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Give me some critique! :)


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I did this site quite a while ago (it's an eCommerce site for selling car parts.) I'm wanting to update it to make it as user-friendly as possible as well as change (or add) anything that could make it more attractive.


Most of the site is run off my a MySQL database using PHP (the rest is just html/css.)


Basically, give me the harshest critique you can.




Thank you!

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First thing that annoyed me was that when you move your mouse over one of the products in the specials, the image gets underlined as well as the text.


Newsletters are good, and some people like them. But a lot of people are now using RSS Feeds, I would recommend incorporating a feed into your site, as well as the newsletter.


Perhaps make a user registration area as well as login. I didn't venture too far with your cart, but I didn't notice any place to login/register. If a user could login/register then they could keep track of orders as well as save items in their cart for later.


The design is okay, but it's favored to that one color of green. The front page is a bit boring as well. You need to highlight important parts, like the specials. Make things you want people to notice, noticeable. :)


Other then that, I like where its going.


Oh, another thing. Validate your XHTML. The more compliant it is, the better. Some of those errors will go when you specify the xmlns attribute. But otherwise you need to get in the habit of self closing tags.

Instead of



<br />

And so on.

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It's nice that you made it from scratch, but it still looks like a pretty standard osCommerce installation.

Okay, can you "critique" it?


OK, basically I think it looks fine, although I don't like the flash banner. Firstly, I think it lacks contrast, and secondly the flicker that it produces is really distracting while trying to view the contents of the page. Flicker is bad in terms of accessibility but I was just annoyed.

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Yes, I agree the flicker of you flash is annoying.  Every time you click a link the flash flickers but it looks nice.  I like how you kept it simple so customers can find what they want without having to sift through all kinds of shit.  I would suggest adding in some featured items, or special offers.  I also noticed on the top navigation you only have a link for "Home".  You should add some more commonly used links in for easy navigation.  But overall it looks good.

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Thanks everyone!


I'm going to be removing the flash banner, and just have the banner load randomly from a few different choices.


I've also created a new design for how I post the news in the middle so it looks a bit more professional. I'll also maybe move the 'Information' links so they're easier to see.


If there's anything else, please let me know!

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1. the site does not validate. Validation should be successful before you ever begin style and design.


2. I agree about the Flash mast. Flash is also not accessible for people with disabilities. Accessiblity is something we should all adhere to. It changes the way we construct websites altogether. W3 has a good checklist .. http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505/full-checklist.html


3. The left menu roll-outs should be a darker color that the main content grey, not just the hover-states.


4. Code semantics are important. Your code should be meaningful. I dont see any H (headings) elements anywhere.


5. too bad you're using tables for layout and design  ???


I like the feel of the site. Its nice and clean. You've made good use of spacing.

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Thank you for the help!


By popular demand, the flash banner has now been removed. A banner is loaded randomly when the page is loaded (currently from two different choices - more will be added.)


I'll work on everyone elses comments ASAP.


If you have ANY more, please post them!

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