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[SOLVED] Database design questions!


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Hey guys I have a few questions about designing a database for a website I am making.


The website is like any website in that is has user accounts and people can log in and gain access to other areas of the site, yadi yadi ya.


My question lies in that on my site users can create "trucks" (it's a website dedicated to hobby trucks). Each truck consists of some information but more importantly it consists of pictures!


But I don't know how many pictures! And each picture in the users "photo gallery" can have comments attached to it by other users. Comments that need to include information like who posted it, when, and their comment.


At first I was just using a single database for the trucks and each truck contained a column called "Pics" and I just used explode() to extract all the pictures off a single line.


However now I am not sure what is my best solution for implementing the comments? Do I need to create a whole seperate database for each truck created that simply contains that truck's comments? IE database: truck_gallery_53_comments


Or can I some how incorporate the comments into the truck database structure itself? Or do I have a giant database for ALL the comments on all pictures and then when a pictures if viewed I pull all matching comments?


I hope this makes sense!



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I would have a table called trucks. Then store all information in that table such as images comments etc. And most importantly save the User ID from the users table as the Foreign key in this table.


Then you will have everyones trucks in one table but still be able to related them back to each individual.



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if the site is getting big then your better having more tables early on. So you would have a table for comments a table for trucks and a table for users. Can each truck have more than one user/owner? If so you could even consider having different tables for different types of trucks.


Read up about normalization in google.


heres a good start



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Nope each truck has 1 owner. And Yes i think i'm gonna go with the multiple tables in one database! Thanks man.


You kind of have to have more than 1 table in a database or it's going be impossible for you to pull out information.  You should really google a good design example and maybe implement it into yours.

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Maq > I'm not sure what you mean? Here is my current design:


MySite (main database for the whole site)

---> Users (table for all accounts)

---> Trucks (table for all the created trucks)

---> Images (table for all the images associated with the trucks)

---> Image_Comments (table for all comments associated with each image).


Does that sound about right?


Fenway > Sorry!!!!! Is this topic called normalization or w/e?

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Please read normalization.


You said:


And Yes i think i'm gonna go with the multiple tables in one database!


which implies that you are only using 1 or were thinking about only using 1 table.  I was telling you that in order for you to have a high level of normalization you need to have more than 1 table in your situation.

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Ok I read a few of those normalization topics but I'm a bit confused as to how they'll help me with my database/tables....


Do I somehow need to link my user account with my image and comment tables? Right now I just use Primary Keys for each value in each table and each image has a field "AccountID" and "CommentID", and transversly the comment table has a "ImageID", and "AccountID" column.


Is this correct?

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I'd have thought a hierarchy like this


user                truck                image                  comment

----------          ----------            -------------          --------------

userID    ----+      truckID    ----+    imageID      ---+      commentID

username      |      truckdata      |    imagepath      |      comment

etc          +----< userID        +---< truckID        +----<  imageID


              +------------------------------------------------<  comment_by


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Barand > That is basically exactly how I have my tables setup!!! So how should I be querying the database? Should I be joining tables or doing that normalization stuff? Or am I good just to query the database with good ole "select * from <table> where <clause>"?

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So joining is basically a way of keeping each table a little bit trimmer and less bulky by not having redudant fields?  Instead you sort of link tables togeather using joins?


What's a better way to query the table other then select * when you don't need a join?

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