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MVC as a choice?!


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Iam a bit of newbie to OOP and absolute newbie to design patterns. Was asked to build

a slightly complex application (preferably using OO PHP) but without the use of frameworks, data abstraction

classes etc. After browsing a bit in this forum, it seems like designing the app in MVC pattern is a good idea, although I understand the MVC tutorial in phpit only very vaguely.

ATM, I have made the database schema and also the HTML pages with the forms.  Where do I proceed from here?.

Is MVC suitable for beginners like me?.



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Not for beginners. I would not recommend tring to implement this if you are not using an existing framework.

This statement makes no sense:

(preferably using OO PHP) but without the use of frameworks, data abstraction, classes etc

OOP is all about data abstraction, classes, objects, inheritence, etc


Guessing your skillset you maybe better sticking with a procedural approach.

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Not for beginners. I would not recommend tring to implement this if you are not using an existing framework.

This statement makes no sense:

(preferably using OO PHP) but without the use of frameworks, data abstraction, classes etc

OOP is all about data abstraction, classes, objects, inheritence, etc


Guessing your skillset you maybe better sticking with a procedural approach.


Thanks for your reply. By frameworks, data abstraction, classes i meant i wont be allowed to use (install)

external frameworks such as cakephp,symphony etc. By data abstraction or classes I meant stuff like mysqlext,PDo etc. I would rephrase that by - I was asked to code that application using ONLY php as OO programming tool.

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please pardon my ignorance. They might want to sell this app is a product, in that case, i can use frameworks like cakephp  to develop it?.

Depends, most of the framework i think are under MIT/BSD style licenses which does allow you to sell the app without much restriction but some of the framework use other libraries like symfony uses phpmailer which is under the LGPL license which you are still able to use in commercial applications but they do have more restriction and requirements to follow the license.  Most PHP Frameworks are licensed under open source and use other open source code however you need to make sure you follow the licenses of all the libraries in the framework.  The only open source license that is seems you would want to stay away from is GPL because with the license you MUST release the source code of your application.


DISCLAIMER: I Am Not A Laywer and this is just my understanding of the open source license which may or may not be correct.

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