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Setting Register Globals To On With GoDaddy Hosting


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I am a newbie. I am trying to turn my register global setting to on. I created a php.ini file with the code "register_globals on". I uploaded the file and it did not change anything. I also created a .htaccess file and tried that way but that didn't work either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, here is the php info url if that can help solve the problem: http://www.onesmartdollar.com/phpinfo.php


Thanks in advance.


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Don't turn register_globals on. Register_globals were turned off six years ago because of the huge security hole they caused (a hacker can set session variables in your script simply by putting GET parameters on the end of the URL when he requests pages on your site.) No code written after 2002 should have relied on register_globals. Register_globals have been completely removed in upcoming php6.


Spend your time fixing your script so that it references the correct program/post/get/cookie/session variables instead of expecting register_globals to magically populate them from each other.

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In addition to fixing program/post/get/cookie/session variables, any use of session_register(), session_is_registered() and session_unregister() needs to be converted to use $_SESSION, as those three functions don't work unless register globals are on and those three functions are removed in php6.


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So How can I restart the webserver?

(simple answer)

You can't.

(bit more complex)

You can't, only GoDaddy (or whome ever you host is) can. They won't though because while it is restarting all of the sites on it will be down.... that would be costly. Also, likely, your host has the .ini setting COMPLETELY BLOCKED BECAUSE IT IS RETARDED TO USE GLOBALS.


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Now I'm not sure what to do. Why would the use globals if it is a security risk.? The URL is http://www.onesmartdollar.com it is a pyramid scheme type of thing. I asked godaddy how to turn globals on and they seaid to use a php.ini file, which I did but it does not work. I just want to turn it on the the site is functional, i'm not sure what security risks I have to be worried about.

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Don't turn register_globals on. Register_globals were turned off six years ago because of the huge security hole they caused (a hacker can set session variables in your script simply by putting GET parameters on the end of the URL when he requests pages on your site.)


That is the security issue

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