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[SOLVED] some site is crashing my server, but which one?


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okay, here's how I did it. I rebooted the server, and while it was happy and fresh, I turned off apache and scanned all the logs from today by hand.


I still wonder if there's a quick command to easily figure something like this out...

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Its certainly not easy to find out which site causes an issue.


Some things which can help:

have each site as a vhost. I.E.:



and have each vhost logging to seperate access logs.


Things I run and monitor:

webalizer for each vhost

I have mod_status enabled: http://www.debuntu.org/apache-activity-performance-mod_status

I have munin logging and creating graphs of apache. See: http://muninexchange.projects.linpro.no/?search&cid=1&pid=3&phid=123


Even still its quite difficult to track down what script may be affecting the performance of a server.


If anyone has any other tips and tricks to monitor or graph which scripts are using up a lot of resources, I would be very interested to hear.



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