense is equal or higher than strength then hit is random but very small) 1 - 10.


the fight goes on until one player loses all their $hp and dies..


the winner receives 4% of the opponents $money...


the winner gains $exp.

exp formula.... your $level - opponents $level + 100 X 100 = your Exp Gain.


i think ive covered everything... can anyone make a script like this?



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I am not willing to pay for such scripts when im sure i can get great help here.


Im prepared to do it myself with a little help.




I also forgot to say about weapons and armour, weapons adding to strength and armour adding to defense but im not sure how to implement them yet.


and if exp would = a -number or 0 then give random exp 1-10

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might be easier to start with case:break/continue

there is how id start

$str['p1'] = '45';
$str['p2'] = '55';
$def['p1'] = '79';
$def['p2'] = '46';
$spd['p1'] = '24';
$spd['p2'] = '21';
$hp ['p1'] = '144';
$hp ['p2'] = '133';

$mny['p1'] = '8754';
$mny['p2'] = '6164';

if ($spd['p1'] > $spd['p2']) {
// do stuff}
else {}

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This is a battle.php that i currently use..


/*           ezRPG script            */
/*         Written by Zeggy          */
/*  http://code.google.com/p/ezrpg   */
/*    http://www.bbgamezone.com/     */

define("PAGENAME", "Battle");
$player = check_user($secret_key, $db);

$currenttime = time();
    $date_time_array = getdate($currenttime);
    $hours = $date_time_array['hours'];
    $minutes = $date_time_array['minutes'];
    $seconds = $date_time_array['seconds'];
    $month = $date_time_array['mon'];
    $day = $date_time_array['mday'];
    $year = $date_time_array['year'];

case "attack":
	if (!$_GET['username']) //No username entered
		header("Location: battle.php");

	//Otherwise, get player data:
	$query = $db->execute("select * from `players` where `username`=?", array($_GET['username']));
	if ($query->recordcount() == 0) //Player doesn't exist
		echo "This player doesn't exist!";

	$enemy1 = $query->fetchrow(); //Get player info
	foreach($enemy1 as $key=>$value)
		$enemy->$key = $value;

	 //Otherwise, check if enemy is dead
        if ($enemy->dead_time_remaining > $currenttime)
            echo "This player is in the hospital!";

	//Player cannot attack anymore
	if ($player->energy == 0)
		echo "You have no energy left! You must rest a while.";

	//Player is dead
        if ($player->dead_time_remaining > $currenttime)
            echo "You already got the crap beat out of you and in the hospital dummy";

	if ($enemy->username == $player->username)
		echo "You cannot attack yourself...";

	//Get enemy's bonuses from equipment
	$query = $db->query("select blueprint_items.effectiveness, blueprint_items.name from `items`, `blueprint_items` where blueprint_items.id=items.item_id and items.player_id=? and blueprint_items.type='weapon' and items.status='equipped'", array($enemy->id));
	$enemy->atkbonus = ($query->recordcount() == 1)?$query->fetchrow():0;
	$query = $db->query("select blueprint_items.effectiveness, blueprint_items.name from `items`, `blueprint_items` where blueprint_items.id=items.item_id and items.player_id=? and blueprint_items.type='armour' and items.status='equipped'", array($enemy->id));
	$enemy->defbonus = ($query->recordcount() == 1)?$query->fetchrow():0;

	//Get player's bonuses from equipment
	$query = $db->query("select blueprint_items.effectiveness, blueprint_items.name from `items`, `blueprint_items` where blueprint_items.id=items.item_id and items.player_id=? and blueprint_items.type='weapon' and items.status='equipped'", array($player->id));
	$player->atkbonus = ($query->recordcount() == 1)?$query->fetchrow():0;
	$query = $db->query("select blueprint_items.effectiveness, blueprint_items.name from `items`, `blueprint_items` where blueprint_items.id=items.item_id and items.player_id=? and blueprint_items.type='armour' and items.status='equipped'", array($player->id));
	$player->defbonus = ($query->recordcount() == 1)?$query->fetchrow():0;

	//Calculate some variables that will be used
	$enemy->strdiff = (($enemy->strength - $player->strength) > 0)?($enemy->strength - $player->strength):0;
	$enemy->vitdiff = (($enemy->vitality - $player->vitality) > 0)?($enemy->vitality - $player->vitality):0;
	$enemy->agidiff = (($enemy->agility - $player->agility) > 0)?($enemy->agility - $player->agility):0;
	$player->strdiff = (($player->strength - $enemy->strength) > 0)?($player->strength - $enemy->strength):0;
	$player->vitdiff = (($player->vitality - $enemy->vitality) > 0)?($player->vitality - $enemy->vitality):0;
	$player->agidiff = (($player->agility - $enemy->agility) > 0)?($player->agility - $enemy->agility):0;
	$totalstr = $enemy->strength + $player->strength;
	$totalvit = $enemy->vitality + $player->vitality;
	$totalagi = $enemy->agility + $player->agility;

	//Calculate the damage to be dealt by each player (dependent on strength and vitality)
	$enemy->maxdmg = (($enemy->strength * 2) + $enemy->atkbonus['effectiveness']) - ($player->defbonus['effectiveness']);
	$enemy->maxdmg = $enemy->maxdmg - intval($enemy->maxdmg * ($player->vitdiff / $totalvit));
	$enemy->maxdmg = ($enemy->maxdmg <= 2)?2:$enemy->maxdmg; //Set 2 as the minimum damage
	$enemy->mindmg = (($enemy->maxdmg - 4) < 1)?1:($enemy->maxdmg - 4); //Set a minimum damage range of maxdmg-4
	$player->maxdmg = (($player->strength * 2) + $player->atkbonus['effectiveness']) - ($enemy->defbonus['effectiveness']);
	$player->maxdmg = $player->maxdmg - intval($player->maxdmg * ($enemy->vitdiff / $totalvit));
	$player->maxdmg = ($player->maxdmg <= 2)?2:$player->maxdmg; //Set 2 as the minimum damage
	$player->mindmg = (($player->maxdmg - 4) < 1)?1:($player->maxdmg - 4); //Set a minimum damage range of maxdmg-4

	//Calculate battle 'combos' - how many times in a row a player can attack (dependent on agility)
	$enemy->combo = ceil($enemy->agility / $player->agility);
	$enemy->combo = ($enemy->combo > 3)?3:$enemy->combo;
	$player->combo = ceil($player->agility / $enemy->agility);
	$player->combo = ($player->combo > 3)?3:$player->combo;

	//Calculate the chance to miss opposing player
	$enemy->miss = intval(($player->agidiff / $totalagi) * 100);
	$enemy->miss = ($enemy->miss > 20)?20:$enemy->miss; //Maximum miss chance of 20% (possible to change in admin panel?)
	$enemy->miss = ($enemy->miss <= 5)?5:$enemy->miss; //Minimum miss chance of 5%
	$player->miss = intval(($enemy->agidiff / $totalagi) * 100);
	$player->miss = ($player->miss > 20)?20:$player->miss; //Maximum miss chance of 20%
	$player->miss = ($player->miss <= 5)?5:$player->miss; //Minimum miss chance of 5%

	$battlerounds = 30; //Maximum number of rounds/turns in the battle. Changed in admin panel?

	$output = ""; //Output message

	//While somebody is still alive, battle!
	while ($enemy->hp > 0 && $player->hp > 0 && $battlerounds > 0)
		$attacking = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$player:$enemy;
		$defending = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$enemy:$player;

		for($i = 0;$i < $attacking->combo;$i++)
			//Chance to miss?
			$misschance = intval(rand(0, 100));
			if ($misschance <= $attacking->miss)
				$output .= $attacking->username . " tried to attack " . $defending->username . " but missed!<br />";
				$damage = rand($attacking->mindmg, $attacking->maxdmg); //Calculate random damage				
				$defending->hp -= $damage;
				$output .= ($player->username == $defending->username)?"<font color=\"red\">":"<font color=\"green\">";
				$output .= $attacking->username . " attacks " . $defending->username . " for <b>" . $damage . "</b> damage! (";
				$output .= ($defending->hp > 0)?$defending->hp . " HP left":"Dead";
				$output .= ")<br />";
				$output .= "</font>";

				//Check if anybody is dead
				if ($defending->hp <= 0)
					$player = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$attacking:$defending;
					$enemy = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$defending:$attacking;
					break 2; //Break out of the for and while loop, but not the switch structure
			if ($battlerounds <= 0)
				break 2; //Break out of for and while loop, battle is over!

		for($i = 0;$i < $defending->combo;$i++)
			//Chance to miss?
			$misschance = intval(rand(0, 100));
			if ($misschance <= $defending->miss)
				$output .= $defending->username . " tried to attack " . $attacking->username . " but missed!<br />";
				$damage = rand($defending->mindmg, $defending->maxdmg); //Calculate random damage
				$attacking->hp -= $damage;
				$output .= ($player->username == $defending->username)?"<font color=\"green\">":"<font color=\"red\">";
				$output .= $defending->username . " attacks " . $attacking->username . " for <b>" . $damage . "</b> damage! (";
				$output .= ($attacking->hp > 0)?$attacking->hp . " HP left":"Dead";
				$output .= ")<br />";
				$output .= "</font>";

				//Check if anybody is dead
				if ($attacking->hp <= 0)
					$player = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$attacking:$defending;
					$enemy = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$defending:$attacking;
					break 2; //Break out of the for and while loop, but not the switch structure
			if ($battlerounds <= 0)
				break 2; //Break out of for and while loop, battle is over!

		$player = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$attacking:$defending;
		$enemy = ($player->agility >= $enemy->agility)?$defending:$attacking;

	if ($player->hp <= 0)
		//Calculate losses
		$exploss1 = $player->level * 6;
		$exploss2 = (($player->level - $enemy->level) > 0)?($enemy->level - $player->level) * 4:0;
		$exploss = $exploss1 + $exploss2;
		$goldloss = intval(0.2 * $player->gold);
		$goldloss = intval(rand(1, $goldloss));

		$output .= "<br /><u>You were defeated by " . $enemy->username . "!</u><br />";
		$output .= "<br />You lost <b>" . $exploss . "</b> EXP and <b>" . $goldloss . "</b> gold.";
		$exploss3 = (($player->exp - $exploss) <= 0)?0:$exploss;
		$goldloss2 = (($player->gold - $goldloss) <= 0)?0:$goldloss;
		//Update player (the loser)
		$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `energy`=?, `exp`=?, `gold`=?, `deaths`=?, `hp`=0 where `id`=?", array($player->energy - 1, $player->exp - $exploss3, $player->gold - $goldloss2, $player->deaths + 1, $player->id));

		If ($enemy2[id] == 0 )
                // use mktime to recreate the unix timestamp
                $hostime = mktime($hours,$minutes+5,$seconds,$month,$day,$year);
                $updatedead = $db->execute("update `players` set `Killed_by_ID`=?, `Weapon_Used_id`=?, `dead_time_remaining`=? Where id=?", array($enemy->id, 14, $hostime, $player->id ));
                // use mktime to recreate the unix timestamp
                $hostime = mktime($hours,$minutes+$enemy2[hospital_time],$seconds,$month,$day,$year);
                $updatedead = $db->execute("update `players` set `Killed_by_ID`=?, `Weapon_Used_id`=?, `dead_time_remaining`=? Where id=?", array($enemy->id, $enemy2[id], $hostime, $player->id ));	

		//Update enemy (the winner)
		if ($exploss + $enemy->exp < $enemy->maxexp)
			$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `exp`=?, `gold`=?, `kills`=?, `hp`=? where `id`=?", array($enemy->exp + $exploss, $enemy->gold + $goldloss, $enemy->kills + 1, $enemy->hp, $enemy->id));
			//Add log message for winner
			$logmsg = "You were attacked by <a href=\"profile.php?id=" . $player->username . "\">" . $player->username . "</a> but you won!<br />\nYou gained " . $exploss . " EXP and " . $goldloss . " gold.";
			addlog($enemy->id, $logmsg, $db);
		else //Defender has gained a level! =)
			$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `stat_points`=?, `level`=?, `maxexp`=?, `exp`=?, `gold`=?, `kills`=?, `hp`=?, `maxhp`=? where `id`=?", array($enemy->stat_points + 3, $enemy->level + 1, ($enemy->level+1) * 70 - 20, ($enemy->exp + $exploss) - $enemy->maxexp, $enemy->gold + $goldloss, $enemy->kills + 1, $enemy->maxhp + 30, $enemy->maxhp + 30, $enemy->id));
			//Add log message for winner
			$logmsg = "You were attacked by <a href=\"profile.php?id=" . $player->username . "\">" . $player->username . "</a> but you won!<br />\nYou gained a level and " . $goldloss . " gold.";
			addlog($enemy->id, $logmsg, $db);
	else if ($enemy->hp <= 0)
		//Calculate losses
		$expwin1 = $enemy->level * 6;
		$expwin2 = (($player->level - $enemy->level) > 0)?$expwin1 - (($player->level - $enemy->level) * 3):$expwin1 + (($player->level - $enemy->level) * 3);
		$expwin2 = ($expwin2 <= 0)?1:$expwin2;
		$expwin3 = round(0.6 * $expwin2);
		$expwin = ceil(rand($expwin3, $expwin2));
		$goldwin = ceil(0.2 * $enemy->gold);
		$goldwin = intval(rand(1, $goldwin));
		$output .= "<br /><u>You defeated " . $enemy->username . "!</u><br />";
		$output .= "<br />You won <b>" . $expwin . "</b> EXP and <b>" . $goldwin . "</b> gold.";

		if ($expwin + $player->exp >= $player->maxexp) //Player gained a level!
			//Update player, gained a level
			$output .= "<br /><b>You leveled up!</b>";
			$newexp = $expwin + $player->exp - $player->maxexp;
			$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `stat_points`=?, `level`=?, `maxexp`=?, `maxhp`=?, `exp`=?, `gold`=?, `kills`=?, `hp`=?, `energy`=? where `id`=?", array($player->stat_points + 3, $player->level + 1, ($player->level+1) * 70 - 20, $player->maxhp + 30, $newexp, $player->gold + $goldwin, $player->kills + 1, $player->maxhp + 30, $player->energy - 1, $player->id));
			//Update player
			$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `exp`=?, `gold`=?, `kills`=?, `hp`=?, `energy`=? where `id`=?", array($player->exp + $expwin, $player->gold + $goldwin, $player->kills + 1, $player->hp, $player->energy - 1, $player->id));
			If ($player2[id] == 0 )
                    // use mktime to recreate the unix timestamp
                    $hostime = mktime($hours,$minutes+5,$seconds,$month,$day,$year);
                    $updatedead = $db->execute("update `players` set `Killed_by_ID`=?, `Weapon_Used_id`=?, `dead_time_remaining`=? Where id=?", array($player->id, 14, $hostime, $enemy->id ));
                    $hostime = mktime($hours,$minutes+$player2['hospital_time'],$seconds,$month,$day,$year);
                    $updatedead = $db->execute("update `players` set `Killed_by_ID`=?, `Weapon_Used_id`=?, `dead_time_remaining`=? Where id=?", array($player->id, $player2[id], $hostime, $enemy->id ));

		//Add log message
		$logmsg = "You were attacked by <a href=\"profile.php?id=" . $player->username . "\">" . $player->username . "</a> and you were defeated...";
		addlog($enemy->id, $logmsg, $db);
		//Update enemy (who was defeated)
		$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `hp`=0, `deaths`=? where `id`=?", array($enemy->deaths + 1, $enemy->id));
		$output .= "<br /><u>Both of you were too tired to finish the battle! Nobody won...</u>";
		$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `hp`=?, `energy`=? where `id`=?", array($player->hp, $player->energy - 1, $player->id));
		$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `hp`=? where `id`=?", array($enemy->hp, $enemy->id));

		$logmsg = "You were attacked by <a href=\"profile.php?id=" . $player->username . "\">" . $player->username . "</a> but nobody won...";
		addlog($enemy->id, $logmsg, $db);

	$player = check_user($secret_key, $db); //Get new stats
	echo $output;

case "search":
	//Check in case somebody entered 0
	$_GET['fromlevel'] = ($_GET['fromlevel'] == 0)?"":$_GET['fromlevel'];
	$_GET['tolevel'] = ($_GET['tolevel'] == 0)?"":$_GET['tolevel'];

	//Construct query
	$query = "select `id`, `username`, `hp`, `maxhp`, `level` from `players` where `id`!= ? and ";
	$query .= ($_GET['username'] != "")?"`username` LIKE  ? and ":"";
	$query .= ($_GET['fromlevel'] != "")?"`level` >= ? and ":"";
	$query .= ($_GET['tolevel'] != "")?"`level` <= ? and ":"";
	$query .= ($_GET['alive'] == "1")?"`dead_time_remaining` < $currenttime ":"`dead_time_remaining` > $currenttime ";
	$query .= "limit 50";

	//Construct values array for adoDB
	$values = array();
	array_push($values, $player->id); //Make sure battle search doesn't show self
	if ($_GET['username'] != "")
		array_push($values, "%".trim($_GET['username'])."%"); //Add username value for search
	//Add level range for search
	if ($_GET['fromlevel'])
		array_push($values, intval($_GET['fromlevel']));
	if ($_GET['tolevel'])
		array_push($values, intval($_GET['tolevel']));


	//Display search form again
	echo "<fieldset>\n";
	echo "<legend><b>Search for a player</b></legend>\n";
	echo "<form method=\"get\" action=\"battle.php\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"search\" />\n";
	echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Username:</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"" . stripslashes($_GET['username']) . "\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Level</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"fromlevel\" size=\"4\" value=\"" . stripslashes($_GET['fromlevel']) . "\" /> to <input type=\"text\" name=\"tolevel\" size=\"4\" value=\"" . stripslashes($_GET['tolevel']) . "\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Status:</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><select name=\"alive\" size=\"2\">\n<option value=\"1\"";
	echo ($_GET['alive'] == 1)?" selected=\"selected\"":"";
	echo ">Alive</option>\n<option value=\"0\"";
	echo ($_GET['alive'] == 0)?" selected=\"selected\"":"";
	echo ">Dead</option>\n</select></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr><td></td><td><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search!\" /></td></tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";
	echo "</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
	echo "<br /><br />";

	echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
	echo "<tr><th width=\"50%\">Username</th><th width=\"20%\">Level</th><th width=\"30%\">Battle</a></th></tr>\n";
	$query = $db->execute($query, $values); //Search!
	if ($query->recordcount() > 0) //Check if any players were found
		$bool = 1;
		while ($result = $query->fetchrow())
			echo "<tr class=\"row" . $bool . "\">\n";
			echo "<td width=\"50%\"><a href=\"profile.php?username=" . $result['username'] . "\">" . $result['username'] . "</a></td>\n";
			echo "<td width=\"20%\">" . $result['level'] . "</td>\n";
			echo "<td width=\"30%\"><a href=\"battle.php?act=attack&username=" . $result['username'] . "\">Attack</a></td>\n";
			echo "</tr>\n";
			$bool = ($bool==1)?2:1;
	else //Display error message
		echo "<tr>\n";
		echo "<td colspan=\"3\">No players found. Try changing your search criteria.</td>\n";
		echo "</tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";


	//The default battle page, giving choice of whether to search for players or to target one
	echo "<fieldset>\n";
	echo "<legend><b>Search for a player</b></legend>\n";
	echo "<form method=\"get\" action=\"battle.php\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"search\" />\n";
	echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Username:</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Level</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"fromlevel\" size=\"4\" /> to <input type=\"text\" name=\"tolevel\" size=\"4\" /></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr>\n<td width=\"40%\">Status:</td>\n<td width=\"60%\"><select name=\"alive\" size=\"2\">\n<option value=\"1\" selected=\"selected\">Alive</option>\n<option value=\"0\">Dead</option>\n</select></td>\n</tr>\n";
	echo "<tr><td></td><td><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search!\" /></td></tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";
	echo "</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
	echo "<br /><br />\n";
	echo "<fieldset>\n";
	echo "<legend><b>Attack a player</b></legend>\n";
	echo "<form method=\"get\" action=\"battle.php?act=attack\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"attack\" />\n";
	echo "Username:   <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" /><br />\n";
	echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Battle!\" />\n";
	echo "</form>\n";


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Well thats why im asking on here...


im wanting to scrap, vitality and agility and add Speed and defense... then change the forumla so its =


$Speed = (person with most speed hits first) (if both players have equal $speed, player with highest $total attacks first).

$Defense = ($Strength - $defence = HP hit), if 0 or minus then hits Random number (1 - 10).

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firstly - i didnt get any code from any public forums, programs etc.


Secondly - unless you are a mod or admin, dont tell me where to post and not to post.


lastly - your comment was of no help to me, if you cant help me with (my question) ten dont post.


first, people are free to tell you where to post and where not to post, especially if they're correct. mods aren't omnipotent.


second, an attitude like this will get you no help whatsoever.

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Seany I suggest you turn your attitude down a little. The PHP Help board is not for scripts to be made for you. This includes modifications of any kind to an existing script not made by you. These requested should be posted in the Freelancing forum.


The Freelancing board does not require you to pay anyone for the work to be done, you can however offer free advertising for them or something in favour of the work they carried out for you -- his is called being grateful.


Also do not demand someone to do something for you. Apply some sort of effort in trying to do what you're trying to archive. If you don't put forward any form of effort then don't expect many positive replies.


If I was modifying an existing script then I would at least try to get in touch with the original author of the script. After all they will know how the script works than some random person on the net.

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firstly - i didnt get any code from any public forums, programs etc.


Secondly - unless you are a mod or admin, dont tell me where to post and not to post.


lastly - your comment was of no help to me, if you cant help me with (my question) ten dont post.


first, people are free to tell you where to post and where not to post, especially if they're correct.  mods aren't omnipotent.


second, an attitude like this will get you no help whatsoever.


tru dat yo </badgrammar>


Anyway, wildteen is right here.  Nobody wants to help you with an attitude like that.  That's like someone posting here with a brand new copy of phpBB and saying "Someone want to "help" me do xxx, xxx, xxx, and xxx?".  To the Freelance board, and beyond!  *Buzz Lightyear-esque blast off*

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/*          ezRPG script                                */

/*        Written by Zeggy                            */

/*  http://code.google.com/p/ezrpg              */

/*    http://www.bbgamezone.com/              */



First of all, I saw this ---^ in your script.  Obviously you didn't write the script yourself.  So I suggested you to go the the author or wherever this script originated from and ask them for help.  Looks to me you didn't even attempt to code your own game. 


Second, typical help in these forums are for odds and ends not to write a whole game.  The Freelance section is probably more suitable for this kind of request.


Third, everyone else is right, the attitude you brought here is going to get you no where.  The reason everyone is on these forums is to help or get help, so just relax and count to 10.



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