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Display *multiple* quotes randomly


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I came across the following php code to display a random quote (that I have modified only slightly).  How can I modify it to accept a variable to determine how many quotes to display without duplication?


$quote[] = 'blah blah blah html code';

$quote[] = 'blah blah blah more html code';

$quote[] = 'blah blah blah some other html code';


srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);

$random_number = rand(0,count($quote)-1);


echo ($quote[$random_number]);

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I am trying genericnumber1's solution, but I cannot get it to actually print anything.  In the html, I have:


<?php @include("includes/testimonials.php"); ?>


When I removed the @ I did not have any errors, so I put it back in.  I notice there is no echo statement, so I tried adding one.  My html file is www.foxhilldesign.com/test.php and the script, obviously, is at www.foxhilldesign.com/includes/testimonials.php.  What am I missing?

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You need to add an echo statement, however you want to handle the display... the simplest would be something like


$numQuotes = 2;
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah html code';
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah more html code';
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah some other html code';
$randQuotes = array_slice($quotes, 0, $numQuotes); // Returns 2 random of the three quotes in array form.
echo implode('<br />', $randQuotes);


This prints both lines with a

<br />

between them. If you have them formatted already, you could just do


echo implode('', $randQuotes);

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That works exactly like what I wanted.  I've never seen the array_slice() or implode() functions before, but they look like two I should become familiar with.  This is awesome...Thanks!


You need to add an echo statement, however you want to handle the display... the simplest would be something like


$numQuotes = 2;
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah html code';
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah more html code';
$quotes[] = 'blah blah blah some other html code';
$randQuotes = array_slice($quotes, 0, $numQuotes); // Returns 2 random of the three quotes in array form.
echo implode('', $randQuotes);


This prints both lines with a

<br />

between them. If you have them formatted already, you could just do


echo implode('', $randQuotes);

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