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Weird Copyright Legal Question


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I'm sure some of you have come across this problem before.  Someone blatantly stole some pictures (of houses, the person about whom I'm talking is a builder) and some layout stuff from a site I put some effort into (although I didn't make it as far as graphics go.  The person from whom the stuff was stolen isn't very happy, and he wants to pursue it.  My question is, how does one go about proving that someone stole content?  I mean obviously if we say something to him about it, he will just remove the content.


Is there even a way to chase this, or is it pointless?






Hrmm just found this http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2006/04/11/finding-stolen-content-and-copyright-infringements/ .



Seems to explain it pretty well.

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well im not a lawyer or anything but from what  i know.


unless you have some sort of proof the pictures were yours,


Memory card with images, Negative, things along those lines prooving this will be nearly impossible.

Although if he removes the content from the site from a simple email saying he stole them that would actually help as a sort of proof by reason of guilt on his behalf by removing said images..


just screen shot the use of them on his site (make sure Domain name is clearly readible on all screen shots)


uhmm im sure others can help more so ill end here

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Well technically right now there isn't a way.  You're about in the same boat as Microsoft vs Apple back in the 80s with the "We stole it first" syndrome.....in the eyes of a judge.  And since you're in that predicament, if you really wanted to pursue it, you would need to somehow...I'm not the best resource on this, but get legal documentation of a copyright to that image or images. (before he/she does)..the "thief"


THEN...you can go forward with your legal actions and raise the stakes on the hand and so forth.


Once you get everything legal though, you would have to contact him about it regardless, just to get a response to show to someone.  If he takes the image off then there is no point in legal action, but if you get a response that's like

!&$%#@ you, this my image m@#f!K@r!!!


well, yeah


EDIT: it's not so much proving their yours right now...it's making sure that he doesn't have a copyright onG them......AND if he doesn't then by god....put one on the yourself NOW.  How?  I don't know....Ask Jeeves.  I prefer Google though

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Well technically right now there isn't a way.  You're about in the same boat as Microsoft vs Apple back in the 80s with the "We stole it first" syndrome.....in the eyes of a judge.  And since you're in that predicament, if you really wanted to pursue it, you would need to somehow...I'm not the best resource on this, but get legal documentation of a copyright to that image or images. (before he/she does)..the "thief"


THEN...you can go forward with your legal actions and raise the stakes on the hand and so forth.


Once you get everything legal though, you would have to contact him about it regardless, just to get a response to show to someone.  If he takes the image off then there is no point in legal action, but if you get a response that's like

!&$%#@ you, this my image m@#f!K@r!!!


well, yeah


EDIT: it's not so much proving their yours right now...it's making sure that he doesn't have a copyright onG them......AND if he doesn't then by god....put one on the yourself NOW.   How?  I don't know....Ask Jeeves.  I prefer Google though






Also, I don't personally see legal action being taken.  The guy was mainly just curious.  I do figure someone will eventually send a fun email though.  I expect the bad-site (for lack of a better term) to remove the image upon contact, but ya never know, so I figured I would ask.



I was really just hoping someone would have some idea on how to prove it was there if we did ever pursue it, and he removed it and claimed we made it up.





"just screen shot the use of them on his site (make sure Domain name is clearly readible on all screen shots) "



You've never faked a screen shot before?  You've missed out on life.  Takes 3 seconds ;p.

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