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How much?


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I've been working on a social network for the past few months. PHP/MySQL. Thousands of lines of code are involved. All queries exist inside classes only. Although each page does contain a little bit of procedural programming. Good thing is that everything works the way I had intended it to work. Plus, queries on each page have been and are being kept to a minimum. The site itself wasn't built with a specific theme in mind. So all one would really have to do is change the logo and maybe some of the intro text. A half an hours work at the moment.


What I'm asking is; how much do you think my script is (or could be) worth? I'm calling it a script because I haven't launched it yet. You can see the last version (i.e not the newest) on http://mytestserver.net78.net Of course the newest version on my own computer is a lot more polished, and a few of the bugs have been fixed. It's security has also been proven by Acunetix Web Scanner and SQL Inject me. I'm looking for opinions on how much this custom script could be worth?

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You're asking developers who would come around to the same question as the one you're asking.


But as usual I would recommend you charge for it based on what your time is worth.  If you put X hours into it, and feel you're worth $75/hr, then Cost=X*$75.  Also, do you want to sell licenses to it and sell multiple copies, or sell all the rights to it at once?  That would affect the cost too (to me at least).

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Of course, in order to keep up with demands of users, you have to take from what users consider the best:


MySpace, Facebook, Youtube, Bebo, etc....


However, I have a job postings section, a section that allows you to post anon questions, a buy and sell section etc.


If I were to sell this script to multiple people, at the price you listed below, WITHOUT a link and/or copyright, would that be feasible to people? I plan to keep it as a script that I can sell to people, with them knowing that once they pay me for it, they don't have to keep a link on the footer etc, like other social networking scripts.


Also, it only takes a few seconds to set the entire social network up. As I have a setup script.

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If you sold it without any sort of copyright limitations then they could turn around and sell copies themselves.  You need at least something to stop that.  Also, most people don't mind the links in the footer (to my knowledge).  There's nothing wrong with acknowledging those who made the product that the buyer saw worthy enough to pay for.

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There's a reason why the software industry is focusing on services rather than products.  It's just too easy to obtain and use your product without paying for it, and too hard to keep people from doing so. 


but that's not the issue at hand...


how easy is it to customize for the end user?  that would affect my decisions greatly...i dont want to have to see your default template, i want it my way...


i have looked at another social networking site program and it was a pain for me to edit...granted, i didnt know nearly as much as i do now regarding php...but still, kind of a pain...


that program cost $400 or so.....


what you should do is look at other social networking programs available and compare...


your program | theirs


setup script  | none


etc.  that helps a lot for me when pricing work...


also, dont sell your rights unless absolutly sure of it...  license.  you shouldnt be able to charge as much ($400 instead of $4000), but you can resell your product...potentially making you more in the long run. 

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Well firstly I'm going to launch the social network myself. It's nearly finished, albeit for the addition of a few small features and a few small bug fixes that are on the end of my to do list. I've optimised a lot of my queries and am currently sifting through the rest, making sure that what I wrote when trying to achieve the basic functionality of the system are not only working; but performing well. When it's in a condition to be launched, I plan to further improve the system. Obviously, small bugs that I didn't find when testing (and having other people test it) might pop up while it's live. After a few months of ironing out the kinks and making changes based on user responses (i.e. making it easier to use), I plan to template it with smarty (still musing over this). The goal is to create a good solid social networking system that is easy to use, has some pretty cool features and is good on resources. Kind of like the SMF of social networks.

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